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Everything posted by Dobbersky

  1. Totally agree the "Gamers" or those who study "Sofa fu" I love it when the audience boo wrestling, UFC or similar but they're predominantly supporting a 40+ BMI
  2. One who doesn't consider them an expert or demi-god One who doesn't have some silly belt with gold braiding or anything to emphasise their Grade too much One who isn't a 10 Dan but only around 45 or a 4 Dan but only 22
  3. > One who asks questions and answers questions > One who is always learning and doesn't consider themselves an expert > One who works with the techniques and will amend or replace them if they know that it doesn't actually work
  4. Very true but involved in the final "Ri" part Mushin or no minds comes into play - or as Sufi Lee said to Lau in "Enter the Dragon" Don't think, feel......."
  5. OSU congrats Yes what level is Blue? In my system Blue it 7th Kyu
  6. Solid post!!! OSU!!!
  7. Totally agree with that statement. And yes I know Egypt is on the North East part of Africa. I would say that the Greeks especially the Spartans had codified their Martial Arts training before other civilisations. But so did the Asian cultures as their methods of recording was far superior to any other Culture around the same time unless you count the Mayans and they had their Martial Arts too, so did Martial Arts begin in America? TBH I'm not too concerned where it began, I'm just glad I have the honour of practising and teaching such an awesome art
  8. I watched a documentary on Youtube, taken from one of the US channels. It wasn't new as David Carradene was featured. Now from the comments on the program and YouTube claims of the origins were highlighted. I believe "martial arts" don't actually have a specific location or date in history as it occurred throughout history all over the world. Now one person specified martial arts originated in African culture. Me if I had to state a location would say Egypt or Greece!
  9. Definately not Kyokushin, the symbols on the Gi are the same as on the wall/mirror. Even so, the Karate fighter wasn't prepared for this type of fight, which is fine, as next time he'll be ready. Wing Chun an awesome art but I rarely see Wing Chun in the Cage, shame as I think it would be one of the proment styles used Also to "counter that, here's one featuring a Wing Chun Chun Champ and Ninomiya Kancho (head of Enshin Karate) in his younger days
  10. I would get Kanazawa Sensei's Book/DVD on this specific subject
  11. Shotokan is most definitely a "Japanese" style. While Shotokan is of Shuri-te lineage, it has been heavily influenced by mainland Japan and as such is distinctly different from Okinawan styles in both kata and focus. Moreover, Gichin Funikoshi has had no influence over any of the Okinawan Karate styles and there are many, many styles on Okinawa. Solid Post, OSU!!!!
  12. What, you have to pay £10,000 to do the training programme? Or is that how much you could earn afterwards? What style/art did you transfer to? Yes, I had to pay £10,000.00 to do the Instructor programme which included me signing my students up to the same programme, earning me commission! I was already training in Ashihara Karate by then so I took that up instead. I know if is have stayed I would have been one of these super grand masters by now
  13. I love TSD, jsut a shame the Senior Instructor wasn't interested in the art itself but more interested in how much money he could make. I changed styles because I was given the offer of a £10,000.00 Instructor Training programme, not my Idea of Fun. I'm doing alright now though, Just wish I could get my "Midnight Blue Belt in TSD" but I am to dedicated to my Style!
  14. Kaicho, Kancho, Soke, Dai Soke, Shihan & Dai Shihan, or any other "Title"! Do we actually need these Titles for Non Japanese or Korean or Chinese Etc "Masters" of the arts, Heads of Styles etc? I don't really feel the need for them, I can't comment on Korean or Chinese Arts (I hope someone can add details for me), But i believe Titles are only Valid if awarded IN Japan, Not Self-Awarded because they were a Senior Grade in the style they broke away from then gave themselves a 10th Dan type stuff. To me Master/Sir, Sensei, Teacher, Sifu, Sa Bum Nim should be enough!
  15. I agree, sometimes the Masters have been misquoted!!! same as the kata is sometimes misinterpreted!!!
  16. I believe that Kano Sensei saw Ueshiba Sensei he commented that "Aikido" was the purest form of Judo. (I'm not too sure of the correct quote but I know its not a million miles away)
  17. There are a few who have stated Shotokan as Okinawan but I would say that ShotoKan is more Japanese than Okinawan, Not too sure about ShotoKai though
  18. 1 Have you ever trained with a different style of martial arts? Yes many different styles from Striking Styles and Grappling Styles 2 Have you ever trained in another country? Yes - Wales 3 Have you ever trained outdoors? Yes in several locations 4 Have you ever trained so hard you couldn't stand? Only once that I recall got deadlegged so couldn't stand up. 5 Have you ever had dreams about training? All the time 6 Have you ever been knocked unconscious during training? Never 7 Have you ever intentionally lost a fight? Yes, it was a senior Dan Grade and I did it out of respect for his grade. 8 Have you ever run from a fight? Once when I was a teenager. 9 Have you ever cried during training? Yes it was cause I wasn't getting the technique no matter how hard I tried 10 Have you ever saved your own life with martial arts? Not that I recall but had a few fights 11 Have you ever saved another person's? I believe so I stopped a man from beating up his girlfriend!
  19. SOLID POST!!!! OSU!!!!
  20. Yeah, Me too! I allow the kids to wear their Gis but adults I tend to let them off with Gi pants but definately no jacket or Belt on
  21. Scohen-san, that is really good advice, I second/agree in what Scohen said, OSU!!!
  22. I voted Full Contact Ashihara as I am an Ashihara Karateka! Although for lower grades "they control the pace" if you understand what I mean. If they do light the higher grade goes light; if they go hard then the higher grade goes hard
  23. I agree a white belt is the unknown entity, but the second most dangerous is a brown belt, got the skills of a black belt but just not taken the grading yet!
  24. That about covers it. Agreed, I can't add much to that! Apart from you know he uses it so what him fight other fighters to see WHAT comes immediately before the Ridge Hand and look for that instead OSU!!!
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