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Everything posted by straightblast

  1. I have wore mine for years, so they are not heavy to me. I take long walks wearing my steel toes.
  2. I wear steel toe shoes for work, front snap kick to shin/knee/groin would hurt. Regards
  3. Escrima should cover everything, long/medium/short stick, dagger/knife and empty hand.
  4. If your interested in a JKD approach to trapping and clinch work, look up Paul Vunak on youtube. Regards
  5. Not my top pics but fun to watch was: Big trouble in litte China TMNT lethal weapon, the one with Jet Li They call me Bruce Last Dragon Kung fu hustle American Ninja
  6. Paintball, skyrim, minecraft
  7. $85 month, 4x a week for 1.5 hour classes for FMA When I did Shotokan $15 month 3 days a week.
  8. I like that you are seeking your own truth.
  9. With the evolution of MMA how effective is the guard compared to 15 years ago when you were fairly safe in that position. I see more fighters stay inside someones guard and smash the bottom person.
  10. Since i get to make up the rules on my part, I spray them in the face with my wasp/hornet spray, then get out.
  11. No, its like saying all you do is Kata so that means you can fight. Pilots get hands on flying time with qualified instructors, you can not simulate real tactile feel. I play UFC on xbox 360 a fight simulator so im good in real life? I for sure would not fly with a pilot who only had flight simulator training, wont make it off the ground. Nothing wrong with learning techniques on your own but you need a least partner to train. Try your best to work on the mechanics of a technique but what I really care about is will it work on a fully resisting opponent?
  12. Full contact escrima body armor, headgear and gloves, sparring rattan sticks. or headgear, gloves and padded sticks. All WEKAF certified.
  13. The two i will never forget is the escrima stick to the groin and the bicycle top tube from when i was a kid.
  14. His style of karate is shotokan so the kick would be called Mae tobi geri. He also explains it in his DVD's but you can see some of his teachings on youtube. Regards
  15. Sorry for bringing up this old post but I'm bored at work. 1. isn't running away, being a track star part of conditioning that can be considered training for multiple attackers? 2. I know a kung fu guy who beat 3 guys and then there is that youtube video of a boxer fending off guys. It depends on how many we are talking about and their skill level. No chance with a mob though.
  16. I am awsome on a flight simulator but can i fly a plane?
  17. I would say first weapon was the empty hand/ fist and teeth/claws. Then would say a stick or rock.
  18. Going to bars and defending yourself from drunk people
  19. To answer your question, Google it. I am sure you can find books, videos and reviews. Regards
  20. Adults or kids, if you drop your rattan stick or knife, 20 pushups. Not paying attention or slow to assemble, whole class does 20.
  21. "an opponent who throws a winding haymaker on wet concrete, slips and stumbles with his backtowards you " Depends on the situation, A RNC or just leave. Maybe something more if its life or death. on Wet cement ur might be limited, if he slipped, you might to.
  22. The low side kick is most effective with shoes or boots on.
  23. I am not a Judo player but I am interested in adopting some throws. What would you consider the top 5 throws worth learning for street applications? Regards
  24. I would like to endorse the Philippine arts as a stand alone art, not just a weapon system. Yes, they start you off with a weapon and you work your way up to empty hand. Doce Pares for example is a multiple system art that covers, stick, knife, empty hand and grappling. Such as the other cultral arts that have threads, I think the Philippine arts need to be represented. Its more than just an add on art and needs to be promoted. Regards
  25. If your not learning to respect people in life or thru martial arts then your just a bad person.
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