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Everything posted by KickChick

  1. Taezee... What is your current routine consist of?? In order to modify it, maybe you just need to bring it up a notch or involve just some cross training. Of course, I'm a firm believer in the advantages of cardio kickboxing since I teach it but I also weight lift, run and swim (all things that I enjoy doing!) Deby
  2. Larger "people" (there are women on this board too!) will have the advantage as far as having more mass at their disposal. However, more is not better as the minimum to get the job done is more efficient than trying to bring everything you have. At the beginning of our training, we all tend to use too much of everything. As we get better, we use just enough to get the 'job' done, whatever that may be. Using the 'more is better' approach can be taken advantage of by someone who can manipulate everything in excess of what is really needed. ...at least that is how I see it! Deby
  3. This just happens to be my area of interest (ex radio dj)as I mix most of my own music for my kickbox classes and demosat our school. Mortal Kombat is yes, an old standard, but depending on what type of demo you are doing there is a vast array of music to accompany just about anything re: sparring, breaks/kicks, forms/hyungs etc. My favs: "MachineHead" -Bush, "Welcome to the Jungle" Guns & Roses, "Twilight Zone" theme, "Mission Impossible" theme, "Miserlou" from Pulp Fiction, "Shaolin Temple" WuTangClan...lots instrumental stuff works well (Trance/Electronic)...check out new "Tomb Raider" soundtrack. Go to a music search engine and plug in words...Kick/Fight/Break/Karate and you'll find lots of song titles to choose from, or if you have a MP3 file sharing program (WinMX, Audiogalaxy, Morpheus)you can search there and listen to the music. If you have any questions about music email me I'd be happy to help you out! Deby
  4. We are also feeling the heat this week and I have noticed a drop in my class attendance but it is important to drink water before, during and after your workouts. If you workout longer than 90 min. nutrients other than water get depleted and then drinking a gatorade will restore those nutrients to healthy levels. Also be conscious of your heart rate. Determine your THR (target heart rate) from a monitor or chart and always be aware of how you feel when you exercise. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, stop immediately and rest. ...kepp room temp to 70-72 deg. C. The instructor in the class before mine works out with the ac at 60 and this really is unhealthy for the muscles. Cold temperatures increase the stress placed on soft tissues by reducing their range of motion and flexibility. So drink alot and keep it comfy! ...coldfront coming thru the northeast today! Peace, Deby
  5. OK...well I tried. I'll get it to you Patrick and you post. Deby
  6. nope..guess not! My "red X" is bigger than that! But at least I got my yellow belt!...yippee! Deby This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 10, 2001 3:56pm This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 10, 2001 3:58pm
  7. It's KickChick! _________________ If there is a righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character,beauty in the character, there will be harmony in thehome. Harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.When there is order in the nation, there will be peace on earth. This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 10, 2001 3:42pm This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 10, 2001 3:44pm
  8. Willing...but not able! Somehow I look like a small red X when I upload it! Help ! Peace, Deby _________________ If there is a righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character,beauty in the character, there will be harmony in thehome. Harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.When there is order in the nation, there will be peace on earth. This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 10, 2001 7:04am
  9. ...actually don't mind sparring the guys but, thanks for the offer! Peace, Deby
  10. DarkMonkey... just a word of advice about Kaazaa. I got a virus attached to a file downloaded from there. You don;t even know it is attached! It went into my quarantine file in my virus scan thank god! It was a trojan horse..Love Letter type (Kazaa.dat) BEWARE!! Peace, Deby
