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Everything posted by Dobbersky

  1. Solid post totally agreed I had a student gracefully refuse a grade, and he wanted to retest, even though he had met the minimum requirement to grade,
  2. 3-4 years is a guide, predominately it is around 6 years. If Black belt is your only goal then you loose the cncept of the Art you are training in. When I started, my goal was to teach, to get to be as high as I can get, I hope I live to get my Judan (10th Dan) OSU
  3. http://www.kyokushin.pt/ Have you contacted Kyokushin Portuguese Honbu to confirm your closest Kyokushin Dojo OSU
  4. A stripe belt isn't always just electrical tape, it's common in TKD and related styles to use belts with a proper stripe sewn onto the belt, hence it costs the same as buying a normal belt. Belt fees also aren't just for the belt, it can cover hall hire, breaking material, instructor's time, getting an external examiners in etc. Agreed, Blitz for one do and excellent range of striped belts, but in my experience of the clubs I've visited its electrical tape. I use the Blitz striped belts for my Junior grades from 2nd (Kyu) brown upto Junior 2nd Dan (they test as 16 for adult 1st Dan)
  5. Pass on my regards to your friend. Resepctfully as I know your instructor had a specific criteria for grading students. And i am not there to judge what happens in other Styles/Dojos etc. I have a different criteria and in my Dojo I would never Jump Students at the higher grades. For me, doing the technques aren't enough, its about how one perceives each teachnique and how one "feels" inside that are moer important This student is actually an assistant instructor at the affiliate school, so he definitely was worthy of the rank. That's excellent my friend, I'm happy the candidate was worthy of the grade. Only thing as you know, the journey has only jsut begun
  6. What gets me is $30 for a bit of electrical tape around the end of the belt? I tend to have a system where I have 3 to 4 stripes around the belt before they can grade for the next colour (they don't pay for these stripes)
  7. YOu can have a good mix of Adult and Child classes. I have separate classes and have done for many years, I also run a separate syllabus too. The Adult class tends to be more hands on teraching full application of the kata where as the Child's class tends to have basic application. I agree about not having "baby talk" they need to show maturity and unlike school you don't have to teach them if you don't want too. Good luck in your new adventure OSU
  8. When do you find out? I hope you passed as it sounds like you put in a lot of hard work for your grading
  9. Pass on my regards to your friend. Resepctfully as I know your instructor had a specific criteria for grading students. And i am not there to judge what happens in other Styles/Dojos etc. I have a different criteria and in my Dojo I would never Jump Students at the higher grades. For me, doing the technques aren't enough, its about how one perceives each teachnique and how one "feels" inside that are moer important
  10. Upto the last year or so I've been practicing my Kata with Speed and Power. Now with reference to my investigation into Bunkai, Oyo, application etc of the kata, I found that they are more set for "Power, but mixed rate of speed" Good Post, very much encompasses the "Shu Ha Ri" of Kata
  11. Totally agree, my wife is Filipino and advises some words do not translate into English, so I would say the same for Japanese too
  12. The training methods of Kyokushin and Ashihara/Enshin are virtually Identical. the only difference is that Ashihara and Enshin work more on Sabaki and Kazushi. also we do Grab and throw in Ashihara as opposed to Kyokushin whereas grabbing is "illegal" in competition.
  13. With respect, its a belt factory! I can't believe people charge that much for gradings. My Student's 9th Kyu Grading is Free, part of the joining fee. All Kyu Grades are £10 All Dan Grades are £80 And I feel guilty my dan grade was too high but it JUST covers the costs, but I'm not for profit But I suppose if people are willing to pay for it, they'll keep charging it
  14. OSU, much appreciated. Hopefully soon you'll join the club, OSU
  15. I would say its rather the offshoots from NIKO are increasing. Predominantly due to politics. There's 3 Ashihara Dojos in the UK have managed to build bridges with the one in Edinburgh, hopefully looking at maybe doing a UK Sabaki Challenge Cup in a few years. The style itself is awesome, but its the people at the top causing issues. I'm independent so not tied into Honbu. I'd like to see Ashihara Karate as popular as Shotokan, but needs a few "converts" and a Kaicho who isn't political, that's one reason why I have so much respect for Narker Kaicho, he's far from political.
  16. Well as this is my 1000th post I thought I would make it special. Wow its taken a few years to get here, some have done it quicker, but I tend to absorb what is said and reply if I think I could add constructively to the thread/post. It's been eventful, I've seen people come and go, and chatted with guys on here that I hope as I do consider them as close friends, you know who you are, OSU. Oh and Patrick, LOL, I bet sometimes he's opened up the forum and said to himself "OMG what's Dobbersky said now?" Patrick, I consider you as a close friend too. I can't remember what my first post was, but I'm sure If Patrick has a way of pasting it in as a reply it would be good. I've read so many interesting posts and as you all know a few things have rattled my cage, but the one thing is a true friend can argue with you and still remain friends. Now does this post make me a black belt. In that case Patrick are you going to send me my certificate an Honorary black belt in Karate Forum Do. Can't wait OSU, looking forward to my next 1000 posts
  17. Wouldn't right shin block be hidari sune uke, I thought hiza was the knee. Sorry if I'm wrong, haven't used Japanese terminology in some time. LOL, you are right my friend, my brain switched off for a moment, OSU Similar to Uchi momo Geri as opposed to uchi gedan mawashi geri. OSU
  18. Awesome, this is what being a martial artist is about, defending those who are unable to defend themselves OSU
  19. I suppose its a similar situation for Shito Ryu and Shukokai, please correct if I have it wrong? As You're an hour or so down the road, it would be an honour to have you attend my dojo. We do practice some traditional kata in my dojo. And I am happy to pop over to your dojo, if you want me to go through anything. Thank you my friend. OSU
  20. I like the idea, but being in a few altercations, I know under pressure its hard to do. I think in the film Kuro Obi, the one strike ethos is demonstrated.
  21. Sorry on my HTC phone. Ashihara Karate is an off shot of Kyokushin Karate. It has several offshoots itself Enshin being one of them. but still very popular around the world. It was created IN Japan in the 70's by Ashihara Kancho (Wikipedia will give you details about Ashihara) We practice Full Contact Knockdown Karate. I'll add a few URL'S when I'm on my laptop. Famous fighters Semmy Schilt - 4 x Heavyweight K-1 Champion. Sabaki Challenge is a famous open Competition. Ashihara kata are not like traditional kata, they ate Jissen based. Again I'll add URL'S for this
  22. Yes I would second that, also Enoeda Sensei has 2 books out with kata and Kihon for each grade. Also look at Sensei John Burke for Kata books. ISBN 0 7136 4311 0 0 7136 4312 9 0 0918 0938 X 0 9550 3403 5
  23. My favorite traditional kata are Bassai (Tang Soo Do version) Niseishi (Wado Kai version) Chil Sung Ee Ro (Tang Soo Do) My Favourite Ashihara kata are Jissen Dai kata Goshin Dai kata Nage Dai kata Kihon Dai kata
  24. Mine, Hidari Hiza uke, oi tzuki, gyaku tzuki, migi mawashi geri chudan, ashi Sabaki, hidari mawashi geri Jodan. Right shin block, jab, cross, right thigh kick step out, left round kick to head
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