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Everything posted by Zaine

  1. no i dont think you do i am 15 and i dont, and my school is a full contact school and now i can get and give head shots to certian people, but no i dont think you should
  2. I dont really believe in doing contracts its cause if its to much for someone they'll still take money out of your account and they have your debit number, i think someone reffered to that as a mcdojos, my school is free but, i wouldnt mind paying monthlybut not with a credit or debit card
  3. lol yeah but i do it to very old 80s songs...lol
  4. One of my dreams is to learn hook swords and the spear, i want to know is this a good choice in a weapon choice and what do yall reccomend i learn?
  5. Thats awesome, i agree with you 100%, i have said this time and time again on here and you explained in a way that i couldnt, it all depends on the fighter, and the instructor teaching the fighter, it doesnt matter how much you want to fight and how good you are, its the instructor that makes or breaks the student, you cant really blame a fighter for being bad without looking at the instructor first.
  6. Yeah very good point, but then again, i still say it depends on the people fighting, what would be a good thing to cross train is TKD and karate
  7. Get someone to teach you for one, and the sai has to go past your arm so that a sword would be able to hit it and go down your arm without cutting you
  8. Yeah i agree just dont worry about it
  9. Well as a greenbelt he has to have control and so hs not going to pound on a white belt, but thats pretty cool
  10. THANKYOU!!!
  11. Yeah and it might take some time to take one down so the plan, although well thought up, is probally not the best one.
  12. Waid, i did know that Bushi Matsumura founded it...and for the sai thing, i guess its a matter of someones beliefs, and, where could i see some katas being done by Ho Han Soken?
  13. Ha thats great, i love that
  14. I dont know who wrote them i read it up in a library and i didnt really think to check the author, my master is a guy name Steve Pinder, he was trained by Fusei Kise which was trained by Ho Han Sokan, the originater of Shoring Ryu (i think dont be surprised if im wrong,) so i think he would know something on the matter
  15. Thats very dangerous for the fighter to do, control comes first in my book
  16. Well just learn the kali sticks and ask you sensei/sefu (i dont know what kind of system your in,) if he could teach you th bo if he/she knows it
  17. Theres no going to be a lot of stuff on that and at your rank its dangerous to tell you that, not that you couldnt use the information responsibly, its just that its not something you really need to learn right now
  18. Yeah, its like musashi says " to learn how to fight without fighting, is like learning how to swim on sand." Miyamoto Musashi
  19. No, it was a little harsh and it makes your sensei look bad when you do that
  20. Its half in the upper body and half in the leges, what you do is pull your legs up and pump your legs as high as you can
  21. Weapons of the Fedual Era, History of Okinawa, and my master know a whole lot about it.
  22. Just random books about okinawa, internet sites looking up radom things about weapons, and im talking about the sai
  23. yeah my book, dont take the cheap way out, go find a school! ahhh
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