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Everything posted by striking_cobra

  1. i get whatcha sayin good replies...
  2. i prefer being on top (as most people do but my instructor says he's more comfortable controlling a person from the bottom.) the full mount is obviously the place to be...half mount isn't bad, knee on stomach is nice to have i can set a few things up from there...when i've got a side mount i try mainly to pin the guy down and get a kimura lock, or taking a full mount. when i'm on the bottom i like open guard the best...it's got alot of sweeps and joint locks that you just can't do when your guard is closed...(and let's not forget the triangle choke) this isn't new though...anyone who grapples would have similar views i think. i hope you don't think i'm trying to sound smart or anything lol...i'm no pro, i'm far from one...just answering the question. laters...
  3. it's too hard to decide, i loooove oriental food!
  4. i still watch bruce lee movies...he is the greatest ma movie star of all time in my opinion.
  5. will do...i noticed that i actually do react like this chart indicates (when i can lol) it's kinda cool seeing the different "goals" if you will... down on paper.
  6. nice to kinda get to know you guys alittle more...i have a white belt with one stripe. I study brazillian jiu jitsu. i will be testing for my second stripe in a few months...peace out guys i'm sure i'll talk to you later!
  7. woa thanks alot yoda these will come in handy....thanks MUCH!! laters
  8. i am a new volkswagon turbo beatle...i'm new and sporty...taking the older guys by suprise (i'm only 19) even though i don't look like much i pack a punch that takes people by suprise. (and with my roll over features i'm perfect for grappling lol )
  9. this a powerfull subject...i'm with the president all the way...
  10. lol yoda....*shakes his head* funny thread guys...i got a good laugh out of this one.
  11. i say sure a good kickboxer could be a good boxer any day but a good grappler could beat a good kickboxer anyday
  12. hey big up...welcome to the forum...you'll fine a plethora of information here mostly provided by the helpfull crew with the funny black belts just kidding guys their nice belts lol
  13. 67% some of those questions cracked me up 20 points baby!
  14. miss piggy? waz up with that? ...on the other hand i would be sooo tempted to put gonzo in a nose bar...(similar to an arm bar but not...) lol
  15. a speed ball will also tone your arms, it'll help with your muscle endurance (if you use it for long periods of time) and as yoda pointed out...hand eye coordination and timing. plus the most obvious thing...speed. plus another cool exersize that i did not learn from rocky! lol, is to have someone blow bubbles and punch them that'll work on your hand eye coordination too...(good things to have no matter what ma your doing...)
  16. welcome to the forum...(not that i've been here all that long myself lol) hey bjjbarbie you got a thing for bon or what?
  17. great information guys! thanks alot...
  18. i agree with the fact that rank isn't everything...a beginner could learn alot from a blue belt even. (and i'm talking bjj, blue belt being the second belt.)
  19. hey great thread guys...i like your post alot yoda...going back to one of your earlier posts where you said that women should have training in grappling...that's a good call...Rorion gracie invented a program especially for this purpose (ie the RAPESAFE seminars.) speakin as a strict grappler (i havn't studied any martial arts besides brazillian jiu jitsu) going to the ground with a guy armed with a knife isn't something i would like to do.
  20. i don't have the answer to any of your questions except your "chicken feet boot thingy" are a type of tabi lol
  21. lol good call...
  22. this is an interesting thread...i don't know much about kata's i suppose any sort of practice is good though, i don't train karate...i just think it's interesting...i study brazillian jiu jitsu. very good opinions you guys have, i learned a few things... (oh to the guy who mentioned the broken nose thing...that will kill a man one out of a few million times (it's very unlikly that a fragment will actuall get anywhere really damaging)...it actually just tends to make the person fall down and there eyes will tear up something fierce...it's a great move for getting someone down in a hurry. see what movies do?! do ya? heh)
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