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Everything posted by Kieran-Lilith

  1. Okay, before I do anything....would any of you like to know how to get in? I googled it, and I got the first word to get you in. I'm just working on getting farther than that now.
  2. Ummm.....I was into RP for about a year, so I just pulled my two favorite names and stuck them together. Kieran was my alter-ego on one site (My evil side, very fun to RP with, I really did get sick of being the goody goody) and Lilith, which means, of the night. As my alter-ego was evil, too, she was also from the night side of my world. So, Kieran-Lilith. Dark child of the night.
  3. I have another to add. To never lose control of my life again. (Okay, yeah, it probably doesn't make sense to anyone else, but it makes sense to me. I had no control, thanks to guy, guy now hates me and friends, may come out to try and hurt us all, I refuse to ever let him beat me down again.)
  4. Okay, so not technically a MA, but.... Bushido-Way of the Warrior.
  5. In lucid dreaming, you realize you're in the dream, and can therefore turn it anyway you like. I remember I've done this once. In a nightmare. I turned the evil person into a chocolate cupcake with rainbow sprinkles, and gave it to the milkman. Quite odd. I've not managed to lucid dream since.
  6. Ummm....considering the part of the country they're in....Romanian would be my guess. Actually, yeah, considering I had a friend who was good with accents, that is, indeed, Romanian (Translyvanian). Come on, people, it's a movie about vamps, of course it has to be Romanian!
  7. Well, I tried and tried and tried, and I cleaned my room...finally. But, here, two days later, it's already a mess again. Stuff on floor, papers flying, desk looks like a mini nuclear warzone, what....hey, I found a dollar!
  8. Oh, sorry. Hehe. A busser is the person at restraunts that's not your waitress and will take plates away from you. And, we clean tables after you leave. So don't make a big mess! Anyway, bus tubs are the tubs we put the dirty dishes in, and the kitchen people take them back, wash them, then send them out so they get dirty and I get to pick them up again. The one annoying thing, though, is sometimes the kitchen folk are slow, and the bus tubs are overflowing and stuff starts to fall out. Annoys the heck out of me. Okay, sorry for wordy ranting.
  9. It's so ridiculous! And there's no way any of that actually would WORK. It's funny, I'm watching it again now. As to looking forward to new bruises....I normally don't, but I've been out for three whole weeks (That got to be legalized torture.), so I'm looking forward to being reminded of why I don't like bruises. And mat burns. We now have mats instead of all wood. We will have blisters. We will be burned. It will not be fun to walk around at school. And we will enjoy every minute of it.
  10. Most people in the advanced class do...actually, everyone but my friends and me do. So, I went out and got notebooks! Now maybe Sensei won't give us that look....
  11. Hey, that wasn't fair, it says it was posted on March 31st! Alright, at 11:00 P.M., but still!!!! Oh well. Interesting. I really ought to go look stuff up on this, I don't have a position on ki at all...
  12. You know you're obsessed when, upon being given something, you bow to the person. I bowed when they gave me plates at work. You look forward to and are completely joyous at the idea of new bruises and being sore when you wake up. (I haven't been in three weeks, I'm going mad!) You sit down to watch a karate-ish movie, and can't help but start laughing at the ridiculous and useless techniques they use, no matter how cool they look. (I sat down to watch Mortal Kombat: Annihilation last night, it's what made me want a BB so bad when I was small. I was laughing by the end.) Sitting doesn't feel comfy in anything but seiza and fudoza. (This might be exclusive to me) When anyone yells "LINE UP!!!" you run as fast as you possibly can to get into whatever line they're talking about so you don't do push-ups...then realize you aren't in the dojo and people are staring at you. Now, to count how many of these I fit into......Okay, counted....30/51. More than half. I'm long past the point of no return....OH! *sings* Past, the point of no return, no going back now....heh...sorry....Phantom of the Opera, couldn't resist. I'm obsessed with that too.
  13. Oh, oh, I have a new story! So special. Yeah. Anyway, whenever Sensei gives us anything, we bow while taking it. I work at a restraunt as a busser. I was getting plates from a table, and as the nice person put them in my arms, I bowed. The strangest looks people give you. Then I ran back to my little bus tub to hide for a few minutes.
