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Everything posted by Rank7

  1. it works your eye reflexes buddy.
  2. im not too familiar with tan soo do so i cannot make a great judgement there. i know mixing mthai and wing chun is quite effective
  3. i thought this was a way to better round your self. why have another founation of ground work when you have bjj? your just holding your self back a bit
  4. \\\ yes. very true but i would like you to go to a boxing gym and tell them you can throw a punch like these people can. from experience you will see a difference . flow like water.
  5. eye gouges man .........
  6. what you CAN do is have eye sensitivity . do this when you are bored. ie. say you are in a desk listening to the big bang theory . but your a christian beleiver so you dont pay attn. so put a hand out and concentrate on lets say your thumb nail. focus on it then find an object thats a distance away lets say the clock 45 degrees left from you and 15 ft away. focus on your thumb then quickly glance directly at the clock till its quicky focused, then quickly back to your thumb till it focuses again, keep doing this and you will be able to see punches comming at you rather than feeling them come at you
  7. My school has both programs . it has jun fan /kali and muaythai/ jkd grappling . (used to be bjj) but tis now called jkd grappling. as i looked into both the MT curriculum seemed more sportish, but those guys are quite good.
  8. i had a rib cracked. now i look forward to executing body hooks
  9. muay thai may go against bruce's idea since he felt t'was not as simple, quick and direct. (this is not easy for me to comprehend since i spar in my muay thai class and notice they are very well fighters) and same for bjj. but i can see how they both complient eachother and how they would also might have a certain advantage of those who study JKD and not straight blast gym. (ground work bjj but this is not always the case since jun fan praticioners at least here take up shoot wrestling) you will not learn trapping right away. you might learn a few drills but nothing serious on trapping until you are ready for it. trapping takes alot of time to master. thats a tool the experienced can play around with. i mean just think. you go up against a boxer they are pretty fast. do you think your gonna go up to him and trap him first shot you get???? for this you box him first then when you are close range you then execute a trap IF the opportunity is available.or if your super fast and very sensitive just trap the first strike thrown(good luck), from then on you would throw maybe an eye gouge or tiger paw and finish it with a kick to the groin or knee or instead of a combo you simply lock thier arms and snap .The way a str8 blast gym would have it , you would execute a deadly elbow and then grapple him if they were close range. both are great ways to a fight. but they are both different path's . one thing i am not sure about his how well thai is for preserving centerline . maybe a mt practitioner can get in on this convo.
  10. prices are high. but taekwondo has given you a foundation. now buy your self a heavy bag . and train your self to deliver Quick and Powerful punches after you crouch , dodge evade as if you were in a real fight. same with kicks. what i did was sketch out a dummy with arms in boxing position . dont throw away your money or you mind.
  11. this can also work on a high skill fighter also just not in the begining. some times a good yell as you shuffle can also make em distract themselves.
  12. error 403: Forbidden! The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.
  13. hes not in for the reasons you are . big deal . i agree with you on doing to your best ability.
  14. shirt color for us its white black blue white-text blue gold-text green white-'' green gold-'' purple grey red brown gold then a crown made of thorns
  15. yea it doesnt have shoot wrestling on it becuase they had a small problem of what they were gonna teach so they now teach a jkd grappling and not bjj or shooto,
  16. ALSO if you dont feel your place isnt covering enough then maybe thats because you see a way through .
  17. ill read them off my shirt now jun fan jeet kune do savate filipino kali eskrima wing chun gung fu muay thai majapahit martial arts ( i Think this is maphilindo silat )
  18. im not sure how other people practice or teach JKD but the way i am taught from direct inosanto lineage is not through kick boxing and bjj. although i do take grappling to better round my self. My jkd consisnt of jun fan gung fu which is some wing chun and boxing kick boxing and philipino kali stick and weaponry. kali also has open hand fightingas well and the foot stance is also different from kali. both arts comlpiment eachother just fine. and when learning these arts jkd is then theorized. JKD is not just original wing chun gun fu and neither is it just concepts to what ever art you pick. it is about what works and having a foundation in an well rounded art with no * and from there do what ever it takes to win effectively . A freind i met in my jkd gym, has been taking jkd there for five years . he tells me he his JKD is muay thai becuase he like the elbows and kicks. thats his JKD. y onthe other hand my JKD is jun fan gf and kali becuase it is a bit more to the point that that of muay thai in MY opinion. but not by very much. plus i feel it might not support my kali as well as jun fan would.
  19. use teh shreddar!1!11!!
  20. A good fighter would know what to do against this.
  21. baji kuan??? elborate please.
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