  11. I have been reading all the threads on this posting and agree with many of you regarding belt grading. I am so glad to be part of this forum because as of late I have been questioning my continuance at our school and even with my martial art. I worked extemely hard to pursue my black belt. 10 years of training (making time for having a baby in between). That black belt goal is made real by making it "concrete" after all we are a visual lot, and just seeing our efforts is not enough for some of us. IMO you truly do not know how good you are unless you go to tournament. Measuring yourself up to others in your class is one thing, form another dojo is another. In my division when I did go to tournament it was the women 35 and over division. there were tournaments I did enter where all I needed to do was register, pay the fee and walk off with the trophy....no competion for me. Now does that make me a winner? But there were a couple that were a good experience for me and showed me where I needed to train harder. I now enjoy judging tournaments. We have a total of active Black Belts, including children of about 35. When our school started about 15 years ago, a black belt was a rare commodity. Now it is an every month occurence. At our school,on average, a Tae Kwon Do student will be promoted every 4 months up to Brown Belt. At Brown Belt level, promotion on average is 6 to 8 months. The following minimum requirements apply. 1. Knowledge of required material up to current belt level. 2. Steady attendance. 3. Must have no more than 5 lessons remaining on lesson count at the beginning of the month of promotion. A pre-test is given only to those students who have met requirements #2 and #3, but are not able to fully demonstrate #1. Ability to demonstrate techniques correctly at their current belt level is mandatory. Areas of weakness are identified during pre-test and recommendations are made. Eligibility for promotion is determined by a satisfactory pre-test. Master reserves the right to have final say for promotion eligibility. When I tested (fee 500.00 mind you!), I had to perform all requirements. All my breaks were done on first shot ...now we wait and wait until the break is finally done! the school makes exceptions for those who showed they tried, if they're over 50 and going for black or if they are under 16. If they are under 16 then they should be given jr. black belt status and when they turn 16 retest with the same requirements as an adult black belt. I think we are too afraid to step on anyone's toes by telling them they just weren't good enough! Children even adults would rather drop out than work harder. When our school first opened, Master failed one person at test (not black belt).... and that was my son, he never returned. It has been the school's practice never to fail a student. Is it because of self esteem or profit? Peace, Deby _________________ If there is a righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character,beauty in the character, there will be harmony in thehome. Harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.When there is order in the nation, there will be peace on earth. This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 10, 2001 5:19am This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 10, 2001 5:20am
  12. I learned a valuable lesson at the last party I had! Don't drink tequila while sitting in a hot tub! nuff said!@! Peace, Deby
  13. I love "Whose line...." also and was real anxious to have see The Wayne Brady show last night but unfortunately missed it! If anyone saw it ...How was it??? Sort of enjoy watching My Wife & Kids (pretty funny Wayans comedy). I do like Trauma Canter...love watching stuff like that....missed my calling as an MD! Like ER too!....some real cuties on there....began watching cos' of Clooney Watch Jackass with my son now and then...real rude! Peace, Deby
  14. I just love those little sandwiches.....hmm, what are they called???? * * * * OREOS, & a big tall glass of milk! yes, I do unscrew and lick em' Happy dunking! Deby
  15. Try audiogalaxy.com and currently I use Morpheus and WinMX but I am finding Morpheus faster. There is also bearshare.com too. I had a site that listed a whole bunch...email me if you're interested and I'll send. I mix my own cd's on my computer for my kickbox class (I hate those pre-fab ones you can buy without the original artists) so I take full advantage of acquiring music online! Peace, Deby
  16. Like the topic! In my 20's I worked as a radio DJ doing the overnights...strictly heavy metal and early mornings I would do a classical show for a neighboring station. WOW! Something huh? I think because of my experience on radio I can appreciate all forms of music...not rap though, that genre scares me. Hey rushman...I'm going to see Buddy Guy in 2 weeks with BB King, John Hiatt and Tommy Castro. This past weekend went to the Ozzfest here in the east. Saw Lynrd Skynrd, Black Crowes and Oasis too over summer. When I teach my classes I use progressive trance like Paul Oakenfold, Gus Gus, Apollo 440 and Paul Van Dyk. Gets those kicks high! Peace and happy listening! Deby
  17. Purpose being to break boards???!!!! And that would be ...to demonstrate form and concentration. The true nature of karate involves a complete mental and physical discipline. Proper training causes your skin to develop calluses, your muscles to strengthen , and your bones to thicken. Plus its pretty cool ....quite the rush. I got lots of ideas from earlier posts for breaks. Black Belts at our school do a demo for the kids and we try to outdo each other and I am looking for something to do for next month. The flying side kick break through the ring of fire didn't work so.... Peace, Deby
