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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Hiya all. For those of you who do Tang Soo Do/Soo Bahk Do ..... I have sad news. Hwang Kee passed away RIP I am totally speachless. I donno what else to add ......
  2. Hiya, Dee. I'm with ya, gal. I'm also female, and I've been also training for two years in two arts. I haven't come across "gender" issues yet, but I know I did when I was a drummer. I always heard, "Girls can't play drums". I know it's the same in MA somewhere. It does piss me off, but I learned not to let it bother me. Some guys are affraid a female will show them up (sorry guys, but some men are like that ). They have to learn that this is not the "old fashion days" anymore.
  3. My fav is Tang Soo Do. It will always be. It was my first art. I'm not saying I hate TKD. That's far from the truth. I'm enjoying it a lot, but TSD will always be first. I got into TKD, because there wasn't any TSD dojangs close to me (not less than three hours anyways). I also did some Hapkido, which I really liked, too.
  4. Oh ok. I though all Shotokans schools did it like that. Thanks Sai.
  5. I forgot about those, non. My school doesn't actually teach "tricks" (my TSD school did), but I love learning them on my own. Very cool. Now if I can get the 540 down without anymore interuptions (injuries).
  6. I didn't start till I was 25. I wasn't flexible at all. I mean, touching my toes was a dream! LOL. I still have a video of me as a white belt in TSD .... eeekkkkk. Now I could kick an average sized person (under 5'10) in the head. It took work, yes. And I'd prolly have got there quicker at a younger age, but I don't find it difficult. I get in there with the younger ones and spar, and I can keep up, so there's no problem there. I do regret the fact that I didn't start earlier, but the funds didn't allow it
  7. Ouch, TSD! We didn't run, but I bet we did that many kicks in a 1 hour class that night. Wow!
  8. In school, I liked English. Now I'm a computer geek LOL. I'm studying web design. I'll prolly do programming next. _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-12 23:16 ]
  9. The kicks and hand techniques (in my dojang anyways). We do learn low kicks, and I love those as well as the fancy ones. I thought I wouldn't like the Taeguk forms (after doin traditional TSD forms) but I love taeguk sa jang ..... oops, did I say that out loud??? I wasn't suposed to learn it yet
  10. Here Blue: http://espn.go.com/sitetools/s/contact/espntv.html Lemme know if it don't work. I'll try it again. _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-12 22:57 ]
  11. Hiya sai, I visited a Shotokan school. I saw them line up as usual, but they line up really close together. They sit one by one starting with the senior student. Then they bow (sitting) in the same fashion. Does your school do that?
  12. So far, mine was the first MA class I took. I was outta shape, and I was huffin and puffin LOL. Or maybe it had to be the day I "volinteered" to be the "dummy" at a women's self defense clinic at my school. Fellow students were there. They could hit hard, but I was holding targets, so it wasn't so bad. Until, the ones that weren't trained in MA ..... eeeekkkkk. I almost got scratched in the face, punched in the nose (I turned my head and got it in the side of my face instead, and if I was a guy, I would have dropped from getting kicked in the balls ..... ouch. Or the class (in TSD) that we trained a lotta kicks. Very intense. One kick after the other, and we covered every kick in the book. I almost puked, had an athsma attack, and lotta bruises, but I kept right on going _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-12 22:36 ] [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-12 22:37 ]
  13. I was just looking at the ESPN2 schedule for the US Open. 4am ?!?!?!?!?! Eeeeekkkkk. We should gripe to get them to put back on friday nights at 11 (maybe earlier). Plus they showed 3 hours worth the other night, but it was 4 in the morning ..... ggggrrrrrrr I worte a "gripe" email to them already We all should. You agree?
  14. I don't do ITF, but my dojang teaches the way the ITF does. We do learn self defense, and less sport TKD (eventhough it's offered to those who want it). I agree with Taezee. Most the people that "bash" TKD never tried it. I'm am sick of people bashing TKD for something they saw, or because of a McDojang. Not all TKD schools are like that. I used to bash TKD, but I never tried it either (I was in TSD, a traditional dojang). I ate my words when I got into it. So I would say try it before you bash something. Ok, I'll get off my soap box now.
