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Everything posted by Kieran-Lilith
North America, USA. Otherwords, JesusLand.
Nu-uh, Evanescence is better! -Haunted -Whisper -Missing
Ummm.... training pizza singing running in the wind hanging out with the guys annoying people
Hmmm...we don't get away with much...the Senseis pay too much attention....talking, I guess, is about all we manage most days. And then we eventually get yelled at, because the dojo gets noisy. And then Sensei asks us if we were talking about the technique, and some little bratty kids lies and says "Yes Sensei, we were talking about the punch". We were doing kicks....we did push-ups for that.
That's one way to do it, then. Some of us (me) can't say no to a challenge of courage....eh, bad me, bad me.
I'm a yellow belt, end of this month I test for orange. Must get rank...I like the work out, I like training, but I love power.
Heh...oh, I hate groin pulls....I pulled it once when I was very small. It has come back, once or twice every year since. At one point it got so bad I couldn't even stand up without wanting to cry. Then again, I was nine at the time, so....Go see a physical therapist. They got me back into fairly good shape with this. As long as I stretch it really well before training, I tend to be just fine...unless I fall down, but I don't fall down so much anymore.
6 year old Japanese Inu/Australian Kelpy runt.
I wouldn't trust someone from my dojo not to find this....
Made me flinch. Though I'm not quite sure how this determines if you're brave.
We're originally taught the horizontal way (at least what I think you mean by horizontal), but once you get in the advanced class they'll start teaching things like the 3/4 turn, because it hurts more.
I train twice a week, for about 2 1/2 hours. Sometimes a third day for about 3 hrs, but that's pretty rare. And I practice on my own in the church while I'm waiting for things to get started. Omitting the kiais, of course....might scare the old folks...
Things to avoid doing in a Dojo
Kieran-Lilith replied to elliotspirrett's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Don't hit yourself with a bokken in the forehead. A) it hurts. B) it looks really stupid. C) it really does hurt. -
Just curious, but I know we each have our own dojo, or dojang, or whatever it happens to be called (sorry, haven't been around long enough to learn more names) and they each have their own style. But some dojos etc. don't follow the general style. So what's the general style of your system? Our system, Eugue-Ryu, I actually learned more about tonight. The system is usually...well, it's usually a hard core, beat out the weak, no lose, no pain, no whining sort of place. I'm in one of the nice dojos, though, it's still incredibly strict, but we can joke sometimes, and it's not as...how to phrase it?....intent upon beating you and breaking you before you get your belt.
Yeah, but mine's an integrated school too. I think we have our own throws, though. Right now we're in a judo section, so it's a lot of throwing and such, meaning you best know how to breakfall. And how to stay out of Sensei's reach if you grapple with him.
"Of all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most." I love this.
Okay, sorry, I forgot to clarify. There's two classes, the adult and the beginner. The beginner class is really moreso the kiddo class, most of them are anywhere from 6-9. I help out there, because my bro goes to that because he's not ready for the adult class. So in the adult class is where most problems occure. Orders are things that I normally would do, that are just enough that a bunch of them grates on what I normally do and how I act. It bothers me. It controls minor things such as where and how I sit (I sit in seisa on chairs of my own free will, I'm not "allowed" to do that by these orders), what I say, whether or not I can be "hyper". (That's beyond his control, I'm a right little nightmare if I get mind to be.)
Few things: 1. Okay, I'll try to stop whining. 2. I didn't realize I put the blame on Sensei. He just has a lot of things to say, and I listen to them and follow through, I don't see why people dislike it. 3. Yes, I do like having my own choices. It's what I was taught to expect, and something I learned to fight for back in the second grade. 4. I am saying no. It's funny to watch my friend's face. 5. I don't think Craig has any say. Only Sensei has a say, we're such a small school I don't think we even have a panel. 6. I know Craig would find another victim. Chances are, another one of my friends that go here. If nothing else, I'll stay so nobody else gets hurt. (I have a hero complex. I have no idea where I got it. I think I've read too many books...) Thank you to everyone. If anyone thinks of anything else, still feel free to tell me. I think I'm getting a plan here, and if I pull it right, then everybody's in the clear. Thank you again.
Ummmm.....I was the first baby born at my old apartment complex. They put me in their newsletter. Ummm....I've made the honor roll and got my name put in the paper, does that count either?
