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Everything posted by ZeRo

  1. exactly the muscles are healing, they arent used to the work out. im not sure though, a doctor may be in order if it hasnt gone in a few days
  2. hi welcome!
  3. im hurt my knee pretty bad right now so im gonna have to stop for a while. knees take ages to heal
  4. i think its a low thai shin kick. kinda like a low roundhouse kick. i think
  5. have you thought that it could just be that your unfit and your body/muscles arent used to the work?
  6. its not for learning from, its like a study aid, a revision guide if you will. you cant learn the pattern from them but you can revise a pattern that is rusty in your head. JMO
  7. i agree with karatekid, if you have some knowledge of martial arts i think you may be able to get some knowledge outa it. you can learn some techniques and stuff. just have fun and go for it!
  8. yeah the face block is never a move i like to employ when i spar.
  9. just roll the sleeves and trousers up, thats tht i have done.
  10. the thing i dont get about the karate kid is why he used a kung fu stance at the end?
  11. ow? i was unaware about the weight thing for each size. im probably the wrong person to answer this then
  12. hi welcome!
  13. hi welcome
  14. hi welcome
  15. i dont think weight will effect the size of your gi, only size/hieght will effect that.
  16. you are right Beer randori is sparring but with throws. this sounds like a cool drill.
  17. i very much doubt there is a weight restriction at dojos, everyone should be able to learn. and yeah im pretty sure you'll be able to get a gi in your size.
  18. i tihnk Kickchick grabs the "ZeRo award for outstanding posting" for all her health and fitness knowledge. (thanks PhilM1 )
  19. yes im also voting for the Real Ultimate power art.
  20. well i can give you a good site in london but i dunno about a shop. if you need it later just ask.
  21. that would be cool, one day i would like to go full out.
  22. ummm maybe try not hitting stuff with it for a while?
  23. have you asked your instructor? they usually get things cheeper.
  24. depends on the school. what organisation is your club with? eg. ITF WTF ITU ect.
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