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Everything posted by BladeLee

  1. I agree with Cross about the sidekick being second fastest only to the front kick. Maybe not for everyone, but for me it is. And as a few people have said, its rather hard to say what the most effective kicks would be in a streetfight. It all depends on the situation, whats open, how many opponents, all that good stuff. But, I would also agree if i had to pick, then the main 3 kicks would be the way to go, and mostly below the chest. I wouldn't be throwing anything fancy unless I was just playing with my opponent.
  2. Yes they do, but i would go with the Captain of Crush strengtheners. They come in 5 different levels and are great for crushing strenght. They can be found at... http://www6.mailordercentral.com/ironmind/ or just https://www.ironmind.com
  3. Yes, definitely possible, albeit very hard...
  4. Not that it matters but... for those of you in the U.S. try ((BW/height in inches) / height in inches) *709 example ((165/68)/68) * 709 = 25.3
  5. Impossible. You can only make your probabilities better. My suggestion: Train karate for hobby and excercise (or switch to Sanshou if you wish to), get a good knife and/or gun for your self-defense, if the area you live requires self-defense ability (Most really don't). Also, I suggest that you try to rise your awareness level about your surroundings to better be able to avoid the harm and possible situations. This is done by simply training to watch around. Nothing is impossible nothing...
  6. I would laugh pretty damn hard if someone tried to do that to me There are countless things you could do in that situation as everyone here has mentioned...infact..almost anything would work It would depend on alot of things though as everyone else has already pointed out too... maybe how much this guy weighed or how tall he was, has he been drinking lol? How close is he etc... I think an axe kick to his traps would be a funny way to drop him...then proceed to a mount
  7. "Now im not being egotiscal or anything, but I can pretty much kick anyones * 1v1, and to be honest im pretty confident fighting much more than that. Of coarse your not " I know it sounded arrogant, and I didn't mean it like that. And I dont mean any of you guys, but im talking mostly about your regular street fighters, your punks, your people who try to act hardcore and THINK they can fight. I really in no way meant to sound cocky or anything, but I just was blunt about what I was trying to get across. "b) you sound really young, maybe take a few years and mellow out? " I guess I am rather young, 18. I've been in MA for 5 years, lifting for 3, but have been into the whole thing training on/off my whole life. Delta1 -- Great post, thanks alot for that information. That helps alot and im going to pring that out and read that every morning, and apply it . "
  8. If this was sticked somewhere and I missed it i apologize. Im looking to buy some new books pertaining to: Dim-mak and meridians Kickboxing Judo Mind/body So far im looking at "Inside the Lions Den" "Fighting stragegies of the Muay Thai" "The encylopedia of Dim-Mak" Anyone have any suggestions or comments? Any help is greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance!
  9. I agree with you Tibby. Free weights is the way to go. Rarely does the time come when i need a machine.
  10. What is the best book you guys have ever read about focusing/channeling Chi, and/or meditating? Just curious, im thinking of picking up a new one.
  11. "The dumping of adrenaline into the system is natures way of "pumping you up" for a stressful situation. " True, but in any other situation the adrenaline helps me out, gives me a good boost And i know adrenaline can either work with you, or against you. I know its working against me in this case and im not sure why and ive already described everything so ill refrain from doing that again
  12. Explosive leg power? Easy, squat Just like you said. Imagine weighing 150lbs, and being able to squat 200..you have 50lbs left in your reserve... now imagine weighing 150 and being able to squat 550... there is much more biomechanics to it lol, but just an example. Squat, use CAT training, spring, hit all the muscle fibers and focus more on fast twitch. Don't neglect anything
  13. Sounds good to me kle1n. I have alot of fighting experience, but not like, street fighting. Aside from sparring in class, I do have this thing called 'fight night' where me and alot of friends get together like twice a year and pretty much beat the hell out of each other, either boxing sparring or grappling. But besides that, i dont have the real experience and thast what i need. Now just to reinforce what i said before..im not looking for a fight...im not an *, but at the same time why should i always walk away? Especially if someone touches me aggresively. Now maybe purposely putting myself in these situations is wrong, but why? If it is with these druggies, these assholes, these abusers, and just myself, then what is the problem? All im saying is i'm not going to walk away from THOSE people next time, people like that need taught a lesson anyhow. I'm completely for walking away most of the time and not starting fights, but there is a time and place for everything. I MUST get rid of this feeling.. In the mean time, im going to start real fight training like once a week again too. Just me a a random friend out of a few, who pretty much try out techiniques full force and go at it a bit. Thats about as friendly for real combat as i think i can get to solve my problem.
