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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. This is a fun drill; it helps to develop the knack for finding holes in defense.
  2. I couldn't tell you for sure, as I don't have any Muay Thai experience. However, you should go down and check out the school, and talk with the head instructor/trainer, and see what you think.
  3. Sorry this man is a British born European household name (in karate means), this side of the POND so to speak, awsome karate-ka to train with, with 42 years of martial arts behind him Sounds cool. I don't get too many periodicals on the MA any more, so I don't hear a lot of names. I would love to hear of some more, though. Thank you for sharing. I might do a search on him.
  4. However, it is a problem with some instructors and masters. Some do take issue with it. Many traditional Korean and Japanese style instructors do. I have noticed that not so much with Okinawan systems though. This has been my experience as well. The GM of my association is very much this way.
  5. Sounds crazy, but it would be fun to try!
  6. I don't recognize the name, sorry.
  7. Welcome to the Forums! I have never studied a Karate style, so I can't offer much more than historic info, and I would have to look that up. However, as was stated, what is important is that you find a good instructor that has a teaching style that you prefer, and watch each of the classes to see how hard they work, and if they do it like you want. Best of luck to you! I hope you find what you are looking for.
  8. Well, I don't work at a prison, it is a county jail. Things aren't so rough here. The inmates pretty much keep to themselves, and don't cause a lot of problems with each other. The main problems I deal with are drunks or people that are high. Sometimes our guys act up towards us, but not usually toward each other. My advise is don't go to prison. If you are only going to a county lockup, it may not be so bad. How big is the town you live in? I can't give any advise on surviving in prison; never been there. I would suggest that you try to make some friends quick, and have a group to hang out with. Safety in numbers, you know. If you get into it with someone, it will likely be with a "group" of someones, and it won't be pretty at all. Hopefully, it doesn't come to that. Truely, I wish the best for you.
  9. Yep, that's my form. I do it a touch differently, with a little more flow. That was a good twist kick. This was a cool form, too.
  10. Yes, his name was Muso Gunnosoke. He was a Jo staff master. In the first duel, he used a bo, but he studied for several years, and then modified his technique into the jo staff system that he taught after defeating Musashi.
  11. Some of the points I agree with. The MA should be a growing, changing entity. However, I don't agree with the "Americanization" that you talk about. I think that there are many out there who appreciate what doing the MA they study. Athletes in all areas feel this way; football, basketball, wrestling, and martial artists. Sure, there are those that appear to be more "corporate," but please don't overlook all of those that do work hard. However, I do agree with you about the 7th - 10th dans that we have. There are a lot. However, I don't think it matters that some of them are young.
  12. If you are innocent, and can prove it, then I would think you would get off. I don't think that many people are wrongly accused each year. I work in a jail, and believe me, they are ALL innocent.
  13. No, you still get treatment, you just have to pay it off. Usually, it is paid off over time that way. No one is ever refused treatment.
  14. However, it is a problem with some instructors and masters.
  15. It depends on the sport, really. MMA echos self-defense quite well. However, there has been discrepancies discussed between training for self-defense, and training for sport, and the advantages of each. I always like to go back to the Judo vs. Juijitsu example, and how the sport training of judo better prepared the practitioners for full speed encounters.
  16. I have insurance through my work as well, but before that, I didn't have any. Like my dad says, "You can't afford not to have it."
  17. I don't really think so. The arms will get used to the motion after a while, and I don't think there will be a noticible strength increase.
  18. Good stuff, huh??
  19. This is good advise. My mom had a problem where her heart rate got down to like 40 bpm when she slept. And when she worked out, she couldn't even get her heart rate up to a fat burning rate, even when she was walking at 6 mph. She was put on a heart monitor to check it out, and they ended up putting a pacemaker in after all was said and done. Get it checked out, Kerry, to be safe.
  20. Man, I feel for you, Kez! You need to bag up that hand and hide it from the world until it is healed! Then, make sure you close your fists up tight when you spar from now on!
  21. Olympic style TKD has a similar rule, but it is used when it comes down to a tie in points. The more aggresive fighter will get the decision.
  22. bushido_man96


    We are in shape, our shape is ROUND. Me too!!
  23. bushido_man96


    u probably have but you call it something different heh Nope. I know what it is, and have never sat they way for any time longer than, say, 20 seconds.
  24. Cool, thanks for the site, man! Another bookmark!
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