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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. 2/11/2022 Strength Training Bench Press: 45x5x2, 115x5, 155x3, 205x2, 237.5x5, 237.5x5, 237.5x5. Power Clean & Jerk: 95x2, 105x2 115x1, 125x2, 125x2, 125x2, 125x2, 125x2.
  2. Ours is pretty straightforward. Some new puzzle mats, mirrors on a few of the walls, flags hanging at the front. Otherwise, just some standing bags along one wall, and a speed bag. Stretching machine in the back as well.
  3. 2/10/2022 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 155x5, 225x3, 270x5, 270x5, 270x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 115x3, 135x1, 160x5, 160x4, 160x2, 160x4. Press was all over the place today. Getting heavy, and I got out of the groove a few times.
  4. I believe each student's progress in the Martial Arts is not tied to anyone else's accomplishments, but their own. I feel there are technical standards that should be met, but by and large, I don't let a student's lack of natural ability hold them back from rank advancement. There are multiple facets to consider with a student, as well. Someone may not be as aesthetically pleasing to watch perform a hyung/kata as others, but what if that student has a job in which he constantly puts his skills to work, and successfully? Like as an LEO, security, or some other field. I think that is something that plays into a student's advancement, as well.
  5. 2/9/2022 TKD Class: T-Shirt Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Did my form, along with 1st dan and 2nd dan form, then spent the remainder of class going over Do-Kang 5 a few times. Then stretched.
  6. 2/8/2022 Strength Training Bench Press: 45x5x2, 115x5, 155x3, 205x1, 235x5, 235x5, 235x5. Power Snatch: 75x2, 95x2, 107.5x2, 107.5x2, 107.5x2, 107.5x2, 107.5x2. Stretch: hams, quads, glutes. So, I think I want to run some totals every so often, just because I think it will be fun, and give me something to work on driving up. Totals will be based on my current numbers, and not any past PRs. Powerlifting: 265 squat + 235 bench + 320 deadlift = 820 lbs. Not great. Strengthlifting: 265 squat + 157.5 press + 320 deadlift = 742.5 lbs. Weightlifting: 107.5 snatch + 120 C&J = 227.5 lbs. Overall: 1205 lbs. For six total lifts, that's not a great number. So, accountability has been checked, now the work must be done. I'll check it again in a few weeks.
  7. I think you will be ok posting about it here. You won't be hijacking anything; threads have an ebb and flow to them, and that's what makes them great!
  8. is your son also a martial artist? if not this may be a good time to introduce him to this side of the arts, and it will keep him in shape for a return to the mat if he so chooses after a time off. good on you for not pushing him and letting him decide. guidance and support but at the same time respecting his decision can be a tough one sometimes, good luck to your son on whatever endeavor he chooses to pursue. I would say that he is a Martial Artist, because he did practice and compete in Wrestling for so long. I've never really tried to drag them into TKD with me. They've been exposed to it, and I figure if they are interested, then they will join up at some point. It would almost be better for them to do so under someone else's instruction...the whole parent thing. My two boys are also heavily involved in other sports, with baseball starting up soon. The since he has not been wrestling, he has focused on going to the gym and getting stronger, and I run the programming for his strength training. I would like to see them someday find something enjoyable to do for more Martial Arts, but we'll see where that goes.
  9. 2/7/2022 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 155x5, 225x3, 265x5, 265x5, 265x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 115x3, 135x1, 157.5x4, 157.5x5, 157.5x4, 157.5x2. Deadlifts: 225x4, 295x2, 320x5. TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Black Belt Class: Do-Kangs 1-4, and then worked on Ho Sin Sul again, bear hug defenses. This time we worked on a side body lock as well as a rear bear hug.
  10. It's not something I've done much in-depth studying on. I may have read some history at some point, but anything out there now isn't really anything I'm interested in.
  11. I've had to deal with something in a similar vein with my oldest son this year. For the first time since he was 8, he isn't wrestling this season. He said he just wasn't getting enjoyment from it anymore. I didn't see a need to force him into doing it, because that doesn't do anyone any good. I let him make the decision, and it is his to live with.
  12. Although I can't offer up the expertise offered in the other responses, I would ask what the others have referred to; are you practicing any applications with the technique? If so, that should reveal some answers. If not, then it can be tough to see what something is done the way it is done.
  13. I've finally got to see this, and have watched it a couple of times. I sat and watched the trilogy the other night! I loved everything about this movie. It harkened back to the original, developed a very believable story line to tie the families and characters together, and I believe it did a great homage to Harold Ramis, who wrote the originals along with Dan Aykroyd. I'll end up watching this one as much as I've watched the first two. They got this one right.
  14. What Shaolin is now, and what it may have been before, are probably two different things. From what I understand, I think the Chinese government pretty much controls what Shaolin is now, and hence I believe who gets to accepted to learn it is limited by the government in some way.
  15. That's great! Have fun training with your daughter!
  16. 2/3/2022 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 155x5, 225x3, 260x5, 260x5, 260x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 115x3, 135x1, 155x5, 155x5, 155x5. Deadlifts: 225x3, 295x2, 315x5. MA Training TKD Testing: 6:00 - 7:30 pm. We had another small testing, but a pretty good one. The kids keep improving! 2/4/2022 Strength Training Bench Press: 45x5x2, 115x5, 155x3, 205x1, 232.5x5, 232.5x5, 232.5x5. Power Clean & Jerk: 105x2, 120x2, 120x2, 120x2, 120x2, 120x2.
  17. Happy Chinese New Year to all those that celebrate!
  18. Amen to this! I agree, 10000000000000%! I would suggest to anyone that if they find they have a knack for teaching, or have the desire to give it a try and learn how to do it right, then do so. It is such a boon to your training. It also ups the level of accountability to yourself.
  19. Lots of good advice from Bob here. I've never been a part of a school that has done an award like this, nor do I think I'd ever consider doing it. I do see how an award such as this, especially if it is done the right way, could be a great motivator to other students in the school.
  20. This goes to show that one can find individuals with great, valid intentions within organizations like this. I think what you and your friend are trying to do is admirable, and the longer you keep it up, the more things will come to fruition in your training in the future.
  21. You have an interesting take on breakfast, Himokiri Karate...mine this morning was five eggs, a chicken breast, and some toast.... That aside, this is an interesting conversation to follow.
  22. 2/1/2022 Strength Training Bench Press: 45x5x2, 115x5, 155x3, 205x1, 230x5, 230x5, 230x5. Power Snatch: 75x2, 95x2, 105x2, 105x2, 105x2, 105x2, 105x2. Stretch: hams, quads, glutes.
  23. So, I don't the exact details, but this is my best guess. The ATA, after it was founded, began formulating it's own forms. I would say that it is the entire sequences that were trademarked for use solely by the ATA and it's affiliates for teaching and testing purposes. I understand why they did it, based off my experience with other schools. Take my current school: we use the Chang On forms, used in the ITF. But, we don't use them all, and if you were to watch videos of how we do the forms side by side with how someone like DWx and her school does them, you'd see some very marked differences. And if I wanted to go start my own school tomorrow, I could use those forms as well, even if I broke away from the organization. The ITF doesn't have a trademark on them to prevent anyone else form using them; much like the way Karate forms show up in various styles with some differences. The ATA doesn't have to worry about this. It also helps the ATA in training it's instructors, and also adds a measure of quality control to the performance of the forms. I knew that I could go to any ATA school in the nation, and if they asked me to perform one of the poomsae, I know I'm doing the same form. I'm not saying the ATA has the best approach to forms training. Just explaining it as I understood it from my time training in the organization.
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