  14. "Never let them slack because of the contact." Good Lord, does my friend follow this. Well, no, he doesn't crack down on our other friend quite so bad. He developed a thing where since I'm his friend, I have to be better, and more well behaved than anyone else. Eep. He cracks down hard when I get even a little bit out of line. Not so much on my other friend though, everything is vented on me.
  15. I feel so blessed reading this....I barely associate with anyone outside my group of close friends. Two of which are in karate, the other joining once summer starts. I feel so lucky....Thank you, God, for not giving me idiotic friends who do karate chops and ask if I can make firewood...
  16. Heh, I have a new problem. I don't know WHERE to bow now. We just switched dojos, and now there's no pretty red lines that tell me I bow there or else. We're betting we bow at the edge of the mats and such, or so we hope....and now I don't know where we'll line up to bow in....huh....Sensei's gonna have lots of new rules to teach...
  17. How many posts til blue on this site, anyway? And good luck on the test, KarateChick!
  18. Yeah, but it's always nice to know who else studies the same art, so you know who will have the same sort of base as you. Zeox and me are kinda lucky, our teachers trained together.
  19. Okay, thank you. And no, it's technically not allowed, but because I didn't fall down, I didn't show how much it hurt on my face, I didn't say a word, I couldn't do much. Mom knew something was wrong from the way I could barely walk in a straight line. It was for the youth championship, but still....he was wearing handguards, and I had headgear on, so for me to get a concussion was really rather unacceptable....Sensei, and the rest of the dojo, actually, is furious. I don't think Sensei is letting any of us go there again. Nor, for that matter, do I think I'm allowed to go to tournament without Sensei. (that being Mom's rule, I do believe.)
  20. I'd have to agree I like my Sensei best. He has a lot of patience with me, and I'm grateful for it. It might not be bad to be trained by his sensei, but I know his sensei was a lot different than he is, and a lot more physically demanding on the students.
  21. Okay, I have a somewhat related question. How do you get out of the rest of the match early? Before you get three, or something? I just went to my first tournament a few weeks ago, and I got nailed hard in the head, twice. I could barely stand up, and I didn't know how to get out of the match. My friend so "wisely" told me I should have. Well, it helps if someone would have told me how. I felt dizzy, could barely stand, let alone fight, and felt sick, and I still think I'm lucky I didn't end up falling on the floor after the match. How do you bow out early in these situations, where there was no call of excessive contact, no penalty, but you can't keep going?
  22. Nope, Wapak, Sensei Shane Topp. We're just moving to a bigger one this coming week, we're all so excited, especially us teens. We're looking forward to not accidentally kicking the midgets in the head anymore. And yeah, you're pronouncing it more right than I am, I'm terrible at pronounciation in anything but english. Yeah, our kata go, in the order I know so far, though I don't necessarily know the exact order, I need to check....ichikyu, nikyu, Pinan Shodan, sankyu, then I don't know anymore for a while, then I know Nihachi (sp?) Shodan pops up somewhere, and there's Bokudan kata much later. I really need to get the that dojo! I'll find out more on Saturday, oh wait, hello, what an idiot I've been. Stupid Kieran, bad girl. My friend is a green belt, he knows loads more than I do, now where are my sticky notes.....
  23. Eugue-Ryu Karate Jutsu. I don't know any more than that, I can't get to the dojo til Saturday to find out anything more. And this school's name is Jukido-Kai Sogo Budo. Personally, I don't have a clue what it means.
  24. The only reason it's only twice a week is because the dojo is only open twice a week. It's very sad, but then, it's not like I have much more time than that anyway. Getting up from the couch-No problem, it means I'm going to the dojo, and therefore am extremely happy. Mom and Dad-They will take me there, or I will go mad. Commitment-Big part of karate, and I want to learn. Follow instructions-Not well from Blaise, but from everyone else it's a do without thinking sort of deal. Ready?-Not a clue, but I sure hope so. Yes, I know Senseis are big on discipline. And, oddly enough, when he puts people in charge of large groups and makes them responsible for the groups mistakes, the group listens better. They don't want all the push-ups the people in charge will give them for making Sensei give them push-ups.
  25. YES! I'M NOT ALONE IN THE WORLD!!!!! Okay, yeah, anyway, we pronounce it you-jay-ru (I use words to help me remember, but everyone knows how to pronounce ryu, don't they?)
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