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Everything posted by lordtariel

  1. Glad to see it resolve without resorting to actual violence.
  2. I believe I've heard of it, but that's about it. What nation and style does it come from?
  3. I agree with what people are saying. If you're really sick, then you should spend the time resting. I'd rather spend a few days at home and go back to training than train poorly while I'm sick and have it hang on for weeks. If you want to train, go light and slow at home, work on technique rather than endurance or strength. Just remember, you're in a group of people that get together often. If one person gets sick, odds are a lot of other people are going to get sick. Doesn't matter if it's the workplace, school, or the dojo. Try to control what you can. Wash your hands, avoid rubbing your hands over your face when training, keep hydrated, get adequate rest, and eat right. That should help cut down on getting sick.
  4. Sorry to hear that happened. I'd follow up on the bullies and make sure you know if they'll still be attending that school. If they can get away with behavior like that and not get expelled, then that might not be the school for your son(if you have other options). I'd definitely talk to your sensei about it as well. Maybe he can work in a little more self-defense and threat avoidance for the kids.
  5. I agree. Sounds like the only reason he's doing it is to show off and that has no place in a dojo.
  6. Welcome to the forums.
  7. Welcome to the forums.
  8. Is this just a standard class or a weapons class he's going to? I would talk to your sensei about this because I feel it's a bit out of line, and if he's throwing them around like that, it's obviously a danger. Live blades can come loose if the weapon is poor quality and they are swung around carelessly.(I speared my couch from seven feet away with a cheap gim once) If I tried that sort of thing at any of the dojos I've trained at I'd probably be sent home packing.
  9. I believe the term is for styles that don't hold belt systems when they compete or train with other styles.
  10. Yesterday was my rest day so all I did was about 30 minutes of stretching.
  11. I agree... very interesting. Thanks.
  12. I wouldn't say to "just" be a head hunter, the stomach, sides and back are usually also fair game. Also, usually I've only heard the term "head hunter" when it's applied to someone who kicks at the head(if this isn't the case, somebody say so, I'd like to know). Jabs, back fists and ridge hands are also effective head attacking techniques as long as you have control.
  13. People that train really hard and spar hard are bound to get more injuries than someone who doesn't. As everyone has said, those sorts of bouts have only been going on for a little while so it's hard to say exactly what the long term effects are going to be, but I'm sure there will be some.
  14. Your school must be far different than the one I went to. If a student were to pull a knife on a teacher, not only would they be immediately expelled from the school, but they would be facing criminal charges(as an adult, not a minor). Like everyone else has been saying, make sure you talk to an adult at your school, and if you have one, the community officer for your school. I'm not sure that you're going to have a problem with him though, as he just pushed you and walked away. Most bullies don't like it when people stand up to them. They're looking for a victim, not a fight. Defend yourself and your friend ONLY if necessary and even then, it's best to just try and keep him at a distance until someone comes to break it up if possible to do so safely. If you attack him in this zero tolerance world that we live in, you might wind up getting expelled as well, even if it is self defense.
  15. I would love to try Kyudo since I really enjoy archery, but the nearest school as far as I am aware is in Portland.
  16. I've always wondered about this. I've gone as far as to have my vision dim but I've never been all the way out before.
  17. I think I posted this link in a previous post way back when... http://www.jumprope.com/cgi-bin/SoftCart.100.exe/scstore/questions.html?L+scstore+ypyp5018+1154039295#2 Its got a chart on proper rope lengths. I was always told if you stand on the middle of the rope, it should come to your armpits.
  18. That may be why the instructor acted the way he did as well.
  19. Don't know if it's necessarily a feint, but if someone's doing a front kick, do a down block and at the same time do a vertical backfist with the other hand(As in the opening moves of Pinan Sandan)
  20. I'd say relaxing is the biggest thing. More people get hurt because they are all rigid when they are sparring. That's why beginners 18-25 usually wind up with the most injuries. They are all tensed up, and on top of that they are much stronger. You'll also be faster when relaxed.
  21. This is a trickey subject. She may be a girl, but she can't expect to be in a contact sport and not occasionally be hit in the chest just like a guy can't expect to never accidentally be kicked in the groin. If she's unconfortable with that, then she shouldn't be sparring. I'd talk to your instructor and voice your concerns. He might not have actually seen what had happened. Tell him you don't want to spar with her again because she's obvoiusly uncomfortable with it. I think that's a reasonable request. I personally look at sparring with girls as a chance to brush up on head and lower body strikes. You may just need to know your classmates better. Some girls are more touchy than others. I know in judo, one of the girls there didn't care that your arm was pinned against her chest because she was too busy trying to arm bar or choke you out, while others would only spar with other girls.
  22. This is how I train as well... It's a great method.
  23. Welcome to the forums.
  24. Does anyone know if they make a tall size gi somewhere? A size 5 is too short for me, but a 5.5, while it is the correct length, is like a tent width-wise.
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