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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I wish they would. I would like to see the whole ISKA/US Open on TV instead of bits and pieces of it. It was on for three hours the other night, but it was 3 in the morning, and I missed it As far as the press, if they show stuff like the US open (not some hyped up fake MA stuff) in it's purest form, the public will like it, and hopefully won't get the wrong idea of MA. The UFC was killed by the press. They made it out to be like wrestling (I hate wrestling LOL). And I'd like to see more K-1 also.
  2. LOL Kickchick. Yea, I was, but I didn't get the worst of the sunburn till the next day. I was sober! I could "feel" the sun then. I should have known better
  3. I started in Tang Soo Do. Well, when I started, I wasn't looking for an "art". I wanted to learn self defense for a job I had (security). I found the TSD dojang (which also taught Combat Hapkido). After a month or two, I fell in love with the "art" part of martial arts. It got me in shape, helped me with disipline, self esteem .... the mental part is awsome, too. Now I do TKD, because I moved. I couldn't find a TSD and/or Hapkido school. But I did find a TKD school that trains the old fashion way (not just sport). I think my school is rare among the "sport" TKD dojangs, and I love it. _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-06 13:58 ]
  4. I'm back I had a blast. Went simming, got a little sunburned, got drunk, and watched fireworks. This afternoon. I went simming again, and I burned worse on my back arms and buttocks. OMG!!! I can't sit (and I had a 3 hour ride home What I learned from this trip ..... where sunscreen, and don't drink and watch fireworks with a headache How was everyone elses 4th? I hope you all had a great time celebrating the birthday of our country united and strong
  5. Happy 4th everyone, and remember. Don't let those *******s (terrorists) scare us from partying on our country's birthday Anyways, I gotta go pack. Going to PA for the 4th. My hunny's sister is throwing a huge party. See ya when I get back (friday).
  6. There's a Korean art called Farang Mu Sul I read about in Black Belt Mag (Aug issue). It doesn't say much on it, but it's a good article about low kicks. _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-02 23:04 ]
  7. I sparred at my test on saturday. I noticed that I needed to work on a few things. Definiely work on combos, for me, anyways. Sparring does help with distance, control, speed, and combos. You can work on some techniques while sparring that will be "realistic". Like mid-level kicks, punching. blocking, speed, ect. Sparring also helped me with my fear of getting hit. I used to "run" (back-up) in sparring. But now I know how it feels to get hit. Yes, it can hurt, but it doesn't take me by suprise anymore. I get kicked, punched, ect. now, but I just keep goin at them (my partners) now. It's actually fun Ut oh, I turned into a sparring junky eeekkkk LOL.
  8. Well said Saifight. I totally agree with that Which is why I told my instructor that I no longer wanted to be "rushed". I wanna take my time and develope my skills, instead of getting a rank I don't deserve, or not having the "mental" part down.
  9. Ti-Kwon-Leap wrote: This seems to occur with many other Korean terms as well.> Hiya. The reason for this is the korean language changed over the years. There is what is the "old style" Korean (what I learned in TSD) and the "new style" Korean (which is used in TKD). Koreans know the difference, and they understand both, so either term is ok. I hope this helped.
  10. I agree, Jack. Some of it is ok, to give the movie a little "spice". But it is overused, and the flying is too unrealistic. I'd rather see a movie that has a good fight scene without wires or flying. Crouching tiger was a good movie, except for the flying. The part where the two women were fighting in the dojo was great. Not much fancy stuff, but good.
  11. Amen Ti-kwon-Leap. Great post. I agree with you 100%. As far as the art vs art posts. I don't bother with them anymore. Cause they just end up as a cyber sparring matches. Like Ti said, it's not the art, it's the person practicing it and practicing hard to get better.
  12. I've only been doing TKD for 6 months, but I'll try this out. The WTF (World Tae kwon Do Fed) normally concetrates on the sport end of TKD. The ITF (International TKD Fed) is supposed to be more traditional. They do more self defense than the average WTF school. I donno much about the ITU (International TKD Union) or the ATA. But this all depends on the instructors too. My school is WTF, but we are more like the ITF in the way our classes are taught (more self defense, less sparring, ect).
