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Everything posted by lordtariel

  1. much harder to have loyalty to an institution than an actual person.
  2. Saotome school of anything goes ring a bell? Ranma's one of my favorite MA Anime series. What's yours?
  3. Speaking on the general apperance end of it as well, a good, pressed gi will really make a difference. I finally invested in a heavy gi for my next tournament and I was amazed as the snap my moves make when I'm wearing it compared to the $35 gi that came with the classes. It's not a replacement for good technique, but it really makes things sharp.
  4. I think a school that markets their art as something else isn't worth going to no mater the quality of instruction. If you've lied to me about the name of the art to simply get me in the door, what else are you going to lie about?
  5. I spend about 10 min in meditation most every time before I practice. I also meditate as needed when I'm stressed.
  6. Online, book, and video information should be a supplement, not a primary source of instruction.
  7. Phew... Still got another day Some of my favorites of the newer generations Suikoden Grandia Final Fantasy Kingdom Hearts Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Jade Empire Fable Halo Soulcalibur of Generations Past Street Fighter Megaman Quake Bubble Bobble Tetris Sonic the Hedgehog Altered Beast Golden Axe Uncharted Waters Ogre Battle Shadowrun Super Mario Bros and of the originals Centipede Pac Man Qbert Qix Frogger Joust Defender Pitfall And that tank and airplane game....
  8. My instructor teaches it and I plan on learning as soon as I'm comfortable enough with the bo.
  9. About the only time I'd use a Jian is against another person wielding a light sword. It was ridiculously hard trying to use one against a spear or staff. I'd use the broadsword against heavier weapons. Of course, I only spent 1 year studing the straightsword and 4 studing broadsword so my perceptions might be a bit colored.
  10. I'm competing in kobudo for the first time in a couple of weeks. Anybody out there judge kobudo competition? What do you look for? Any tips for better scoring? I am doing the bo kata shu shi no kon sho.
  11. Think this sort of thing would be less common if more people did what she did.
  12. It didn't take long to get the movements of Pinan Nidan down, it only took me about a week, but doing it correctly is another matter entirely. I've been doing it for about 2 months now and still working on some of the different bits of posture and execution. Right now I'm learning Pinan Sandan.
  13. You also need to define the type of sword more. Broad sword is generally known as a "two handed" sword, was about 6 feet long, and needed two hands to wield. Very heavy, and not very agile. Straight sword could be anything from a hand and 1/2 sword to a rapier, etc. Most of these could be wielded one handed. So, if you are armored up and bashing away at each other such as they did in the middle agegs, then a broadsword would be your best bet. (It was also a great sword for cutting out the legs of a charging horse). For unarmored combat (Think most stage fights, ala 3 musketeer style), then quick, agile weapons such as the epee, rapier, parrying dagger, etc. would be more useful. Define the style of fighting more, and we can give you a better answer. Aodhan I believe he is referring to the chinese broadsword(dao) and straightsword(jian or gim). The dao is more of a chopping weapon(Like in House of Flying Daggers) while the jian is a light slashing weapon(Green Destiny from Crouching Tiger) Straightsword can be hard to use if you're used to heavier weapons because you can't do much blocking with it, you have to slide and flick, while the broadsword is a little bit heavier and can take to chopping better.
  14. I keep a kind of loose journal. I record promotion dates, tournament happenings, combo's that I find particularly useful, exercises, and general thoughts on my progress. It's not a regular thing though, just when something is noteworthy enought to write about.
  15. I really don't see a problem with it. What they do with their private life is their buisness. I'm here to train.
  16. If he had a gun it could have turned ugly whether or not she had attacked him.
  17. I think the problem lies more in the eyes of a jury who thinks those crazy martial arts people have mystical powers and should be able to subdue anyone with their pinkey. After all, that's how it works in the movies. I think it really comes down to a matter of using only sufficient force to ensure your safety.
  18. In the hands of a proficient user, I probably would say straight sword. However, for someone with no experience with either, they would have an easier time using a dao than the jain.
  19. The impossible is real… logic is the illusion -8bit theater Skill without knowledge is worthless. "Those who sweat the most during peacetime are those that will bleed the least in war." - Steven R. Barth I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death. Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger. - Mencius I am undefeated in all of Asia. Of course, I have never fought in any of Asia. Which pretty much guarantees I'm undefeated there. Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it. - Unknown
  20. I took judo for a couple of years before I started karate. There's lots of holes that some pure strikers have, probably because they've never been exposed to a grappeler. They just don't know what to do when you get that close. Unfortunately, I can't use much of my training in the dojo because my sensei will only allow trips and sweeps where you have complete control over the person(basically sweep and set them on the ground as opposed to letting them drop) and in tournament it has to be followed up with a strike. So for me, in tournament, it's mostly useless but in self-defense is quite effective.
  21. I can't find the one he has online but this is close, only not steel reinforced and much less like a bench.. http://thisplaceisazoo.com/uploaded/large_moose_LG.jpg + http://www.wle.com//products/vhg31.html = moose fu
  22. Congrats. Always feels better to have some color around your waist.
  23. It's not terrible but the only time I've been hurt was when I took a front kick to the sternum when I was first starting karate by someone much bigger than me. knocked the wind right out of me. I didn't fall over though Took a concussion in judo though during a tournament.
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