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Everything posted by DragonMike

  1. Welcome to the forums!
  2. Welcome to the forums!
  3. Sadly, we din't get many answers tonight. Looks like we have the makings of one heck of a war though.
  4. Exactly, I would just like to concur that rest is a vital part of training that you cannot overlook. And also to recomend that you do not train to failure-you should still have some energy left.
  5. I would suggest that you take a look at some of the dojangs in your area and see if they will let you pay on a month to month basis. I would not sign a contract at this point since you will be leaving for college soon. Ad for working out, I would look on line for an introductory workout routine. I would not let your current state of physical fitness stop you from training.
  6. To that you could respond, "have someone try to figure out how Jean Claude Van Damme is still making movies." Its bond to give someone an anurism.
  7. Yeah, I can't wait for next season to start. I think I heard March.
  8. That does sound like a good theory. Would it be related to the project in the hatch? And how does that connect to Michal's kid?
  9. Yep, I think it starts again here in the states in March.
  10. If you are after a six packyou will need to do a good deal of aerobic excersize as well. I did a lot of lifting for awhile, but I didn't get the six pack until I strted to run. I would do a mixture of leg lifts and crunches. Let me know if you want a more detailed plan.
  11. I think that with TKD and karate you will get the benefits that you are seeking. Both of them are part of a very deep and beautiful culture. In addition they both will provide the mental toughness, aerobic workout and flexibility that you are looking for. I would say since TKD features high kicks it might offer more flexibility training. I know its not the answer that you wanted, but you should check out the dojos and see if the instructors ephasize what you are looking for.
  12. You shoould definately jion. You are still plenty young enough to make a complete turn around and be better than you were before.
  13. And, "Have You Ever Used it on Anyone?"
  14. Yeah, I'm guessing the "project" in the hatch has something to do with the smoke.
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. I'm into videogames-I have an Xbox 360. I'm also into movies, sports and Formula 1.
  17. My rank is important to me. Not for the belt itself but because of the growth that is symbolizes. The path that I have taken in the martial arts is one of the things that I am the most proud of.
  18. Welcome to the forums!
  19. Congratulations!
  20. I really prefer the traditional forms. I respect the athletic ability of open competitors, but I enjoy the technique in traditional forms better. I just think there is something special about doing the same forms that have been practiced for years.
  21. Tao of JKD is pretty good. It is a collection of writings on different topics. Many of them are very insightful.
  22. Welcome to the forums!
  23. Welcome to the forums!
  24. Welcome to the forums!
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