Okay, since I've had a bunch of posts where I have facts all mixed around, I'm going to fix that right now. 1. I am 14 years old. I am a yellow belt. 2. My friend is also 14, but a green belt. 3. Craig is a sophomore, and will soon be a nikyu. He tests this month. 4. Craig is one of the people Sensei will show how to do a technique with. Sensei never hurts any of us, but he always makes sure Craig knows his place. Always. 5. The orders I'm whining about are the ones I get outside the dojo, that restrict my behavior when I'm free to do as I wish. 6. The wrist locks I did tap out on...Craig stopped for a moment and switched how he locked it to a way that always hurt even worse. 7. He kicked me because I was on the floor a second too long after he'd just throttled my wrist, again. 8. No, I'm not generally stubborn and independent around my parents. I do what they ask most of the time. The only time I won't do something is when I don't see the cause, and if that's explained to me, then I'm usually happy to do it. 9. Sensei always gives us the reasons why we do things, or why we do push-ups. 10. The adults in the advanced class have word over any of the kids, no matter what the kids' rank. I'm in the adult class. 11. I do listen when Sensei talks. He's said a lot of things that actually, oddly enough, inspire my behavior. He did tell us to be ourselves and control our own destiny. He also told us that we would reach a point in our training when it stopped being a game, and became life. He's told us a lot of things. 12. Sensei watches Craig very closely most of the time. The night I was hurt, he was absent. 13. There's a bit of a mystery here. Craig has told my friend he will not be able to test for purple until he gets me under control. Apparently, he can see in my eyes that I'm stubborn, independent, and, truth be told, I'm actually rather arrogant. But at least I can admit it. My friend is worried the order might have been passed down from Sensei. It does not sound like my sensei. My sensei lets me joke around a bit in class, and is always teasing me about my hair, not holding people back because one person is a bit crazy outside the dojo. So, I do listen. Inside the dojo. Outside, if I see the purpose, or a point, I'll do it. I don't know if that helped any. At least it's a little more laid out now...
*sighs, and shakes her head* You have to be there to understand it. The bullying is the choice of the bullyer, just most of us live in enough fear (for a very good reason) to not tell on him. Last Tuesday-We worked on wrist locks and pinning them on the ground with their wrist (sorry I don't know the term). I had to work with Craig. An hour and half of pain, and nothing but. I asked my friend about it the next day. Craig twisted my wrist the way only the advanced students are taught. It causes extreme, prolonged pain. Craig made that choice, I would assume now as an attempt to break me. Not happening. "Breaking"-well, I have never heard our Sensei give the order to have a student "broken". I have just seen Craig's behavior to ensure no child has a mind of their own, not really. Even so-there's a lot of little ones in the class. None of them are broken, they just listen and do what their told, sometimes with whining, sometimes without. I just seem to be some sort of special case. Sworn secrecy-I made that choice on my own. I don't wish punishment from Craig upon anyone, and if anyone else found out, that's exactly what would happen to my friend. My confusion is mostly-why am I such a special case? Okay, yeah, I'm probably twice the age of most students in the dojo. Big deal. I'm stubborn and independent. So what? I do what Sensei says, that's as far as it has to go. The only time I ever have any sort of problem, is when Sensei isn't around, or he is with another part of the class. Then I only have problems, really, only if I'm near Craig. There was a good reason I learned to stay away from him. Craig's the only one who's hurt me as punishment-for messing up a technique. A kick in the side while I was down, nothing more. Though that whole night was torture to me...oh well, hardly the point. Craig, I think, is closer to the root of the problem. He hates my friend. He looks at me with a kinda different manner...since I am a teenage girl...as I said, very good reasons to avoid him. I'm fairly certain he would lie to my friend, that way, he could control him more efficently. You can't read anything off Craig's eyes, except things that shouldn't be seen in the dojo, occasionally. I'm also fairly certain Craig would make my life difficult because-actually, I haven't got a clue on that one. Maybe because I'm an out of control person a lot of the time. When I'm outside the dojo, I do nothing unless I want to. Nobody controls me. I'm also a really weird kid, so my independence is noticed by all. I make sure of it. I really don't understand what's going on here. I do not think Sensei would approve of what Craig does. He usually doesn't approve, and Craig gets punished, or has to do chores around the dojo. I know my friend is just trying to get his next rank, and ensure I don't get hurt. I know Craig wants my friend to get hurt. They dislike each other immensely. A way to hurt him, I guess, is through me. If you tell him that he can't get his next belt until he brings a wild child undercontrol, and pain only makes me rebel more, then what's going to happen to him? It would be much appreciated if someone else in the world understood what is going on. No, the dojo isn't bad. Sensei isn't bad. I think this is something taking place just with Craig and my friend, and I've been dragged into it because I was there. I'm going to get as much information today as I can. Not sure how much I can get, though. My friend firmly believes lies sometimes...
Part of the debate is who the order came from. I have a hard time believing my Sensei would do that. But, he's Sensei. He does a lot of things I wouldn't expect. If it did come from Sensei, and he finds out my friend let it slip, then he'll be in serious trouble, no matter how much I stand up for him. 'Cause stupid as it is, if one of my friends gets in trouble for something I said or did, I stand up and fight til the punishment is mine. Craig is more than a little evil in most of our opinions. I remember from the first day I entered the dojo, my friend pointed him out and said to avoid him at all costs, or chances are, with my attitude, I'd have push-ups to do. At the time, I couldn't even do one, so that would have been bad.
Play dodgeball. Never throw the ball, never get the ball, only dodge. Have several people throw the damnable things at you at once. Dodge and dodge and dodge. Have people throw them at you while you're "out" too. Try not to get killed. Sorry, if you can't tell, I've had really, really bad dodgeball experiences. On the bright side, just about no one can hit me. On the down side, I flinch at anything that flies towards me.