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Everything posted by Symphony-x

  1. As I said, sport karate [or yes, freestyle] points sparring. And bushido, I do this type of sparring as well as light contact and full contact kickboxing 'continous' sparring
  2. http://www.last.fm/user/symphony-x
  3. *hides in shame* i got 70%, but only cause im on the net for college 9/10 for in class and research.
  4. get someone with jab pads and after you punch get them to move the pad over your head, so you have to like hook, then duck. jab cross, duck. etc. also, for bobbing etc, stand infront of a mirror, and just look to see what would look most distracting/best against an oppenent, and work on those movements
  5. practice moving. you cant win a fight from just blocking punches and kicks, but moving away from them
  6. Tuesday night [i know, im a bit late ^^] We started straight off doing sparring slowly as a warm up, getting movements going and perfecting slow kicking. we did a few rounds of that before we started going 'full pace' after the sparring we did drills. each drill lastest 3 minutes: marine star jumps, running squats, lunges, tricep dips and then 300 sit ups
  7. kicking tip: you don't need to be flexible to kick high, with the correct high movements kicking will become easy
  8. not in the UFC, but you do get women fighting in different MMA events
  9. i wish i could stretch that far back
  10. I wear long trousers when doing mine because... well, actually, i have no idea, i'd prefer to wear shorts
  11. http://bebo.com/FlashBox.jsp?FlashBoxId=3619076028&PageNbr=1
  12. Well, Simple, post your instant messenger address and stuff... mine: MSN: pie_890@hotmail.com
  13. That's funny; my wife wants to do the same thing to our kitchen. How much is that little project costing you, if you don't mind me asking? alot erm... the floor itself is a bomb cause its made of granite. no idea how much.
  14. well, my mum and dad are currently extending the kitching and utility room. so far the garage has been renovated into a office and utility room. the old utility room wall has been knocked down and the kitchen size now extended. just getting the finishing touches finished
  15. when having a drink at training, sip dont gulp
  16. Your results: You are SupermanSuperman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90% Spider-Man -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90% Green Lantern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90% The Flash -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85% Robin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75% Iron Man -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70% Supergirl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62% Wonder Woman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62% Catwoman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55% Hulk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50% Batman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25%
  17. i never understand discussions like these. you cant determine what will happen in a situation. it all depends on the situation wherther you should or shouldn't punch first, i dont believe you can say prior to the incident something like 'oh i'd never hit first'
  18. i pulled my... groi [tries to think of proper name for it] and it always niggles now and then. also was in a car crash where i nearly died a month ago, but came out with bumps and bruises... anyway, its gave me a really sore back
  19. work with medicine balls for strength training instead of just weights
  20. currently i go to training 5 days a week: 3 is kickboxing/karate and 2 is boxing
  21. always do sparring training for double the ammount of rounds you will be doing
  22. yeah, as i said, he wasnt too great/sloppy. i'll try and get better footage of him
  23. well usually he kicks more than he does punch as for experience, he was the scottish champion for a long time, and goes to most events, so pretty experienced
  24. then tend to hurt when doing exercises, as if im kicking higher than im capable of at this time
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