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Everything posted by Dobbersky

  1. OSU, just do your best, good luck my friend
  2. Well done my friend, not long now, OSU
  3. Most of us have patches on our 'uniforms' but how many is too much? In many Okinawan Ryu its just the name of the school in Kanji on the left side of the Gi, but as times have come on its like the more the merrier! My school has 2 patches the school patch on the left breast and the Dan grades have the association patch on the bottom right of the left side of th Gi (next to the brand tag). I see some with patches all over the place, reminds me a little of the Scouts etc. Also, when the maker/manufacturer sticks their patches advertisements patches, surely this should make it cheaper as advertising should have a "royalty" payment. What's your take on patches, do you have them, yes or no? Or if you do, how many and why?
  4. And TKD, just quietly. Haha, a little bit, yeah. Mostly in the later years, though I think that wasn't just Sosai making those changes at that point. I understood he and Gen. Choi met at least once, and spoke of TKD, but I never knew he learned some.The Rumors state that General Choi 'tried' to get Sosai to convert to TKD - ITF style, so glad he didn't as I can't agree with the sine wave although I think ITF without the sine wave and replacing it with leg kicks would be an awesome art.
  5. You specify 4 styles on your profile, I suggest that you put couple of them on hold as studying too many arts doesn't give you any "time" to practice what each art has to offer, hence why you got mixed up with the names etc. Note, this is talking from experience, OSU
  6. Agreed, love Bassai Dai and Nijushiho too! If was only allowed 2 traditional kata, it would be these 2 from Shoto-Kan OSU
  7. All these throws and many more are found in karate kata. I love Judo though, should have taken it up instead of the Jujitsu and other styles I spent my years on!
  8. One thing I don't like about Jiu Jitsu Gi's is all the advertising on the Gi. Otherwise excellent Gi's
  9. Interesting Dobok it looks really comfy but would it take hapkido style practice Does it mean that the 2012 Olympics all the Fighter will need to wear this dobok too?
  10. When I grade MY students, I WILL fail them if they don't measure up. I tend to send them away to try again if they mess up again they've failed. But then again I won't put someone in for a grade if they're not going to pass.
  11. Going on from this With regards to Shin Blocks, for those who practice them do you perform it "toes up" or "toes down"? I tend to do a mixture depending on the situation, Its excellent against someone who's never had their kicks checked before lol But then again so are thigh kicks, in open sparring, where they are allowed, it only takes a good 2 or 4 thigh kicks to put the opponent on the floor hehehe
  12. Thigh Kicks, Shin Blocks! What do you use in your Dojo, I find that its Muay Thai, Kyokushin, Ashihara, Enshin and other Knockdown styles as well as Okinawan Ryu are the only ones using these very important techniques. What's you thoughts on them and if you do or don't use them, why or why not
  13. A Polish Horse Dobber is a common name for a horse in the UK Sky is because most Polish names end in Sky or Ski
  14. There have been a few high profile martial artists accused and some convicted of similar events, I personally believe in the innocent until proven guilty and anonymity should be compulsory unless a conviction has been given, as you said several "false" accusations have ruined manycareers as the press etc are happy to front page things like this but they never front page the proven innocent story after!
  15. My Dojo the students pay £7 a week or £25 a month for 2 lessons a week. We are a not for profit school, the gradings are £10 (Dan Tests cover the cost of the room hire, certificate and belt) the Annual insurance is £10 (unless it increases drastically) Can't understand how some schools can charge so much for the same thing AND get away with it!
  16. Its looking like a good thread, I will abstain from answering until a few more replies are added OSU
  17. That is the level of contact we use when sparring as well. Unless it's one of the blackbelts teaching a kid how to spar in their first few lessons of course. Believe it or not, this is predominantly the level that us Knockdown Karateka Spar at too, unless we're in competition or its a specified Full contact sparring, but we never go out to "damage" our training partners. I'm not too sure where I read it but it makes sense - "one should take care of ones training partner as if you damage them, then who will you be able to train with whilst your training partner heals" or something like that
  18. Hi Alex, I would as you suggested, where Gi pants and a T-shirt to begin with would definitely be the best route. Once you been there a few weeks/months maybe with the permission of your new Sensei wear you "old" Gi when your new Gi is in the wash. OSU
  19. Qin Na and San Da/San Shou are awesome arts, thanks for adding this video
  20. Osu, I recommended your Dojo to the original poster but "I'll PM you with the details" Good to see some Okinawan Karateka on the forum, OSU!!
  21. 7th Kyu ho, if its GKR, it doesn't take much to be at the standard for your level. If you were doing Knockdown or K-1 tournaments you would need around 12 weeks of 6 days a week training If its your first tourne, just enjoy it and don't worry about winning so much
  22. Try Yoga or Pilates alongside you Karate 'may' quicken your required results
  23. It takes time my friend and as you get older it starts to reverse too hehehe
  24. I would like to help you, but I've never heard of shiho-empi-uchi. It means "four corners elbow strike", so perhaps it is an elbow striking drill for working a variety of strikes rather than a specific technique? I did a quick search on both YouTube and Google and came up with nothing definitive, so I suspect you will most likely need to ask your instructor what it is (which is always the best course of action, anyway). I'm a little concerned you are being graded without being conversant with YOUR syllabus!
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