  13. Same here, kickchick. We have white, (orange for kids), yellow, green, blue, brown, red, probationary BB (which is 6 months by itself), then black. But there is two degrees of each belt. We earn the belt, then we have to earn a stripe of the next color belt. Like I was a yellow belt/green stripe. I'll get a blue stripe in three months from now. But we also have to get so many classes to get each belt/stripe. Some only go twice a week, so it takes them 4 months (8 months each belt). But if you don't pass the BB test, you have to wait another 6 months (BB tests only run every six months).
  14. That's the story my old instructor told me, kickchick. I washed my first 2 belts and he found out, then he told me that story. I haven't washed any of my belts since. _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-06-26 20:29 ]
  15. In my school, it takes roughly 4 to 5 years (two belts a year, 4 grades). Unless, you have experience. Then they advance you a little faster (like they did with me). I made green in 6 months. They wanted to get me back to my old rank. But I chose to slow down. I wanna take my time. I'm in no rush anymore. I wanna enjoy my training, instead of going so fast that I can't keep up.
  16. Hiya all. I was wondering if anyone knows of any good heavy bag drills. I wanna work on technique as well as get fit. If you have a website with pics/mpeg's (videos), that's even better. Thanks in advance for your help.
  17. I seen Jimmy Page. Does that count? LOL
  18. LOL Old rookie. That was good In that case, I would wash my belt P.S. My belts don't have washing instructions on them (I have no clue why). _________________ Laurie S. Yellow belt/green stripe TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-06-24 15:40 ]
  19. My master (TSD) smoked. Did I hate him for it? No. It didn't affect the way he taught. I didn't hold it against him, because he didn't tell me not to do it when he did. My master now drinks on occasion. Do I hate him for it? No, because like the one above. It doesn't affect the way he teaches, and he doesn't tell me not to do it when he does. I think that's fair. As long as they don't tell you not to do it when they do, or don't do it while teaching, I don't see a problem with it. They are human, not gods. No one is perfect. _________________ Laurie S. Yellow belt/green stripe TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-06-23 22:39 ]
  20. I wanna see Linkin Park! Need a date, Blade? Just kidding. I'd love to see Linkin Park, but I don't have the funds to fly to GA
  21. Taikudo-ka, We have our belts for two grades (gup/kyu's). Most people in my school will have the same belt for 4 to 6 months, but it's for 2 grades. We have so many grades (12) that we can't keep changing color belts everytime. The reason for so many grades is because we learn TKD up till 4 gup, them we learn a bit of kung fu for the last 4. So, that makes me an 8th gup for this school (green belt as of saturday). But for regular TKD, they change it everytime (from what I know of). I would be a 5th gup in regular TKD. _________________ Laurie S. Yellow belt/green stripe TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-06-23 11:05 ]
  22. It should be organized by language (not syle .....too many of them), then in alphabetical order. When you are ready, Patrick, I'll give ya a s**t load of Korean terms
  23. I don't wash my belt either. The blood, sweat, and tears I put into training is also on my belt (on all of them from both schools). It even has a coffee stain on it LOL. After I recieved my yellow belt (the party afterwards) I got a cup of coffee, and I had a "hole in my chin" and a few drops got on my belt as well as my uniform (sheesh I'm such a slob LOL). I treated and washed my uniform, but I only used cold water on my belt to get most of the stain out. That's the most I would do as far as washing it. I agree with G95. _________________ Laurie S. Yellow belt/green stripe TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-06-22 01:11 ]
  24. I've seen several shows. I went to the H.O.R.D. Fest 97 (remember that one LOL). Which had a s**t load of bands (including Neil Young for the headliner). I saw the Y100 fest (NJ radio station show), also had a s**t load of bands. I can't even remember most of them (too much beer I think LOL). I saw OzzFest 99 (Sabbith, not just Ozzy). Very heavy show. Awsome. I saw Metallica (awsome show), Jimmy Page, Creed, and Pearl Jam (disappointing show). I wanted to go to Ozz Fest this year, but they are not comin to NY !@#!@#!@#!@#@#$!!!!!!!!!
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