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Everything posted by Rank7

  1. fight some one with wingchun 1st
  2. im a warrior with a gun
  3. Best striking? moo tie not the best but very good Take downs? Jew dough. Ground? Bj Stand up? Seinfeld
  4. kali is good because for me personaly i like to do it faced paced and i execute it fluently .
  5. Kali(eskrima, or arnis) is great plus thier open hand techniques are great tools as well.
  6. well i am trying to find something my jkd curriclulum might not have like a said before maybe like an aikido or hapkido art gjj or whatever.i could be wrong in what i said as well
  7. AJKD BJKD CJKD DJKD FJKD GJKD HJKD IJKD JJKD KJKD LJKD MJKD NJKD OJKD PJKD QJKDC RJKD SJKD TJKDCGA JKDGFA UJKD VJKD WJKD XJKD YJKD ZJKD. I looked around but i couldnt find a EJKD association. All these sorts of Jeet Kune Do. which is better??????????????Which would bruce lee like better? the classic non evolved JKD or the motherbrain concept JKD or the spiritualj BLAH BLAH BLAH.
  8. One question since on the subject i have yet to see the Gracie hunter fight a gracie. My question is how was it that he stopped the gracies when the went to take him down?? any one?
  9. I have heard about kuk sool won but i have no recolection of what there art specializes in. im not sure if it will collide with my jun fan.
  10. i can sure go for some late night sparring . anyone down???
  12. I know jkd grappling uses jj techniques. but i heard its the best around.
  13. Arnis is one of the words along with Eskrima and Kali to denote weapon based Filipino Martial Arts. I'm surprised you don't know that if you attend an Inosanto lineage school. What does your teacher use to refer to Filipino Martial Arts? thanks. here its just kali.
  14. And is it really the best grappling art there??????
  15. sometimes when you get into ma you feel if any one decides to talk * to you, you just walk up to them and dim mak them and laugh as they die in front of you. but MA skills give you a better understanding of this vicious verb we call fighting. and hints you to knowing you dont need to always pck fights with tards that throw insults at you. but if you feel they are in need of an * wooping by all means do it. make shure to make them really injured . just kiddin'
  16. Go down the middle with your head and arms around the guys stomach . until you are close range , his arms are still gonna be swung aimlessly you might get touched a bit , but from there squat your legs up and give him a quick shot to the chest or throat still lifting yourself from there finish him off with an uppercut OR from here top it off with a quik side kick to get your distance back.... You can even give him a quick strike to stun him when you crouch close to him .
  17. what i meant by that is that there is so many jkd jkdc ijkd jkdg ojkd hardcorejkd .
  18. The transition is not only not difficult but its also fun as you learn other forms of combat.
  19. If i am correct TKD can be a good style for distance ie. kicks and ninjutsu is more of a close up art so you will be more rounded. its definatly good to diversify.
  20. I would really like to spar a kajukenbo student any miami kajukenboists???????
  21. Look, if its a peer (meaning same as you in age height blh blah blah) then let him first off know how you feel!!!!!!!! Be like yo seriously shut the * up youve been annoying for some time now get off my dick or whatever you wanna say . if they dont stop then maybe a lil confrontation might solve this. just be confident when you confront. The bible says Fear no man.
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