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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Hello, Being from the northern subs .. Shoreview, Roseville, Little Canada, i'm not sure if these would be in your area or not: http://www.songmookwan.com/natfsite/index.html They teach Hapkido here three times a week, but i'm not sure if it's a belt program or just techniques. Interesting place. Grand Master Ro is the son of Supreme Grand Master Byung Jick Ro - one of the original founding Kwan members of Tae Kwon do. http://www.songmookwan.com/songsite/songhist.html I'm sure you've heard of this place: https://www.mnkali.com Positively top notch training, Rick Faye is a direct student of Dan Insanto. Actually Mr. Insanto has a seminar coming there in Feb. and just had one in Sept. Nice place, laid back, not your average Dojang. Hapkido is not taught here, but it's a hell of place anyway. Just as a footnote and edit, According to the website Rick Faye's JKD instructorship is under Paul Vanuk. Otherwise you may be able to find Premier Karate on the web. But, i believe they're in Andover. From Minnetonka that's gotta off the beaten path though. If i'm not mistaken they base off of Combat Hapkido. Minnesota does not have many Hapkido options. Regards
  2. Hello tufrthanu, I assume you were at the Hapkido school in St. Paul off St. Clair ? I was thinking of checking it out. I saw on their website they were only showing day classes, is that correct ? How much do they charge ? If you wouldn't mind. And yes, I'm from Mn. Too
  3. I hate to say it and dont blow it off too quickly, but Tae Bo is a helluva workout for cardio. I'm considering getting back into class soon and i've been doing Tae Bo for a while now to get into decent shape. It's a solid hour and even the participants on the tape are about ready to barf.
  4. Actually you may find a benefit in learning the style completely. The application is driven out the technique. If forms are a part of the belt grading take the time to learn why the forms are the way they are. The forms are a simulated situational practice, trust me, i'm not a big fan of forms, but after seeing the application of the techniques that are driven out of the forms, i'm learning to appreciate them a bit more.
  5. I would recommend this DVD if you would like to purchase a bit of instruction. http://www.turtlepress.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=56 Sang Kim puts out some really good stuff.
  6. If it tried to pass itself off as any sort of self defense, absolutely. Otherwise the workout itself is an absolute ball buster.
  7. It would seem to me that - that would be the for a short vs tall person. Being about 6'1" i've sparred a number of smaller opponents - some guys maybe like 5'2" 5'3" - it's different. For me anyway and i suppose it's not universal but i've found smaller opponents to be real quick and harder to catch which puts you at a serious disadvantage if you are reaching like another poster said.
  8. Borrowed my sisters Taebo tapes and have pronounced the workout a winner. I was actually impressed The tapes begin with instructional type stuff, punches, hook, cross, jab - kicks front, back, side, round and it just goes from there. Very much like warm up and the beginning of TKD class - i think TKD was a bit harder but this was a very effective workout. I can see why lots of people have good things to say about it.
  9. Broken wrist in sparring. I wish there was a dramatic story to go along with it, but dammit i slipped and fell. Trying to do a real quick right leg round kick and my leg must've been moving a bit to quick for my body and i went down on my wrist. First broken bone ever ( I'm 38 ) and hopefully the last. It still bothers me almost a year and half later.
  10. Great article.
  11. Yeah .. that's what my thoughts were also. Thanks
  12. Ok everyone, Has anyone ever tried the Taebo workouts ? Shame on me, but i haven't been to TKD for a while, but i thought since a friend tried this and gave it up that i might check out the tapes and give it a whirl. From what i remember seeing on TV it really does look like a good workout ? Thoughts ?
  13. I agree with kk1975 sparring blackbelts is always fun. The ones that i've gone up against have always been more than willing to assist or answer any questions. It's always fun when you land something they weren't expecting either and catch them off guard
  14. Normally i would think that's funny - but YUCK ! ( no pun intended ) So would I. I bet !
  15. I cant help you with anything close to Minnetonka, but if you want to train with a Grandmaster, check this school out: http://www.songmookwan.com/natfsite/index.html Song Moo Kwan is one of the original founding Kwans of Tae Kwon Do. Grand Master Ro is Supreme Grand Master Ro's son. The founder of Song Moo Kwan. Grand Master Ro still teaches at the school and offers classes in Hapkido three times a week. A little more info about him: http://www.songmookwan.com/songsite/songhist.html Here's another place you may want to check. A nationally reknowned martial arts school in Minnesota of all places. The real deal. http://www.mnkali.com/html/about_arts.php Sorry no Hapkido though.
  16. Hi Ken, Great article ! ybiC
  17. I dont think you offended anyone I dont believe it's a real well known art. Regardless of what anyone says, for me, the only to give anything a fair shake it to check it out personally. Regards
  18. Guitar ? Whats that I've been playing for almost 25 years. God !! I'm getting old. I have an American Tele and play through three amps - each depending on the mood i'm in. A Peavey Classis 30 .. a 1946 Gibson BR6 and a 1964 Fender Princeton ( Fender Electric Pre CBS ) I play mostly blues .. hence the name. Wanna go to a great discussion forum for all things musical ? Lots more than just Fender: http://www.fenderforum.com/forum.html
  19. Not sure if your program could support this or not - but received a flyer in the mail for after school TKD. 75.00 per week includes lessons, transportation, a few other small things i cant think of. If i can make it work, i may give it a whirl for my son. I thought this was an outstanding idea. Not sure how many days though, i would suspect a few, i haven't contacted the school yet. By the way Thank God - i'm home during the day with my kids, i'll start training again when school starts
  20. Sounds like a good place. I was going to sign up but I don't have a paid for email addie Really ? I dont even remember what email i used when i registered. I maybe used my work one. There's always lot of browsing to do, it's a cool place. If possible check out the games area, old arcade type stuff, asteriods, space invaders, pong .. lots of fun. The Fender forum is great !! It's amazing how deep into this stuff people are. There's another for amp freaks called firebottle.com - that one is just as busy, huge place.
  21. I know the Palgwe's do not end in the same spot, i'm also fairly positive the TaeGueks end in the same spot. Here's a great reference for the forms if you need one. http://www.fisks.com/tkd/tkd_poomse.html
  22. I post in a few others.. For guitar and amp people this one is great.. http://www.fenderforum.com/forum.html For Religious doctrine, Theology and lots of arguments.. http://www.christianforums.com A huge place ..normally 275-350 people online..almost a million total posts.
  23. Here's a good link for you Vash .. everything you ever wanted to learn about Tae-kwon-do from beginner basics, all the Taeguek and Palgwe forms, Kicking, sparring, pretty much everything. They are all very well done as i have a few of the DVD's. http://www.turtlepress.com/default.htm
  24. Hi Vash, Here's a link to the Palgwe and Taeguek forms. Each one is printable and a very good reference. http://www.fisks.com/tkd/tkd_poomse.html Here's a link to the USTU page ( United States Taekwondo Union ) which is the governing body for the WTF in America. As Taekwondo was the name formed under the coming together of about 10 different kwans .. schools of Korean martial arts .. There are many different associations that instruct in the art of TKD. http://members.aol.com/ustccolospgs/USTCStudentGuide.htm Good Luck !! There's lots to learn.
  25. I looked in your profile thugtkd - what am i missing ? Your already a 4th Dan and your only 20 ? Or your not 20 ? Bows respectfully..just curious.
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