  15. For TSD, we did: White: Kicho Il bu, Ee bu, and sam bu (Taikyoku for the Japanese stylist). Orange: Pyung ahn (pinan, Heian) cho dan Green: Pyung ahn ee dan blue: Pyung ahn sam dan brown: Pyung ahn sa dan, bo form 1 Purple: Pyung ahn O dan, bo form 2 Red: Bassai So Red w/stripe: Bassai Dai Cho dan Bo: Naihanchi cho dan (used to be sip soo) Black: Naihanchi Ee dan, knife form 1. Black (2nd degree): Naihanchi sam dan, knife form 2. That's all I know (I stopped at pyung ahn sam dan)
  16. I never paid more than $55 for a tourny. $80 is too much. That is a rip-off. I never heard of such a tourny that asked that much money (in TSD anyways, or the NY area TKD schools). Who in the heck needs that much for a tourny????
  17. In my dojang, we learn TKD and kung fu, so it goes something like this: White (basics) White/yellow stripe (a basic form of basics) yellow (Taeguk Il Jang) yellow/green stripe (Taeguk Ee Jang) green (Taeguk Sam Jang) green/blue stripe (Taeguk sa Jang) blue (Taeguk Oh Jang) blue/brown stripe (Taeguk Yuk Jang) brown (Taeguk Chil Jang) brown/red stripe (Taeguk Pal Jang) red (Koon Shu .... Kung Fu staff form) red/black stripe (Lian Bu Chuen .... kung Fu form) Black (Koryo) And each BB rank also has 1 WTF form, 2 kung fu forms and 1 kung fu weapons form each. _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-11 13:53 ]
  18. Thanks, Mr. Man I got it, Bon. Where did ya get it from? If it's from aol posts ...... hehehehehe. I like to start s**t on there hehehehe. Seriously, if ya got it from aol messege board, I know they like to argue about everything. It gets ugly LOL. And oh, I still love kata/hyung LOL _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-11 13:29 ]
  19. In my dojang, it is important for disipline. They are really strict about it. We bow when we enter the dojang itself and before we enter the training floor. Then, if one is present, we bow to the most senior instructor (who ever is teaching the previous class). The master instructor (or senior instructor) will ask everyone to line up. We guickly respond. The senior student will say face the flags, charyut (sp?), kyung yet. The instructor will turn to face us, charyut, kyungyet. Then in chinese (since we have kung fu, too), but I could never remember the chinese LOL. Then the senior will lead in the student oath. Then we bow again. After class, we are told to line up again. We do breathing exercises, meditation. We are asked the saying of the week (whatever it might be that week), and words of wisdom. Then we bow out (to the instuctor, then the most senior student). When leaving, we bow leaving the training floor and the dojang door. _________________ Laurie S. Green belt TKD (formally 5th gup blue belt TSD) [ This Message was edited by: karatekid1975 on 2002-07-11 13:22 ]
  20. I also believe that forms are definitely not useless. Like it was said before here, forms have an important role in the whole MA experience. In MA, there is forms, step sparring, breaking, sparring, and training (basics, kicks, drills, ect). You need all of this to become a great martial artist. If ya have one weak link in a chain, it would break
  21. My fav hyung is Pyung ahn ee dan (pinan). I like all the TSD forms. I got up to Pyung ahn sam dan, but I like pyung ahn ee dan better. It's a cool form, and it has a lotta good techs in it. My fav form to watch (the senior belts do) was Bassai. That is such a cool looking form.
  22. I thought it was good, also. I bookmarked it for future referance
  23. My hunny found this site at work and sent it to me (he gets bored at work and surfs the net LOL). I didn't read everything, but I did read the hammy part. And I read the diet part. But there is so much on this site. Comments? http://www.fit4martialarts.com/
  24. I'd use TSD or TKD for the kicking, Kenpo or Combat Hapkido for self defense, jujitsu or judo for ground fighting, a little boxing ..... I don't know much about weapons to pick an art for that. Maybe arnis, but I donno much about that either.
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