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Everything posted by RichardHangHong

  1. Like jaymac said you're nervous because you care so much. You obviously value some importance of getting your brown sash which is a good thing. If you've been training regularly and have been meeting the criteria for your next grade you'll be fine. Good luck and let us know how it goes Regards, Richard
  2. I haven't worn an elasticated waist in years. I've always had gi's with tie waists.
  3. Usually if it's advertised in the MA magazines it means they are open to anyone. But still, out of courtesy always contact them beforehand
  4. What do you have to do for your grading?
  5. Sounds like possible bruising of the bone. If you train on a hard floor with no mats then this is quite common in the early times of your training. Especially with high impact work. Rest it when you can, go easy on it when you're training (i.e. no stamping your foot on the floor) Whenever we spent lots of time on certain katas we would get sore heels. We ended up calling it "Empi heel"
  6. AAhh, that does fit too, doesn't it! Yup!
  7. On Monday my instructor had us doing push ups in an unusual but rather effective way. 3 people, 1 in the middle the other 2 in front and behind him/her. The person in the middle stays stiff and straight and falls back. The person behind catches them and pushes them the opposite direction to his partner. Continue back and forth for however long and then change roles. I think we did about a minute or 2 per person. My arms really ached the next day! It was great! Mind you, I AM a bit masochistic when it comes to that stuff.
  8. When I see a course advertised, I always contact the organisers in advance either by email or phone to check that is is okay to attend and if I can bring some students along, if there is a minimum grade, etc. Generally, I only take students who are brown belt and above to smaller courses, but for big events I get all my grades to go.
  9. Q:How do u kill a blonde? A:Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool Q: How do you know when a blonde is having a bad day?? A: When her tampon is behind her ear and she can't find her pencil. Q:What is the difference between and ironboard and a blond? A:The legs of an iron are hard to open. There was a blond driving down a road and spotted at the sign that is on a tree next to a mantion that said $100,000. she called the number and said "i want this item and i will send the money as soon as i get home. three weeks later she got a packege in the mail that had keys so she caled the guy and asked "what are the keys for" the guy said " they are for the mantion. the blond said "Wow, i thought that i was buying the tree. Ok once there was a magical mirror and if you lied in front of it youd disappear from existance... so there was a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde. The brunette went up to it and said,"I think that blondes are nice".... poof she disappeared. So the redhead went up to it and said,"I'm a virgin" poof she dissappeared. The blonde went up to it and said,"I Think" poof she was gone.
  10. How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb? Don't know, its never been done
  11. Welcome back to the forums!
  12. Welcome to the forums!
  13. Hi jellybean Welcome to the forums!
  14. Welcome to the forums!
  15. Welcome to the forums!
  16. Welcome to KF!
  17. I have a couple of playlists on my ipod, one for cardio (bike, X-Trainer, treadmill) and one for weights. I find it helps keep me motivated whilst I'm working out.
  18. McDonalds or KFC. There's always one or two that I pass by on the way home after class and I just can't resist! There's also the after class pint with my students.
  19. Bag work/makiwara training generally builds your impact potential and not your speed. But keep practicing that along with the other methods suggested.
  20. For speeding up your punches try rubber tube training. Get some old bicycle inner tubes (about 4 or 5) and tie them together to make one big one. Attach one end to a secure base and hold the other one so there is no slack (slightly tort [sp?]). Practice punching with as much fast acceleration as you can. This is very useful for developing explosive speed in your punches. You can do the same with your kicks and moving around for kumite too. There's an article about it by Scott Langley, 4th Dan JKS in Shotokan Karate Magazine. Do a google search for "Rubber Tube Training" and you should find something.
  21. Did you do anything specific that may have caused it or is it just from training on a hard floor? Rest if you can, but if you must train wear a foot/ankle support, neoprene ones are pretty good, I use them quite a lot when I need to.
  22. Like the others have said, start on your knees, bum down and back straight. It takes a lot of the weight off your arms. We do a lot of push ups in our classes and almost always do them all on our knees this way. It also takes the pressure off the lower back which is handy for women who are training.
  23. Just be wary of what you do and don't do with that arm. If there are any moves that put too much strain on it then ease off it a bit. Keep up the physio training and keep working/building the muscle on that arm as they would have weakened whilst your arm was in plaster. When I broke my hand it took a good few years before it was back to 100%, but I now have a bit of rhumatism (no idea how to spell that!) in that hand so every now and again it gets very uncomfortable and I have to wear a handwrist support.
  24. What's arthroscopy? So you going for purple in December then? That'll be a good xmas pressie eh!
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