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Everything posted by Dobbersky

  1. I think its really important, especially if the schools using the pads its the only time the students get to "hit" something as one then knows how it actually feels. I tend not to use pads that much as I treat the strikes as body conditioning for the Uke, as well as strike practice for the Tori. Hitting a person is totally different to striking a heavy bag or a pad. It's good for long combination sets especially if the Uke is being the Uke for more than just a few minutes OSU
  2. You will remain in our hearts Sensei Joe OSU
  3. TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS. Its one of my pet hates, I can tell if they've not been training so why lie, I ask to confirm what i already know. OSU
  4. I only have 2 points which I consider as ethos etc "true victory is victory over oneself" and encompass the true meaning of "OSU" I'm not too keen on points 4 - Weapons are NOT the be all and end all. Many arts don't do Weapons in their syllabus and not too sure where you're from but Weapons are illegal to carry in the UK. 7 - Weights and Bo staff training, not all martial artists use wieghts etc as part of their training, some use natural tools to keep thier bodies in line with their training, Pilates and Yoga can be more demanding on the body than a weights programme.
  5. totally agree with this can't say any better than this, OSU
  6. Spend a bit more time with them, try it from the floor first and work to their knees then squatting then standing etc. I would have them lie on their back, then slapping the mat in the correct angle. one happy with that have them sit up, and "roll" backwards slapping the gorund etc. Its just confidence
  7. Looks like an excellent book will be soon available, OSU Will you go into the philosophy of what Asian martial arts means to a Western man? Etc
  8. To add to this thread; Which of the 26 official kata listed for Shotokan would encompass everything, including ethics, ethos, techniques, history, lineages etc. Please don't say Heian Series as this is apparent in virtually every style put there in one way shape or form. OSU
  9. I always always rechamber a kick, the XMA multi-kicking fad, looks pretty in films etc but about as useful as a chocolate fireguard in a street situation or in a Knockdown karate competition or cage fight
  10. If I was beginning again I would take up Tai Chi Quan! It's something I can continue into my old age and not have to worry about "retirement" failing that its the addage of go Fo a free lessons route.
  11. Added a few points in bold but I feel that your points ARE important too, OSU[/b]
  12. Excellent Thread, Totally agree, I tend to be at the other end of the spectrum where I listen to comments etc on various things. Although one must take into account those Senior Ranking Instructors who think "How dare that Non-Black belt speak to me except through their instructor, let alone ask me a question on MY style!!!" Evergrey, can you add that to Facebook I want to share it? I will never be an "expert" always a student who's just been practicing a bit longer than others
  13. I was sad that I couldn't watch all the matches that were on being in the UK you could watch individual sports. I enjoyed the Judo, but was saddened that punches were NOT counted even though I thought they landed perfectly
  14. LOL, awesome, what gets me was how many saw the incident but didn't bother to assist. Well done Qui OSU
  15. One statement "Brown Belt" This says it all. The thought of getting to black is messing with his head. I know that there are 98% Brown belts including those on here are perfect examples of how one should be as a senior Mudansha, and I am proud to be associated with them. Then you get the 2% like this guys who wants to take on the world. I wouldn't go against an Alpha Male Chimpanze or Baboon. let alone a Gorilla. Too many films I think
  16. Just Luke In ShotoKai (the Sister of ShotoKan) They have abandoned the Kumite part of their Karate to concentrate on the other part of their Karate including Kata and Ippon Kumite etc to me although my kata is Jissen based kata, I still feel it is part of the heart and soul of what make karate karate
  17. i teach in English and Japanese, sometimes Korean as some of the techniques/Kata/Hyungs are Korean. I agree with everyone here, it is necesary IF you are looking at attending seminars, competeting etc. But if you just wanna do the training within your school then its whatever language the Teacher/Sensei speaks. Japanese Arts speak in Japanese because they are Japanese Korean Arts speak in Korean because theyh are Korean Chinese Arts speak Chinese because they are Chinese Thai Arts speak Thai because they are Thai. Therefore by default European Arts SHOULD speakEuropean because they are European.
  18. All Decided to go this route For All Kyu Grades 9th Kyu - 1 min Shadow Sparring 8th Kyu - 2 min Shadow Sparring 7th Kyu - 3 min Shadow Sparring 6th Kyu - 4 min Shadow Sparring 5th Kyu - 3 x 1 min Fights 4th Kyu - 5 x 1 min Fights 3rd Kyu - 5 x 1.5 min Fights 2nd Kyu - 8 x 1.5 min Fights 1st Kyu - 15 x 1.5 min Fights For All Dan Grades 1st Dan - 20 x 1.5 min Fights 2nd Dan - 25 x 1.5 min Fights 3rd Dan - 30 x 1.5 min Fights
  19. Good thread. And very close to my heart as I am one of those people who "created" my own style and I'm not Asian. I was verbally chastised by many people on forums when I announced it to the world, I even had one senior karate say how dare I mix Wado with another style when I'd only been doing it 5 mins (4 years isn't long enough) I've moved on since then, I don't care what they think as MY students have chosen me to teach them my style over other styles out there. I don't make any false statements . I say this style is the best for me and it will always keep changing and with that I've even said from my students that when they get there too, from their training in this and other arts, if they wanted to add things or change things, as long as they show me the reason etc I'm happy to include it.
  20. Totally agree, for me given a choice Hapkido all the way. Love ITF but hate the Sinewave, like WTF but not too keen on their sparring
  21. OSU, evergrey, you were meant to have that book, its Karma, OSU. Keep it safe my friend and when you do pass the book on they themselves treat it with the same respect, OSU
  22. Totally agree, why do people think that if you do martial arts they have you as their "Minder" (not too sure if they have an American equivalent) but us Brits will remember Arthur Daly and Terrence
  23. IF students were patient and put the time in, 4 gradings (12 months between each grade beginning at White Belt) would suffice between White & Black too Year 1 - Yellow Belt Year 2 - Green Belt Year 3 - Brown Belt Year 4 - Black Belt This wouldn't happen as it would be a very small club and because of the McDOJOS and Belt Factories Students expect a shiny new belt every 12 weeks
  24. SOLID POST!!!
  25. If you want to train for fitness and fun, yeah Chung Do Kwan is a nice art to study. This thread would be more fitting in the Korean Arts Section of the forum though
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