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Everything posted by Zaine

  1. or your thinking of a song and the teacher asks you something and your quote the song.
  2. Yes, the salt water is bad for your belt and uniform. Next time you train at the beach make sure you soak everything in water right away after. Then wash the uniform and at least rinse the belt a second time - I know some people don't like to wash the belt for some reason. Some people were talking about this on Karate Underground. Check these out. http://www.karatethejapaneseway.com/karate_underground/viewtopic.php?t=4036 http://www.karatethejapaneseway.com/karate_underground/viewtopic.php?t=3546 What point is there in washing your belt, it is temporary for most people. And for some people it is disrespectful to wash your belt. I dont wash my belt, but then again, whats the point?
  3. Bruce Lee was an actor, among other things, but thats primarily where his fame was derived. Bruce was far from the best fighter of all time. Your statement about not all fights going to the ground is a misconception about MMA. Modern day MMA fighters train to fight in all aspects and areas of a fight. Ground fighting is NOT a style of fighting, it is a PHASE of fighting, just as much as punching or kicking is. While you say that the fight doesnt always go to the ground, the same can be said that the fight goes to the ground immediately. Thats one of the misconceptions about UFC is that everyone thinks that its all about taking a guy down and fighting on the ground. Thats only part of it, and the reason why you see it happen so often is because, as mentioned, groundfighting is a phase of the fight, and it cannot be ignored. Just because you see a guy get thrown to the ground does not mean that he wouldnt prefer to be blasting away with his hands on his feet. Ground fighting can be a phase but it is also a style. There are styles where they base there whold systems around fighting on the ground. They are very effective and work very well in certian situations. And people did say that Bruce Lee was the best fighter in the world.
  4. Alright, but would yall give up your rank. Although this question is more directed to the blackbelts and people almost at there black belts, i still would like to know from everyone.
  5. I would say that they both have there own advantages. With speed, well your fast, and with strength your strong and a tank. But its knowing how to use speed against strength and strength against speed thats the problem. If your speed you need to tire out the strong. And if your strong you have to have good timing. But you shouldnt stick to just speed or strength anyway, you should be both at the same time. Then your a tank and has strong punches, and you have the speed to dodge and get around your advisary easily.
  6. What is the importance of your rank to you? There are some people who would never give up there rank because they believe that they earned it and shouldnt have to give it up because it tells people that they know something that they dont. And then there are others who couldnt care less what happens to there rank because they still have the knowledge. Given every belt has its own sentimintal value to its wearer. But what is the importance of your rank. Id say that i know that i know how to fight and i dont need a belt to tell me that, what do yall think?
  7. Yeah, but who doesnt love a worn gi?
  8. I think there is no better punch out of the two. They both excel in some places. You just have to know when to use one and when to use the other.
  9. Thats the same mentality as Bruce Lee was the greatest fighter of all time, but, and this may be a shock to some die hard fans, people Bob Wall were beating him. Those arent the best fighters in the world mainly because for one, not every fight ends up on the ground, and two, those are controlled matches. But to answer the orginal question, every system has its effectivness on the street, it just all depends on how you use it.
  10. My inspiration was that this kid kept beating me up so i started taking it just so next time he tried it. But later my inspiratiopn came from other people telling me that i couldnt do it, i realy never drew inspiration from people, it was free so i thought hey lets do it.
  11. It all depends on my mood, if i had a crappy day i usually fight a little more aggresive and if it was a good day i fight laid back, it all depends. Also i think my parents would kill me if i had a fight club out of my basement, lol.
  12. Zaine

    Need Help

    It all depends on how well you mix it. But there right, if your a lower rank, wait till your about half way to black belt to do it, but ultimatly its your choice, i would consolt your sensei (and dont expect a happy answer.)
  13. If your sensei really did that to you infront of the whole class im gonna have to bring his self control into the mix here. As someone who teaches self disipilne (please excuse my spelling) then he shouldnt get angry like that. It is good to cross train, and it is good to ask questions outside of the class, thats how you learn. Furthermore, he has no control whatsoever to say whether or not you ask questions.
  14. Shorin Ryu has White Crane in it.
  15. LOL thats awesome. There is something everyone needs to look out for. The guy telling everyone that he can beat them up usually cant back that up. But the quite one is the one you ned to be afraid of.
  16. I wasnt aware that there was an okinawan style of punching. But i suggest knuckle pushups, and makiwari training.
  17. Thank you for clearing that up, but that post wasnt directed at you alone, but i get it now.
  18. Our animals are so intertwined with other core basic principles & philosophies of Hung-Ga, I don't know if they could be of any value as a separate system. I'd look further into how Shorin Ryu has intergrated the crane into the style. I have and Shorin Ryu is a system that utilizes conditioning and was ment to be a powerhouse system i suppose. But, i think that white crane was added in so that they could balance it out, but power behind the cranes grace
  19. learn how to river dance
  20. I am going to have to disagree with that to an extent. On one hand, maturity comes with age, most okinawan masters werent able to achive that rank untill after 35, and it still is that way there. But to say that an 18 year old doesnt hold the maturity is wrong. You cant know that, that is a steriotype and it is wrong just to flat out say something like that. Not all 18 year olds are bumbling idiots who do only drink and smoke. There are some smart and mature ones out there, you just need to look. But as for the master thing, i wouldnt give it to someone unless they had a solid understanding of when to use and not to use karate. I can understand where yall are coming from with the comment, but you have to look past that for some people, or your just going to be one of those people that goes around thinking every teenager steals, smokes, and drinks.
  21. TKD is a versitile art and there isnt a lot of things that wont go well with it. But go with Aikido
  22. You can only learn so much from reading things, my suggestion is to find someone in your area that can teach you it.
  23. only if your keeping it concealed in your car or something, but even then, those rules only apply to some places
  24. It is important if you earn it. A black belt you have gotten from signing a two year contract isnt something earned, it is a sure thing that you will get in two years. A black belt earned by hard work and sweat and pain is a black belt well earned. And that, is a black belt that is real.
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