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Everything posted by Zaine

  1. This is something that happened to my aunt's friend while she was talking to some witnesses of a fight in a police station. The friend asks, "Now what happened?" The other lady looked around and said, "Officer it was crazy," and starts singing, "Everyone was kung fu fighting." so this lady is drunk and singing about what happened!
  2. Let see, you kick at a range...hmmm. Im gonna go with crowd him, so he cant get the kick in and he is forced to punch
  3. It all depends on the tournament you go to. In some they will be looking for the strength and effectivness on the katas. And in others they will be looking for the flashyness of it.
  4. Well...approach the teacher about it. There is room for sport and realistic karate. But the realistic needs to come first. You could try talking the teacher into doing a sport karate class and traditional class. But other than that you got two options, either go with it, or find another school to learn in.
  5. You know...it is sad news...but i bet he wouldnt want us to mourn for his death, instead i bet he would want us to do karate and train. Its foolhardy to rest on someones death, no matter how sad and how dissapointing it is. But to mourn, no, dont do that.
  6. Tong Il Lo is a MMA (mixed martial art). It mixes various things such as TKD, Aikido, and other arts. The ICMAA stands for The Internatinal Combative Martial Arts Association. Tong Il Lo's tournaments are continuous contact fighting and other creative things such as superfoot and sumo judo.
  7. Not really, the whole pointof break falls is to not land hard on your back, or side, or really anything.
  8. Oh yeah, one more thing, it Hakusturu started with Nabe Matusumura
  9. Very excellent point Skeptic. I have seen other times where that has happen i.e. flag dancers and bo forms, drummers and escrima fighters.
  10. Um, i dont think that at all, a white belt against a black belt, for one, the first sparring match i had was against a guy a foot taller than me and 300 pounds. And he was against a black belt, they tend to have control.
  11. Shotokan would wreak havic on your knees, there are low stances in some forms and that wouldnt be good for em. In your area i think the best to go for is Xing yi or Dachengdao, although i know nothing of Dachengdao, it probally is still better than Shotokan.
  12. Fight back. Do everything you can to getthem on the ground and walk away. If someone does that to you and you dont do something back then that gives them that much more reason to pick on you.
  13. Yeah, the whole point of the WCL is to break away from the UFC thing. Where its everything ends up on the ground, this is a more street fight brawl thing where as if you get a bigh gash on the top of your head and going to your forehead, (which actually happened in the last one) then you better guard the gash because it is a weakness, well, i think it airs in march of 2006, so, look out for it.
  14. Never underestimate a boxer or striker. In a ground fighting situation a whitebelt could choke out a black belt striker, in a groundfighting battle. But when your in something where the striker strikes and the grappler grapples. I have seen many occasions where the striker wins because the tend to have more speed than the grappler.
  15. You know I have heard that as well. But I attended a Ken Penland seminar and all we did was the Hakutsuru Kata. I have heard that Kise was suppose to be the only one who knew it, but if that is the case why can you buy videos of Hohan Soken performing it? Or is there a possibility that the one Kise knows is like Hakutsuru Ni or something? Oh well. Tomo That would probally explain it, there are different ways to do a kata depending on who learned it, people probally just freaked out because they though you ment a certain Hakutsuru. Its no big deal though. But to learn it from this Ken Penland in a seminar is bad unless it was a black belt seminar. You see, in my system Crane katas such as Lotan bet and Lotan Alef a.k.a Chinto 1and 2 are learned after 2nd degree. That is bad if you teach so many people a White Crane form so early in there training, its just bad teaching.
  16. Although it is a great theory. Think about it, you do a trink and your in the air and the guy rushes at you, he gets to you and hits you the second your feet touch the ground. Your screwed if you get hit in the right spot. So my overall judgement, tricks, good for competion, back for fighting.
  17. Learn the bo as a starting weapon and work your way up. The bo is the most basic weapon there is and is easy to learn. The king of all weapons, some call it. The kama is just an extention of the hand and the nunchuku is to hard to control to learn as a starting weapon .
  18. Well, its a kata, its no big deal. All i can say is that if Bushi made it that just one more thing he made. Its not like he wanted to keep it secret or something. But the big deal about it is that supposedly only Fusei Kise knows this kata.
  19. Zaine


    Practice makes perfect. You got to just stand on one foot all day or do something that takes balance.
  20. LOL, alright well lets go over some of them. For one, there is an episode at karatekast.com that tells about this, this is my masters website. Alright, no blackbelt ever has to register his hands as lethal weapons. Two that is a wierd way to kill someone, cause them someone to go in a coma because he was afraid of his own personal demons. Three, not all masters are calm and sincere. Four, some women are better then men. Five, a blackbelt is not a master. Six, a blackbelt cannot take on a crowd of people. Seven, American TKD, is only 50 years old for starters and Tong il lo is fairly. Eight, tradition martial arts work very well. well...you get the point, and it was stating myths, but thats funny im gonna have to get that issue.
  21. Its taken me 2 years to get to a 6th kyu and im close to going up for 5th. Id say two more years till i achieve black belt.
  22. Its all about the maturity. My school wont let someone who is immature get that high. If they cant handle that responibility then they dont deserve it, no matter how good they are.
  23. Yeah take say 20 white belts. Now atleast 10 of those are going to make it to 7th kyu before quiting. 5 of those are going to make it 3rd before quiting. and 2 of those are going to make it to black belt. So if people hand out belts, its just losing them money in the first place if you think about it.
  24. I agree with JusticeZero. Master one form of fighting before doing another one. It is good to have a good foundation and train from there. If you do different ones at the same time, it get confusing and you get mixed up.
  25. ya know, that question isnt really fair to ask. It all depends on the fighter and the instructor. If the instructor is bad, then the fighter will be bad. And if the instructor is good but the fighter isnt, then your screwed if your the fighter. In UFC ive seen strikers beat ground fighters, and ive seen the exact opposite. It all depends.
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