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Everything posted by BladeLee

  1. Welcome back
  2. Welcome to the forum! i hope you enjoy it
  3. I feel exactly the same way leaf that is how i throw them, im just seeing if thats how the majority of you guys throw em as well. thanks!
  4. Ok, this is kinda of hard to xplain but just curious how you guys throw your side kicks. Say your in a right fighting stance, on guard stance..whatever, and your throwing the side kick from the front leg. Do you chamber your leg near your hip and throw it out, or do you bring it back further like towards the back of your ribs then execute the technique? or do you do it a different way then both of them if you dont understand this then i really dont blame ya lol, im having trouble xplainign what i want to say thanks
  5. What is everyones favorite training techinique? Whether it be for speed, techinique, cardio, power, whatever just curious! When i say training technique i mean when you train at home, not in class. Examples could be rounds on the heavy bag for cardio/power...jumping rope for coordination/cardio... Polymetrics for speed/cardio
  6. Well, like everyone else is saying, blackbelts do come in all various ways, but i do believe they should be physically fit and able to defend themselves. I mean, when you obtain a blackbelt you should have mastered all the basic techniques and self defenses. But nowadays there are alot of so called blackbelts out there that give us dedicated and deteremined blackbelts a bad name. There will always be people like this though. Perhaps your friend, or acquantice as you said, just had a bad sensei. I know we have one around where i live, certiainly no tthe one i train under but i had a friend that trained under him and he was just out for your money. I personally know someone who got there blackbelt in just a few months because they had a large wallets lets say Don't let it get to ya though, when you talk to a blackbelt, you will probably instatly be able to tell if he/she is real or not. Btw, yes i am a blackbelt in tkd forgot to mention that haha
  7. Welcome to the forums!
  8. Welcome Fionn
  9. Better late then never welcome to the site!
  10. Hello Hope you enjoy the forums and I hope we can help you out with any questions you may have
  11. Hello Hope you enjoy the forums and I hope we can help you out with any questions you may have
  12. Well it all depends on the day, monday/wedn/thur/fri i train(lift actually) at 4pm, and speed training on tue/thur/sunday around 8-10pm. Any other type of training is more random so *shrug*
  13. alright well im back and the self defenses went pretty good actually. Out of 5 i believe 2 1st 3 2nd and 1 3rd. But unfortunatly, my black belt fight didn't go so well heh. I have been training for strength so much lately, that i have cut back on cardio(and ultimately speed training) to gain a bit of fat to help in muscle growth. Anyhow, i deserved the loss and it was a bit of an awakening, i see the loss as helping me to analyze myself and deteremine what i need to work on. So back to more speed training for me ill use alot of my old techniques/regimines i guess, and if anyone wants to suggest any themselves, then thank you! (btw this if for all types of speed- i.e. footwork, alteration, blah blah) Thanks again guys!!!!!
  14. yep =\ its 6 different self defenses totally. We had a prior blackbelt that could do these things great, he would go over them once and would know them perfectly within a week, even if he had 10 to do. But...im not him and i have alot of trouble doing this =\. Anyhow, i dont have a choice though lol, i wish they would use other people instead of just me, that would be a great idea but =\ oh well. Anyhow ill tell you guys how this thing goes on monday. and thanks for the replies!
  15. Ok i posted this in the General section as well, but perhaps i should have posted here first since this is the "sports" section Alright, this is a rather odd topic but, it is getting me very nervous so i figured maybe i could get some insight here. Ok, i have a tournament this sunday and along with kumite, i have to do self-defense, not only for myself, but 6 other people. I have 5 days to learn their self-defense, and they are between 6-10 techniques each. To some this maybe easy, but i just have trouble remembering them all. I have been in this situation before, and had 2 weeks to remember them, and i went over them for 45 minutes 5 days a week, but I still messed up the day the tournament came. Only 2 of these self-defenses are in a black-belt division, but that really doesnt mean much i guess . Anyhow, maybe someone else has been in this situation and knows what do to or how to remember em. I'm getting to frustrated and tense about this, and i dont get like that about many things so =\. Anyhow thanks alot
  16. Alright, this is a rather odd topic but, it is getting me very nervous so i figured maybe i could get some insight here. Ok, i have a tournament this sunday and along with kumite, i have to do self-defense, not only for myself, but 6 other people. I have 5 days to learn their self-defense, and they are between 6-10 techniques each. To some this maybe easy, but i just have trouble remembering them all. I have been in this situation before, and had 2 weeks to remember them, and i went over them for 45 minutes 5 days a week, but I still messed up the day the tournament came. Only 2 of these self-defenses are in a black-belt division, but that really doesnt mean much i guess . Anyhow, maybe someone else has been in this situation and knows what do to or how to remember em. I'm getting to frustrated and tense about this, and i dont get like that about many things so =\. Anyhow thanks alot
  17. thanks for all the input, i think most of you kinda understand my situation. The thing is though, its not that the person that is tensing me up is just now "blossoming" or anything like that. He is just as good now, as he was 2 years ago. It's just 1 bad day, lead into a bad week. And now that is leading into a bad month...and its killing me =\. I believe i need mental clarity, but i just can't obtain it. I don't know how anymore. I try to relax and stay focused and clear my mind...i try not to just know this, but to apply it. But that doesnt always work, and i have been trying some new things, and some new techniques b/c i do agree with that thing about people learning how i fight and what techniques i like to throw and everything. So it is good to change things up once in a while. Well, we don't have class on monday b/c of labors day..so ill get back to you guys after the next time i spar him and tell you how it goes. Any more suggestions are still appreciated thanks.
  18. Ok, im getting very frusturated about this subject, so i figured i would ask you guys here for help =\. I'm VERY into maritial arts, and I plan to make fighting and the MA my future. Anyhow, when we used to spar, i was always VERY good(TKD point sparring here, even though i dont really like point sparring lol), my side kicks always stuck, my reverse punches landed, my focus was great..u name it. But recently, even though i have improved in some areas, it seems like overall im not doing as well. ESPECIALLY againts 1 student, the only one that may be better then me actually. Anyhow, now I get nervous, tense, and even intimidated by the thought of losing when i fight him. My actions/reactions are slowed, everything is horrible. Needless to say he beats me almost every time now. I believe this is all mental, i KNOW i am just there to learn, not win, and i KNOW i shouldnt worry about getting tense and i just need to relax. I should keep my mind empty so that my freedom in action is not obstructed like it is. BUT, i just can't do it. NO matter how much i tell my self "JUST DO IT" , i just lack attitude. THat i suppose is another main problem i have...i simply lack attitude =(, anyhow, thanks for reading this, and any help would be great! i just can't stand this anymore....if everything else in my life was going horrible(which is pretty much is right now).. i can live aslong as tkd/fighting is going good...but when that starts to go downhill...i just can't take it.
  19. Welcome to the forums Justb [color=red][/color]
  20. Welcome!
  21. Hello, and welcome!
  22. Welcome to the forums!
  23. Welcome, hope you feel at home here
  24. I have a few uniforms for TKD, and i am fine with them. The only complaint i have, is sometimes when i am kicking, the pants get stuck to my leg due to sweat =).
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