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Everything posted by BladeLee

  1. You will need to build everything. When you punch, your tricep is your agonist muscle and your bicep becomes your antagonist muscle. Your antagonist muscle will act as a brake against your agonist muscle to prevent injury, so lets say you triceps would allow you to punch 30mph(totally made up numbers), but your biceps could only brake your arm at 20mph, well then your only going to punch at 20mph. The same goes with the hams/quads abs/erectors and so on. Every muscle group is used in some way with the basic kicks and punches, so work everything!!
  2. Sorry stoneskin, somehow I must have overlooked that part of your post. Anyhow, my apologizies...although I don't think I said anything offending.
  3. Weight training all the way..... if done properly. For martial arts I would recommend things like dynamic effort lifts and olympic lifts added into everyones routine.
  4. I believe strength training is a great asset to MA. You need to train many areas of strength though, such as reactive strength, explosive strength, starting strength, static strength and so on. As a MA'ist myself I would prefer doing something known as WSB(westside barbell) training and plyometrics for overall force production. F = M*A
  5. First off I would like to say that whoever thinks 8% bodyfat is unhealthy is crazy. 8% isn't bad at all, hell even 6% is alright if your eating properly and you KNOW what your doing. I weight 168 and im at about 8-9% bodyfat, and I feel great. I have absolutely too much energy, and I eat properly everyday. I do not deprive myself of carbs in anyway, infact i get about 500grams+ a day, and about 280g of protein, 80g fat. You just need to know what is right for you. Stoneskin - Why were you on a NO carb diet? That is completely unhealthy to begin with. What you want to eat if your trying to diet is alot of Protein, alot of EFA's, and as for carbs, they are fine, just make sure they are low GI and try not to get many carbs a few hours before you are going to sleep.
  6. Just put one leg on the chair while you are standing, then jump the other one up.
  7. ??? ???
  8. Since i dont know the exact conversion right now , could you post your height in inches and weight in lbs? And as far as losing weight, read up on how to diet..infact its not even really dieting, i can't explain it though . Add some cardio a couple days a week, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. Stop drinking pop, drink water. Cut back on all the saturated fat and when you do take in fat(which you need), try to make it monounsaturated or polyunsaturated so you get your omega 3's and junk. Figure out how many calories you need each day, and make them come from about 40%carbs(complex)/40%protein/20%fat. Well there are a few tips, hope they help.
  9. I agree to show no emotion most of the time. Just stay Relaxed, confident, determined and ready
  10. haha ya i wish i could man. Well things arent going great yet, but ill get back to you guys when i figure this out.
  11. Thanks for the help guys. I wasn't saying MA stresses me out though, it does just the opposite, just this whole tournament situation right now. Ok, i guess ill have to talk to him. Thanks again
  12. Ok, I have a tournament coming up soon and not only am I the Men's blackbelt competitor, but I also help in doing most peoples Self Defense. But I have a problem, I have been VERY stressed lately with family problems, friends, school, and life in general... I am low on time right now, and don't really have the money for this tournament. I want to tell me Sensei this, but I know he will be infuriated with me, and I'm not sure what to do. I honestly don't think I CAN do this though, I just can't take any more stress right now, and I don't even like going to these things really, im not a point fighter, and everyone expects me to win. Anyhow, I thought I would come to you guys for advice. What shall i do?
  13. Well i never had any experiences with that, and even though i am VERY confident in myself, taking on 15 people???? I dont know, even if they never had any training except for a few street fights, thats 30 hands coming your way at a time Then again, if they were kindergarden kids like kirves said, then i guess i might fare well
  14. Yes i agree with you guys, I didn't mean to ask this question so I could go and train just that part of my legs or anything. I know that the core is the main focus, and that all muscles contribute to the speed and power, but i was just curious if 1 muscle group inparticular took precedence over the others thats all thanks
  15. Ok, besides your abs and lower back , im curious as to what muscle groups contribute to giving certain kicks power. Lets say for the side kick, roundkick, hook kick, and.. crescent kicks, and spinning back kicks lol What i mean is, i would think that for the roundkick, the power comes from the quads mostly, and pulling the kick back is your hamstrings mostly. alright thanks guys.
  16. I used to take an ephendrine product, xenadrine, and im about to take it again but the only problem that i really had, was dry mouth! and during class, this was horrible lol. They have come out with an ephedrine free xenadrine, but im sure its not as potent.
  17. I don't know of any special techiniques to help him learn, but just have him practice it for a while. That's how i teach people. Very few people actually get it the first few times they try it, but after practicing for a month or so they have it done great, just by attempting to do it. Show them how its done and let them figure out the rest i guess
  18. thanks for the additional sites
  19. As most of the other educated MA's said The hook punch certianly has its uses. It's great in combo techniques and if you stun them first with a jab or whatever, then what better to follow up with? Like every technique, the hook has its advantages and disadvantages, you just need to learn when to throw it.
  20. still no good i know it will take me a while to learn though *sigh*, i dont get too frustrated but still ..blah lol. Anyhow i gotta go now so ill reply later thanks again
  21. and 1 more thing caffineking, are you saying that by thinking externally, you should still think about your arm, but you should think about it extending all the way across the room or whatever, instead of thinking about someone bending it?
  22. thanks Kickchick ive been to that site though and have read everything on it, but i still need a video or ..something for the unbendable arm thing anyhow ill practice alot today and post in a few hours. thanks
  23. hello
  24. Btw, does anyone have a picture or video, or know a site where i can see this being done?
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