  18. Our school teaches the older hyungs/ITF forms also- Chon-gi...to Tong-Il. The 24 patterns represent 24 hours, one day, or eternity. The name of the pattern, the number of movements, and the diagrammatic symbol of each pattern symbolizes either heroic figures in Korean history or instances relating to historical events. We did Palgwe forms for some time (because of TKD entering the Olympics) but no one from our school was seriously considering that route so we abolished them. (i didn't very much care for them). Peace, Deb
  19. Well, I did ask you all what you thought. Thank you, I usually never get what I ask for! We can end this here now...I will now devote all future posting to "real" martial arts. Listen guys..Really I am not trying to be defensive....and if I relax more than I am now well, It is words used like "tae bo", "silly", "dancing"...and Patrick let's face it Billy dances or in his words " I jam to the beat as I shuffle my feet, are y'all with me?" Okay, I guess I do get a little defensive cos' I really do think this is a great program...(again check it out "cardioKarate" at http://www.napma.com) Yes, self defense is MORE than hitting bags. I agree 100% (Oh, and to solve the prob of leaks and tipping over of wavemasters, you use sand and rubberized threads on carpet. I'm sure thaiboxerken could knock them over but, then again my class is made up of folks that don't really want formalized martial arts training but enjoy kicking & punching the $&*# out on the bags, like I said a release of aggression and a great workout. Muay I will post my school's website shortly once they get it back online and you will see how wrong you are about "those kind of schools". All of our instructors are black belts although I do agree that there are many fitness instr. out there in the gyms that offer this "kickbox workout" under the guise that they know what they're doing cos' they went to a workshop taught by someone who held a belt in martial arts. Thanks Tommy Bee - you're right on target with your posts ('cept the part about me sparring, I spar 4 nights a week besides teaching)...I'm a little hi-strung sorry if I sounded like a complete jerk! I am fun to spar with tho'! Please bear in mind I 1st dan in TKD (soon 2nd!)...12 years currently studying Aikido (no belt grade) You guys are the best! Peace, Deb "A woman does not practice martial arts so that she can fight like a man. She does so in order to be free to be a woman."
  20. ...no not a chick...heehee I would definitely be a cat. They have an easy life...sleep,eat,sleep,eat, purr, lick, 'cept maybe coughing up hairballs now and then. yuk! Attitude, graceful, the ability to jump great heights, ...... oh, then I woke up! Peace, Deb
  21. Ok... First thing : 1) I DO NOT teach TAEBO-style. I teach strictlyTKD kicking & punching on wavemasters w/ hands wrapped into 16 oz. gloves. 2) I do not "grapevine" "shuffle hop step" or "do-si-do". I do power round house kicks, switch kicks, front & side kicks...jab/hook/uppercuts among other moves...to the beat of heavy metal/trance music...awesome sweaty workout. 3) I have alot of men who take my class ...(and it's not because I wear a thong & spandex...cos' I don't) ...it's because it is a real tae kwon do/boxing style of instruction that I teach. I would indeed say that it is effective self defense. Many of the women in my class have developed real kickass side kicks ...(we women do possess a higher degree of lower body strength re: the legs) and now know how to throw a straight punch (before class I saw some real sissy punching!) Wish I could bring you all to a class.....!!! Peace, Deb
  22. yeah, I suppose it is, If you're going to be exercising anyway, why not have the added benefit of self-defense training at the same time? But, since there is the added self-defense benefit that comes as a by-product of the program, it also improves self-esteem and channels aggressiveness. Many of our Black Belts take one or two classes a week in order to work on their cardiovascular endurance for sparring and /or tournament. I think this functional aerobics is acquiring more and more people entering into formal martial arts training...(those who can handle the discipline involved that is). Peace, Deb
  23. beep, beep, beep....backing-up rushman ...I agree! Only 1st Dan in TKD...but ya gotta get a look at my legs! WOO HOO!!! Peace, Deb
  24. Thanks Patrick! ...and No I don't mind you calling me Deb or Deby...(better than Ma'am) I have had my Black Belt for a couple years now...but thanks for the congrats!...it's worth being congratulated again!...I celebrated in true Black Belt style and the days following are quite the blur! ...oh, and a Yankee fan too??? Cool! Peace, Deb
  25. hmmm...I'm 42 but no one ever guesses. I'm in great shape physically but more importantly...mentally. " Grow Old, Don't Just Become It ! Peace, Deb
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