  14. I agree completely with what you guys are saying. I know to walk away, and I do everytime...BUT, i want to know that when i do need it, my adrenaline wont freeze me up. Like I said, im not trying to start any fights, im not arrogant or egotistcal at all, and im a very easy going guy. But nonetheless, fighting is my life and I just need to know that when/if the real thing happens, the adrenaline won't screw me up. Which..is why i come here, to you guys
  15. Yes my school does spar with hard contact... well more like intermediate contact. Anytime that I start to get that 'bad' adrenaline feeling, I try to relax myself, but to no avail. Sometimes avoiding fights isn't practical, such as last night was pretty much impossible, but somehow I managed. And to be honest, I WANTED to fight, these guys were assholes, druggies, and just needed dropped. I would have too if it wasn't for that damn adrenaline rush thing. About getting mad, maybe thats another problem because I never get mad. Things just don't get to me..except when it comes to this. The only thing I could think of myself, was to put myself in these situations more often, because i HAVE to overcome this. I'm not saying go and start fights, but just don't let these assholes walk away next time. If I just didn't get any adrenaline rush i would be fine lol, but this really inhibits my skills. It feels as though I can't even walk. And like i said, i KNOW i can win, I don't mind pain..so what is the problem? Why am I nervous(if thats what it is)??? I've been trying to figure out how to overcome this for a long time, and its time to ask you guys for help. Thanks again
  16. Alright, training and fighting are my life. I'm more serious about training than anything else in the world. All of my friends always talk me up when we are at parties and stuff, and when strangers are around this always causes controversy. Such as tonight... Some kids from another school were at this party, to make a long story short one of them tried to start a fight with me. Now im not being egotiscal or anything, but I can pretty much kick anyones * 1v1, and to be honest im pretty confident fighting much more than that. BUT..here is where the problem is..and a big problem at that. When the time comes, and i get my adrenaline pumping...it doesn't work for me, it works against me. I'm not really afraid at all or anything, I know my ability and like pain anyhow, so i dont see what the problem is. I start to shake a bit, and know that i've lost a good bit of my fighting potential because of this. My actions will be a bit slowed and such. Anyhow, I need to find out why this is happening, and how to get rid of it, or even better, have my adrenaline work for me. If i left out anything, just ask. Thanks for any positive comments.
  17. i agree with psychoassasin ... if someone did that to me, i would step back and laugh first b/c after seeing that display, my confidence would be higher than it normally is.
  18. LOL, impossible unless your tall? Size has nothing to do with your vertical jump and speed, which is the 2 things that are needed if you were trying to throw as many kicks as you could in mid-air.
  19. Because everyone has their own fighting style. There is an effective counter for anything you could think of, and a counter for that counter etc. Your idea works for some people, and not for others. Look at everything, see what makes it effective, and apply that for yourself.
  20. BladeLee


    Yes they should let you compete, and continous sparring is like this... its point sparring and you go a certain length(usually about 1-2 mins), whoever scores the most points wins . Points are different with each federation though.
  21. actually that is not true at all. When benching, you SHOULD keep your elbows tucked in to recruit your triceps as much as possible, and only let them flare out a tad when you have gone past your sticking point. Thats enough though, I don't feel like getting into the whole form of benching
  22. It definitly does not reduce power. When you stretch a muscle, your agonist and antagonist muscles will create less friction, which means more speed. Ultimately, more speed will equal more power.
  23. Hey, just as every dog has their day, eveyr dog has their off day too . Stick it out and come back that much harder. Consider it a test or something, and learn from it.
  24. "Such as not eating certian types of vegetables or meats together" Hm, im curious about this now. I don't see any benifit in doing something like that. If anyone has any information on this I would like to see it.
  25. Confidence doesn't kill, infact its a great asset. There is nothing that will push you more than believing in yourself. However, I believe it is arogance that kills.... or corrupts rather
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