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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I like tournaments, but I don't compete much. I like to go to test my skills every once in a while, but I'd rather watch. I think seminars are better. You get to learn as well as "compete" in a way, but the "sport" end of it is taken out. I'm not into the "sport" end of martial arts. Nothing wrong with those who like it, but it's just not me.
  2. Same here, Rocky. I have a B.O.B. in my living room, belt racks on the walls, a "toy box" full of "karate toys" (re-breakable board, kicking shield, ect), and our VHS rack is getting full of martial arts related movies, TKD related vids, and TSD related stuff. Now I'm collecting Hapkido related vids LOL.
  3. Pyros is right. Part of MA is motivation. But I will bet that once you try it (and if you get into a good school) you'll be hooked! I was over-weight, not flexible at all, like you. My self esteem? I didn't have any. Disipline? .... nope. Trouble maker and party animal? Yes. Depression? .... Yes. Now, I have much more self esteem, confidance, and self esteem. From not being flexible, I can now do splits. I also lost .... well lost fat. I gained muscle. My "new" attitude didn't happen over night, though. It takes time. If you stick with it, you will see (and feel) a differance in a month or two, even if it's a little improvement. You will definitely see/feel it. So I say, Go for it
  4. Katana. Look at the "McDojo" thread we have in the General Martial Arts section. That will tell you what to look out for as far as the school being a "McDojo." I happen to be stuck in one, but I did find a good school. Good luck
  5. I'm a traditional martial artist. I guess that comes from doing TSD (and my new Dojang is TKD MDK). But I don't "egnore" or put down other arts. Every art has something to offer. Eventhough I do a "striking art" doesn't mean I don't want to get into ground fighting art or weapons fighting art, ect. I do. I'm interested in Kali for weapons, and jujitsu and/or Judo for ground fighting. What I don't like is how MMA fighters put down others arts when they never tried them. Not just MMA, but a few others also. If they try another art and don't like it for what ever reason, so be it. But don't bash someone else because they do that art. Just my opinion
  6. I do WTF TKD, and I like Taeguk sah jang, so far. I'm learning Taeguk O Jang right now, and it's annoying (till I learn it, that is LOL). But my all time fave is a TSD form. Pyung ahn ee dan. I like Bassai better, eventhough I never learned it. It looks way cool.
  7. I have a friend who does Shotokan Welcome to the forum.
  8. Katana, I live in NY. I can help look into schools in your area. You don't have to tell me the town you live in, but I would need the county. I go to a Mcdojo (stuck in a contract), so I would definitely keep you from getting into my situation.
  9. Thanks Link Queen ..... I mean Kickchick No offense to Bruce fans, but I was looking for something more TKD and/or karate related. I've been looking, too with no luck This may be harder than I thought ..... Hmmmm
  10. Hiya, guys. Keep it calm here, please. This is a art vs art section of the form, but we don't need flame wars or putting each other (or arts) down Thanks.
  11. Ok I'm sure there will be others who know (I hope ).
  12. Hiya all. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can order a MA related calender for the New Year. Thanks in advance.
  13. Welcome to KF. Pull up a chair, and chat away
  14. Mine is to do a side split. I finally did a front split (all the way down to the floor) the other day I want to take better care of myself. Not really diet, but stay away from the "junk." Take vitamins regularly (something that seems difficult for me LOL). And to turn my dojang around and leave with a "bang" (when the contracts up). I'll make them wish I was still there (not at those prices).
  15. Thanks Hapkidoist. I will look into the "legal" part, then LOL Kickchick. I love your sense of humor I will go with my idea. Like you said, I'll either tick them off or they will love me for it or it may even open their eyes to what they are doing wrong. I can't do anything about the outragious prices, but I sure can help the other students there.
  16. I occasionally take time off. Last time it was for injury, though. Last May, I pulled a hamstring. I took a few days to a week off. I trained after that, but modified my training so I can heal. I took three weeks off. Two because the dojang was closed. This last week was for me. I wanted to quit the dojang I'm at, but I'm stuck in the contract. So I decided to keep training. That way my training (and the improvements) I have done doesn't go to waste. I figure by the time the contract (2 and 1/2 years left) is up, my technique, flexibility, and sparring should be a lot better. And I will be a 1st dan by then. I can carry that over in a real dojang. So, yea, the time off to "think" helped.
  17. Welcome, Shorty. There's Shotokan students here. Including a friend of mine. I have to talk her into coming back on KF (she hates computers LOL).
  18. Wow, Kickchick! LOL Anyways, I'm not doing anything exciting tonight. I have to work, then come home, drink daquries (sp?), and watch the ball drop. Happy New Year, anyways
  19. It sounds like a cool deal. I did Tang Soo Do. TSD does have it's own self defense, but my instructor taught Combat Hapkido on top of it. Plus he brought in a jujitsu teacher (seperate class). I did all three for a while. I thought it was a great mixer of tradition, ground work, and realistic self defense. It sounds like your instructor wants his students to be well rounded. There's nothing wrong with that.
  20. No, some schools have contracts, like my TSD dojang did. I didn't care then, because it wasn't a McDojang. Eventhen, they didn't ask me to sign a three year contract. They had contracts for 3 months, 6 months, and one year. I did the three month one twice and the one year one just because I knew I wasn't going to leave at the time. But I ended up moving anyways
  21. Thanks Red. I was wondering if there is a way to legally break the contract if my above plan doesn't work.
  22. It's ok, Cheeky. Nobody starts out "knowing" how to spar. It takes time and practice. Since everyone in your class works with you, ask them for tips on sparring. Most higher ranks would be glad to help.
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