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Everything posted by Zaine

  1. Well...Why_Worry...i dont believe in chi, at all, i believe that to win a fight takes strength and giving it all you have, chi, what is that all about, making chi balls, (which is impossible,) and...you kinda have a point with the distance thing, if you can pull it off, but, the strength and tecnigue is how to win a fight
  2. Since i dont know if thats a comment or a question, ill answer it...yeah if your a good sparrer you'll have somewhat of an upperhand in the fight, but if your not a full contact sparrer, then it could hurt you because your using all these technigues but there is no power behind it, now some people might read this and say, well then they'll just put power behind it, but thats not really 100% right, when someone is used to a certian way to spar, for example, if there school is a soft contact school, the they will be used to pulling punches, this is why it is smart to go to a full contact school, ya see cause karate wasnt invented to be used in competions, it was used to defend someone, and nowadays there is too many schools in it so they can look pretty on stage, and there are other schools that are in it for the money and dont care if they they get there black belts in a year of 50 years, so, in short, you can be a good sparrer, but it all depends on the insturctor teaching to either pull punches, or hit the opponet full on
  3. We dont do anything special but the kids do a duck walk to build up strength in the legs
  4. No its not uncommon, i had a kid going up for his purple belt in the kids class fail, poor kid.
  5. Well i can see that, the only time i have ever washed my belt was because it was mildey but, they must sweat really bad for it to sweat through there gi onto there belt
  6. when you become a neidan, i think, but i know its after black belt cause i learn white crane too after black belt,
  7. ...If you run out of room to block, there not going to have enough room to kick for one, and he is right boxing does have a lot of technigue to it, and control should come before strength, and strength is a thing you have to have, and in okinawan karate systems we do utilize body changes so that we can dodge attacks, its 50% instructor, and 50% fighter, no if, ands, or buts about it...
  8. When your against a gun your going to want to just bum rush the person, cause if you run they can still hit you but if you rush them there is a chance that they will get nervous and shaky and scared and they might freeze up.
  9. A front kick to the knee would cause a lot of damage , we had a tournament last Sunday and i used it , my opponent got his knee badly injured Why would you use that in a tournament?
  10. Thanks Zaine for the advice. Unfortunately, I lost. My instructors actually advice me not to pull my punches and just follow it up with a kick. I find this somewhat logical since no one's going to hold it. Yeah, sorry about the losing, my sensei tells us to pull punches unless there being stupid and are flailing...
  11. Thats not neccisarily true, farmers used weapons and killed samurai, it all depends on whos fighting
  12. Look at there body, there right eyes decieve i know my eyes stare at there body and other than that they are blank, Musashi says to look at the surroundings, but i suggest looking at there body
  13. You learn thim in pairs, and sometimes they will train you in one for those "just in case it slips" moments
  14. Thats fine thats still the funniest thing ive ever heard
  15. I have seen this form in competion one time, it was for the ISKA and it was on tv, dont by a Casey Marks, i wouldnt say that it was a Sandan level either, maybe neidan, or not even that maybe, but it is a pretty form
  16. Dude that sucks, my mom voulenteers at a shelter but were in texas, so, that sucks
  17. but, you should be able to a get a bo or something that you can put glow sticks in somewhere
  18. Why are your doing katas in the dark?
  19. Well...how did you do did you pass?
  20. Yeah it depends on the person
  21. Ah thats a good point i see where your coming from
  22. no i dont think you do i am 15 and i dont, and my school is a full contact school and now i can get and give head shots to certian people, but no i dont think you should
  23. I dont really believe in doing contracts its cause if its to much for someone they'll still take money out of your account and they have your debit number, i think someone reffered to that as a mcdojos, my school is free but, i wouldnt mind paying monthlybut not with a credit or debit card
  24. lol yeah but i do it to very old 80s songs...lol
  25. One of my dreams is to learn hook swords and the spear, i want to know is this a good choice in a weapon choice and what do yall reccomend i learn?
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