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Everything posted by Rank7

  1. phillipino boxing is effective provided you are at backhand motions and slicing motions
  2. Apparently there are over 180 forms of silat.
  3. a lift kick is a jun fan kick in which you lift your leg (preferably lead for jkd) aiming for the stomach or crotch area. maybe it is named different for different arts.
  4. TheQuote: is brings us to your second mistake- you went too far. You are only allowed to defend yourself with enough force to stop the agression and insure your safety. A bully trying to intimidate you, then delivering such a sloppy attack that you easily defeat him, generally doesn't warrant the level of response you took. Even if he started it, once he quits or is incapacitated you can no longer strike. If you do, you become the agressor. This is were you persist the agressor would not stop .
  5. If you fellows wouldn;t mind my curioustity what if i carrie a kali stick painted black and appears to be a police stick , but its not ..its used for martial arts purposes would this be ok/.//??
  6. does any one find the lift kick to hook kick without touching the ground useful.?????? i plan to use these alot in the future due to personal use.
  7. condition those knuckles.
  8. i wouldnt fight my teacher. not only is he extremely fast, but also very strong i am going to be stereotypical on this by agreeing how fast a capoeria practitioner can be . i have seen some popular local breakdancers perform what would to me look like something capoeria might implement . and those guys are insanely fast at pulling off the stunts they do. i have yet to see a capoeria expert but i wouldnt mock the art
  9. Who uses them? for what out come? different arts feel free to join this topic but not the anti-kickers, i know they are out there... Me personally i am not a big fancy kicker but i try to be diverse with jun fan kicks. and now practicing some mt kicks all normally for the knees or ribs...also i try to keep them as fast as posible even if it means "sacrificing strength" and focus on the technique more than brute leg strength . although doesn't hurt to have a killer pair of cavs .
  10. i always try looking down with my eyes and slightly raising my leg, sometimes lifting it to knee height and then punching. im sorry but if you did this i would have gone in for a tackleto the ground with your being off balance and all.
  11. i strongly agree with the bagua aikido guy . i feel by simply attempting to dodge by doing a crouch and sip your tea cup is rather insulting and you will have something learned the hardway. dont waste time folks
  12. i am 99% percent shure the tai chi art can do what it is said. but without the physical aspect and overcoming enduring physical training, then what will happen if the said practitioner has to put him self in a capable position to function......
  13. wing chun will compliment bjj greatly . honestly in my opinion it copliments most arts.
  14. kick him in the nuts from behind and run like hell he wont know what hit him
  15. oh why hey their. im curious as to know if any one has cross trained w!th ving tsun and mauy thai . and what the benefits were. thanks
  16. i have an ulnary atracia on my left arm i had surgery . i never had that ball on my left wrist. does this mean i stopped? NO and who said you cant be champion?
  17. learn from the fight
  18. if you dont fight good youll lose
  19. jeet kune do silat muaythai kyukushin bjj judo krav maga wing chun gymnastics kajukenbo
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