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Everything posted by shaolinprincess

  1. I totally agree, comeing from a smaill dojo.
  2. I have a question for anyone who has tips. I will be traveling alot these next two weeks. Requireing alot of sitting. Now I know that there was an American reporter who died because of a problem deep in his leg, a vein or artery. I was wondering what movements could be done while sitting to keep good flow. If anyone has any, please respond. Thanks
  3. I was 15. It took my friend a year to convince me into going, I am fine with when I started, because I have advanced well.
  4. My avatar is a pic of the grand master of my style.
  5. Six months might be long enough to be broken down to the point where you wouldn't be sure what to do. I think it would take longer than six months to build off of your "breaking down", learning self control, then to be able to properlly defend your self in a street fight.
  6. Our gi's have little strings that tie to the other side side so that even while sparring, or gis stay relatively shut. The belt, after being worn for a while stays tied longer, the new stiff belts come easily undone. So, maybe our gi's ar different with the strings, or you belt is too easily undo-able?
  7. I agree. The moves that you know, and are able to use in defense must be just second nature to you. It must be in your mind and you can use it without much thinking about it. All as long it is in self defense.
  8. A thing that I have heard about gis is that if the grand master of your system dies, you place the right side of your gi on the top. Opposite of how you normally wear it, I am not sure if you wear your belt or not, I can not remember.
  9. Do people in here know what dihydrogen monoxide does to your health? If you know what dihydrogen monoxide is don't reply. But if you think dihydrogen monoxide might be bad for your health let me know what you think it is. No fair looking it up.
  10. Do you think four punds in four years is alot?Even if you are thin? I would love to loose for pounds a week for one month....
  11. Well, by the sound of it I should go see a doctor. I had my first period oct.2000, haven't had one since, I am 16. I don't think that is right...
  12. How is one to know for sure if they have appendicitis? I recently have been having nausea, then a pain in my lower right abdomen area. I would like to know if there are other possibilities that this could be. Maybe an infection? I don't know. I may go see the doctor, if the pain continues.
  13. yeah!!!!!
  14. Pink Floyd, Jars of Clay, NO Doubt, then I am going on tour in europe next summer...
  15. 5'5'', I can about 100lbs
  16. 5'10'', is definetly not short....for 14 too!
  17. Welcome
  18. cool, bringing old ones back....
  19. I am a christian, my teacher is a christian, my friend in it with me is a christian, we do not go to the same churches, but believe the same things. I have told myself not to mix them, and I don't. I even wake up to go to karate before church on sundays. I amaze myself, but then I clean up and go on to church. My pastor likes to hear my stories when I come in with a black eye, and my (christian) friends think its funny I fight with guys...alot like 360roundhouse
  20. My friend got me interested. It turned out I had a real nack for it. The self defence comes in handy, cause I have seen a ki!!ing, in my little town...its not like I am gonna sit around not knowing how to defend my self.
  21. In our school, it is a self motivational thing. We kiai in our kata, and on 5 and 10 when we are counting.
  22. I have, am, doing a diet like that one. We exersize every day with cardio every other day. We eat 5 meals a day. It is really quite simple, but being as youing as I am, I needed a break. THe food is good, but basicly I don't know how to cook all the differnt things they suggest, so I ended up eating the same thing for two weeks, tomorow I will go back to the strickter portion of the diet. Its great, I lost 7lbs in two weeks.
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