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Everything posted by BladeLee

  1. good job keep up the good work and like everyone else said, post your achievments on here
  2. You tell em Kickchick seriously though, it is hard to ask if "tae kwon do will be good for a street fight", because what is tae kwon do to you? I mean there are many different styles of tae kwon do, and most instructors teach there students different things. While alot of the instructors out there may teach inpractical self-defense techniques, and alot of high flashy kicks, and never really prepare you for a street fight, this is certainly not what all instructors do. I know that everybody probably see's their own school as the 'truth', and the 'right way', but i can honestly say that the way that i was taught tae kwon do, is not inpractical. Most people seem to have this stereotype of taekwondo now adays, that taekwondo is strictly a sport and won't help you with fighting much at all, and this is completely untrue. blahhhhhh thanks for listening haha....by the way, this post wasn't toward anyone inparticular.
  3. Thanks even though it is hard to learn without an experienced partner, ill keep trying ive been successful all my other submissions so far with just alot of training so who knows wish me luck heh. if you guys know of any more sites with good pics/video downloads of these submissions then thanks alot the ones i use alot are bbjfighter.com fighttraining.com bjj.org if u know of any others please post em thanks a ton!!!!!
  4. Thanks for all the responses Ill have alot of time to practice tomorrow. Once again thanks everyone for the information!!!!!
  5. Well thats the thing i kinda teach myself other arts. I take from them the essence that makes for their effectivness. I do study TKD with an instructor but everything else i learn on my own. I read up on things, download how to's, videos...i have a few friends that train elsewhere and i train with them and learn from them. I have my ways but sometimes i get stuck in a little rut like this and thats where u guys come in hehe And im not worried about putting too much on the knee/leg, i can't get any pressure on em. thanks
  6. blah forgot to ask this. Does it matter when you are looking? i wouldn't think so, but, i like to get every detail right here to eliminate any failure that shouldn't be there thanks
  7. Good sites Kensai, but they don't say much about the ki tricks like unbendable arm. Also i had trouble signing up to their forum so =\. But with determination and believing, im sure ill get it sooner or later. Ill post back later
  8. Thanks again for the response Kensai. One thing is remember i don't study aikido, i study tae kwon do so im kinda trying to teach myself this, so it is a bit difficult. The only thing i was worried about is that when im concentrating, and he is trying to bend my arm, he does it with so much ease, there is no resisitance on his part. I'm hoping this will just build up as you said, so ill get back to you next week and practice as much as i can from now till then, which won't be a whole lot, but atleast a few days a week. Ok thanks alot! any extra information is greatly appreciated
  9. Ok i'm having a bit of a problem with ankle/leg submissions. I'm pretty good with wrist locks head locks arm bars..everything other then the leg stuff. I've downloaded alot of videos and how-to's, but i just can't get them to work. My opponents say it hurts a little, but no where near tapping pain. So maybe you guys can help me out here, put in your 2-cents thanks
  10. So I should focus on my one point as well as my arm being a firehose or whatever works for me as well? Blah, focusing on 2 things heh.. also.. I just tried this, and to say the leasts, had no success at all. I didn't expect to get it right on my first time, but im posting anyhow to see if i made any mistakes. First i kept my arm stiff and rigid and had someone bend it. He did it kinda easy. Next i concentrated on my arm being like a full powered fire hose, being unbendable. After concentrated for like 10 seconds on this, i had him try to bend my arm. He bent it with ease. I tried a couple times, and so did he, and each time it was just as easy. also i dont know if this matters but we tried this right after lifting for an hour..im not sure if that would matter but OK thanks a ton for all the help guys, im determined to learn this and improve my mind/body connection. so thanks again kensai and everyone else that has helped me out here.
  11. Ok then so you would want your eyes open correct? that way it kinda stresses concentration on another object rather then your arm and the person trying to bend it.
  12. heh, ok i guess that is what i was getting at. I shouldn't feel the need to resist at all b/c the resistance feels like nothing. Thanks a ton. When i get a chance to practice these techniques a bit(within the next couple days) ill post back on here with what happened..thanks
  13. also, does it matter if you are concentrating with your eyes closed or open? any other tips/suggestions are good as well as a place i can download videos of this thanks a ton!!!!!!
  14. When practicing the aikido technique, unbendable arm, the one thing im confused about is this. When your arm is relaxed and you are putting all your concentration into visualizing your arm extending a long way to do something...and someone is trying to bend your arm at the same time, should u also be concentrating on resisting the bend? I'm trying not to think too far into this but it seems like if i dont think about resisting at all, then my arm will bend. But i do completely believe in the mind/body conection and everything...just curious about that simple aspect. Thanks
  15. Aren't you the lucky one
  16. I agree XpOiSoN FrEeX , there should be no inbetween grades, but i guess that is just our opinion =p
  17. These stories are great Keep posting them becuase i love reading them! thanks guys.
  18. I used to have the same problem. Solution: I stopped running as much and just did othe cardio/explosive exercises.
  19. *sigh* I really wanted to watch that fight too =\. Well good job for Tito i guess, one hell of a guy but in my opinion his attitude doesnt help him out any .
  20. Thanks for the site i love ebay lol
  21. Welcome to the forums shootfighter
  22. I want a mobile phone i feel so deprived
  23. Ok, this is the way I am taught taekwondo, so this doesnt apply for Taekwondo in general Strong Points: Lots of Breakfalling, effective, lots of striking, parrying, bobbing,weaving, ki development. Learn to apply fast, strong kicks. Overall good body conditioning, practical(for the most part ). Simply simple hehe, not that hard to learn the basics. Weak Points: NO grappling Sometimes in self-defense, we tend to work the left side alot more then the right lol, Takes a while to be very efficient.
  24. I think I understand heh thanks for the replies. I as well throw them both ways depending on the circumstances, but I wasnt sure if leaning back really gave you any more power. Even when i stand erect i still torque my hips Anyhow, thanks alot guys
  25. More opinions on technique here When you throw a lead leg sidekick, do you bend your upper body backward, or keep it erect? Just curious how you guys do it, ive seen it done many different ways If you do bend back, about how far lol? thanks
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