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Everything posted by lordtariel

  1. We have 59 on our syllabus. Of these I know Kihon 1-8 Pinan 1-5 Ananko Matsukaze Rohai Ju Roku Jiin Aoyagi Tensin Happo ... I have a lot to go
  2. Tai chi is quite effective as a method of defense if you know what you're doing. Sadly, it is practiced nowdays more as a method of health and wellness rather than a martial art. The books by Yang, Jwing Ming provide excellent instruction on some of the martial applications of tai chi. Be advised that tai chi in combination with some hard styles can cause some difficulties and confusion as movement is obviously different.
  3. One of my favorite quotes... Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them more.
  4. I like pepsi straight, but I also really love coke with a fresh lemon in it... ah the agony of indecision...
  5. If it's a choice between an instructor you like with a so-so school and one you don't really click with who has a good school, I'd still go with the good school. I guess it comes down to how much you can live with. If you don't enjoy yourself, you'll have a harder time learning.
  6. Our sensei did that. He had the competition open for a week. If you brought in a friend you got a ticket. If the person signed up you got 10 tickets. The adults had one too, but they got to raffle for a $50 gas card.
  7. Did this come out already? I don't quite know if I want to watch it or not.
  8. Well, the Sempai's didn't hold back on the sparring section so I took some pretty good hits, but all in all everything went well. There wasn't time to test for Kobudo but I'll get to do it a little later.
  9. It's a split. I spent a week as crew on a sail boat in the San Juan Islands(Washington) in Boy Scouts when I was younger. But then I just got back from an anniversary trip to the coast this weekend and came back with engaged, so I have to say that made for a pretty good trip as well.
  10. How come you're wearing a white belt? Sense's belt is so worn that it's almost completely white. The kids ask him this all the time.
  11. You have been BURNINATED!
  12. Well, it's that time again. Going for my purple belt(AKA Barney Belt) in Karate and my blue belt in Kobudo at the same time. Not concerned about the Karate test, but my testing in Kobudo is in the tonfa. Sensei's been really exacting with me when I've been training so I hope I meet his expectations.
  13. I think it's kind of a respect thing to ask your instructor. They might even have a few sugguestions for arts that would complement your current style.
  14. Thanks. You learn something new every day.
  15. Good point. Have a firm grasp on your system before branching out. Find an area your current art doesn't cover a lot of and find an art that covers that area so you know how to deal with that situation if it ever comes up. It's one more tool in your toolbox and if you have a lot of tools in your toolbox, you probably won't be stuck trying to do your plumbing with a hammer.
  16. You also have to remember that we train in karate for self-development. There's more to being strong than just fighting. Health, fitness, discipline, they're all things you get out of karate. It is normal to want to know if what you do is effective, I sometimes wish we lived in an age where the only weapons people had were simple farm implements so I could give my tonfa a whirl On another note what is the plural of tonfa? tonfas or tonfa?
  17. Ah, dorm life, I remember it well.
  18. This was kind of interesting: Bowling: 2... 42" LCD: 0 http://www.wiihaveaproblem.com/show_article.php?id=26
  19. These are just the Japanese names for the techniques. Geri means kick, waza means technique, uchi(strike) and others. I recommend at least learning those sorts of names so you at least have an idea of what they someone using those names is talking about, but I don't think you necessarily need to know the specific names. A gi is the outfit that you wear. It's called a karategi by karateka(karate students) a judogi by judoka(judo students), you get the idea. For simplicity's sake, it's just called a gi. Lastly, the only reason you would need to learn the Japanese names is if they were used in your dojo. There's nothing wrong with learning them so you know what people are talking about if they use the term, but I don't think it's really necessary.
  20. When the first word out of your parrot's mouth is KIAI!, and you teach your cat how to free spar. When the books on your night stand are by authors like Gichin Funakoshi, Hirokazu Kanazawa and Musashi Miyamoto. When the Twelve Days of Christmas becomes: one boxing bag, two boxing gloves, three shin pads (includes an extra pad for the one you'll inevitably lose), four Tokaido gi's, five rolls of adhesive tape....twelve cases of Tiger Balm. When you look for a place to live based on the amount of practice space it provides.
  21. You are also going to gain weight from the exercise. I remember when I started karate I lost an inch and a half from my waistline and didn't drop a single pound.
  22. Welcome to the forums!
  23. I do from time to time but I'm not a junkie. I did get burned once, but I never buy anything really expensive so I don't get overly worried about it.
  24. Loosing weight in theory is a fairly simple thing to do. Just make sure you intake fewer calories than you burn. I say this in theory. It seems like you have a fairly good exercise routine so I would recommend looking to you diet. Take a note pad with you and write down everything you eat in a week, then see what can be modified. Try to avoid things like refined sugars, saturated and trans fats. Don't eliminate everything at once, try changing a little bit at a time. Substitute a vegetarian meal from time to time, trade the soda for flavored water. For kicks, here's the mathematical proof that cutting soda out of your diet can be a good thing... I used to drink 2-3 cans a day. I dropped almost 20 pounds by reducing the soda intake. --- If you consume 1 can of regular soda a day, how many pounds would you lose if you eliminate that? 1 can of regular soda contains about 150 calories. Giving up 1 can a day is equivalent to giving up 150 x 365 = 54,750 calories a year. For every 1000 calories burnt you lose 110 grams of fat, or about 1/4 pound. Therefore, giving 1 can of soda a day equals not putting on 54,750 / 1000 x 110 = 6022 grams, or about 13 pounds. You can be 6 kg or 13 lb a year lighter by giving up that 1 regular can of soda a day.
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