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Everything posted by Menjo

  1. I don't really have Medieval Combat around here. I wish I did. I have some friends that share the interest, but our schedules don't key up very well. So, most of my research comes from reading. Ah, that must be challenging, I can only imagine all the factors involved.
  2. Today I didn't have a plan at all...but no work so it was all day training. 4k run Plyometrics for 1 hour Hill sprints (10) 800 metre run 5min break 1k run push ups, sit ups, pull ups Jumping in the aire while bringing knees to the chest(20) 800 metre run 1min break 2k run sprinting up some stairs suicide sprints 1k run push ups, sit ups, pull ups 800 metre run 1 hour rest Then went weight training 1 hour rest swimming and then during the night I did a few hours at shotokan class and practicing before and after.
  3. It really is, especially if theyre open for sparing. Unfortunately I think I have the same popluation issue, thats the only one here but oh well. You sure are lucky to have medieval combat though.
  4. All the suggestions above I agree with however you could also try whats below mixed in with that: Try thinking, I WILL evade or block instead of just thinking, I'm going to block. Hold this mindeset for the entire duration. Option A: You do the same movement and tell yourself your going to do your best, but in the end, the result was the same as last time. Nothing will change, no matter how long, the habit of getting used to losing just gets deeper. Now the difference is, option B: You evade or block, no questions asked you make it work because your will says so. Thats it. There will be a huge difference on your follow up or counter, even if they get in.
  5. I learned alot today, more like a little adventure haha, Morning: Did the standard 4k run. Then I did plyometric drills and plenty of push ups, sit ups, pull ups...ect. Then Kata for 1 hour. Noon: Went weight training, and gagged after drinking some sort of health shake my instructor made for me... Hill sprints (10) 800 metre run X 3 Evening: Went to a 5 animal kung fu dojo just for the experiance.
  6. yeah good point haha Today I was working on developing some more power based combinations. 4k run jump rope 3 x 1minute 1 minute rest Then I went through the Shotokan basics (punches, blocks, kicks, combinations) Then it was: 10 pull ups (palms out) 20 push ups 50 crunches 10 second rest 10 pull ups(palms out) 25 Knuckle push ups 50 crunches 10 sec rest 20 pull ups(palms in) 25 push ups 50 crunchs 20 sec rest jump rope 2 x 1mintue Hill sprints (5) Then it was heavy bag work, and trying out some combinations for explosiveness and timing.
  7. The Tokaido gi is actually very nice, and friend of mine also has one and its everything youd ever need for any type of karate training. Although I only got the traditional cut one, anyway good luck.
  8. I'd say theres four times as much grappling than boxing. Overall, theres no real damage done, when you really look at it...I mean if every fighter became a paraplegic or blind after one match...you can see where I'm going. It surprises me that being open minded is what alot of traditional practitioners base themselves on. I'm not saying I'm not in the traditional category though. I can see what your overall statement is and I agree with pretty much all of it, except MMA gets the mix from collecting different styles ideas and practicing them under one.
  9. Thats great to hear, congratulations!!
  10. Is it healthy for childern who are growing to be vegatarian? Every vegatarian as a kid I ever met was very small and skinny, coincidence?
  11. I think you have a very strong message there, I can totally relatee to your frustration. However there are some circumstances that can be taken into consideration... By the time I was 1st Kyu in Shotokan I had my eye set on various training and fighting methods but, One day my instructor told me that I was going to get my black belt, I politly asked him to give me 6 months more training, he responded by saying that "your going to pass anyway, just go". I left that school and went to a serious one, 1 year later I did the black belt exam at the new school, of course I passed, but that didnt matter. It was memories from before from sparring with training and going through real pain that I was proud of. My point is, some people may not see the benifits, and some may find they don't want a title that really doesn't have any real value, (depending on the school). And as mentioned before, there are just some lazy people who will never understand martial arts.
  12. Thanks bushido_man96, I think my body is starting to catch up with my spirit
  13. Today was fairly good training and I got some new shoes so I thought I'd test them out: This morning I was trying to improve holding the same tempo for long periods of time with bursts of intensity spread around. 1mile run 25 normal push ups 35 knuckle push ups 30 crunches with weights High Knees (15) 30 second rest 1mile run 25 normal push ups 20 Burpees 30 crunches with weights 30 second rest 1mile run 10 pulls ups (palms outward facing) 20 normal push ups 10 burpees 25 crunches with weights 20 second rest and finally, 800 metre run High knees (20) 10 pull ups(palms inward facing) 20 Normal push ups 5 Suicide Sprints 5 hill sprints Stretching. And I have yet to do my evening workout today. I think its upper body weight training tonight.
  14. I think that thats exactly it, personally: I naturally train both as I write with my left hand and do everything else with my right, so either or are equally comfortable.
  15. I agree with you, and I wish this was a more well known situation.
  16. Thats great, as you probably know, stretching constantly at the right time is a major factor in your ability to get your knee in better shape. Especially with lots of biking.
  17. haha, reminds me of a certain time...When I was 15, a karate instructor was sparing with me and I kept my hands close to my body similar to a kickboxing class I took a couple nights before. He then got angry after I was able to fight back and told me to hold one hand out like a traditional karate stance...a reasonable order. I did so reluctantly, and then he grabbed my outstretched hand with his right and hooked me cleanly on the nose as hard as he could with his left.
  18. You can use weights to support the muscles around the knee also.
  19. A proper shotokan roundhouse kick is performed with the ball of the foot... from JKA Shotokan. Instep and shin kicks are taught but I think its more of a U.S. karate trait, possibly by being influenced by styles like Tae Kwon Do or Muay Thai. About the sidekick: Thats interesting, flexibility probably does play a major role in your technique, however, almost everyone can kick to about knee level with proper supervision, and thats all youll probably need in terms of kicks in self defense. Think of your posture, knee position, foot position, hip action, and you should be all set.
  20. Thats intense man...I like happy endings
  21. Since my methods have little to do with storing energy, I decided to do some endurance stuff with no breaks. 5k, 35 pound backpack, a winter jacket. It wasnt pleasant. Then hill sprints(with weights), and then explosive swimming. After swimming I worked on closing my distanceand trying to utilize jabs mixed with short range more heavier hits. after that was just the regular workout for the day. Technique wise hopefully this kind of training will help my focus. Thanks for sharing that, I think I could learn alot from this.
  22. I can relate to your situation Fish...I believe the ISKF in Shotokan separated from JKA, and I had done alot under it. As for advice, I think Bushido_Man has that pretty much covered. Talking with your instructor is probably your best option. Remember that, the politics and the superficial sides of martial arts are constantly changing, however, training still will be training, and you’ll still be you tomorrow...just hopefully a little bit better. Good luck.
  23. Meh, this is nothing new at all. Its common sense, thats all, just because its not complete garabage that alot of MAs use...doesnt mean its new to everyone or should be. The problem is when articulation and popularity are more respected than skill and practice. This isnt new, and if anything its holding traditional arts on the same usual path of false self confidence. I'm not saying that its not effective, its just that, skilled strikers know how to strike reasonably while on the ground, but in choice, because it depends on the skill of the opponent...ect.
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