I am a Red Belt in Youn Wha Ryu. Many people consider that arts that claim to be made up of many different arts should be avoided as they are not true martial arts. The truth is that Grandmaster Han has over 60 years experience in many different martial arts styles and has extensively developed the Youn Wha Ryu system to what it is today. Parts of it may look like hapkido, judo, kung fu or jiu-jitsu but it is Youn Wha Ryu plain and simple. It has taken Grandmaster Han a lifetime to develop and perfect this system so that anyone and everyone may participate. I know some instructors in the Youn Wha system there in the Southern part of Missouri, I was just in Springfield last month, because the Southern Missouri division of Youn Wha Ryu had their 4th annual tournament. There are some really good instructors over there in that area. The instructors in Youn Wha Ryu, will work with you, if you can't do jump kicks, that won't make you do jump kicks. They are some great people. I would really recommend the Youn Wha Ryu system to you, in your situation! Go check it out, and see if you like it. GOOD LUCK!! I wish you the best! Keep us updated!