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Everything posted by isshinryu5toforever

  1. That's awesome. I must say that I am quite out of the loop when it comes to Isshin-Ryu events, like seminars, because I have lived in Wisconsin so long. Nothing ever comes to the midwest. There are a few in Illinois once in a while, but that's not too often, and those are often difficult to get to.
  2. Tae Kwon Do The way of the hand and the foot
  3. Oh yeah, for some reason I thought of Rodney Dangerfield when I remembered that line. The other dude was like stan or something Dangerfield's character in the first one was Al. oops. Men In Tights was funny. "Unlike some other Robin Hoods, I have an English accent." (way to make fun of Kevin Costner) "It takes a real man to wear tights."
  4. I wasn't impressed with the Exorcist the beginning.
  5. Yeah Happy Gilmore is more like, "Happy, think of your happy place." or "I eat pieces of crap like you for breakfast." "You eat crap for breakfast?"
  6. Caddyshack is definitely hillarious. "You have the worst slice out of anyone I have ever met. But we're going to make that work for us." Animal House is a classic for pure male, grossout humor. Are we forgetting the Revenge of the Nerds?
  7. I would most likely say, don't try to do it. Unless you are absolutely positive that he is going to fire it at you, I wouldn't attempt anything, because then he will fire it.
  8. If Jesus didn't want Christians to be soldiers when he approached the soldier in the Bible he wouldn't haved told him to continue what he was doing, he would have told him to drop his arms and take up the life of a disciple. This just means that you must have a reason for your battles. According to Christ what you did was fine, according to St. Augustine you were in the wrong. I think I'm going to side with Christ.
  9. RHPS definitely has a cult following. Maybe an actual cult? lol. I do know that it was funny. I should see Spamalot over spring break, I am going to have plenty of time.
  10. I've judged at open competitions before, and I have always looked for clean technique, correct stances, and there needs to be energy and life in a kata. I am not talking about a kid screaming his head off, I've seen plenty of those, but someone who seems to have something intangible in their kata. It could be someone who kiyai's a lot or someone who kiyai's twice. There is just a feel to the flow of the energy in the kata that is right. You recognize it when you see it.
  11. Just keep going, those strides get easier and easier the more you run. Like I said, just watch the knees. Run on soft ground as much as possible, and keep track of what you run, and how you run. Don't overdo it trying to make huge gains, or injuries happen, and those are huge setbacks. Good luck with your running. Oh and drink tons of water. I'm sure you knew that, but it's good to reiterate.
  12. I'm just talking about competitive WTF. At low to intermediate levels height and weight don't matter as much. At higher levels if you are shorter and they are taller and bigger, not to mention actually quick, you may havce a few problem.
  13. Isshin-Ryu One heart, one mind
  14. Son Goku You think about fighting way too much.
  15. My stances tend to be neutral. I stay slightly on the balls of my feet, I don't bounce like they do in TKD. I tend to stand either a bit tall, or I put a little more bend in my knees and drop my weight a bit. Although others may not notice this, I do, that when my weight is down more I tend to punch more. Only slightly however, I still keep about a 65/35 split. When my weight is a little more up, I tend to kick just a hair more at about a 60/40 punch to kick split. When I spar for my TKD team this number is more like 10/90 punch to kick. Of course, this is accounting for the rules.
  16. lol strange pair, I wasn't sure if I should make a plug for our style. I do quite enjoy it though, or else I wouldn't have been doing it for going on 14 years now. One thing about height though, he mentioned that he has begun lifting weights. If he has, and he's heavier than 165 6' isn't tall enough in TKD to be considered tall. At that weight you run into a lot of guys who are 6'2" or taller.
  17. my 1.5 mile time umm 8 minutes maybe? My 2 mile time is just a shade over 11 minutes, so I'm not sure. It's great that you've started running, it's one of the best ways to get in shape, just be careful of your knees though.
  18. My friends decided to try to recreate the dance scene when he goes up there for Pedro's skit, for a skit they have to do. It may be hillarious and embarassing.
  19. We had a guy walk into our dojo that was 6'8" tall. That man needed to wear a size 7 at least, and he almost fit into an 8 if I recall. He was in good shape though, what about him?
  20. I deeply regret your loss. A good friend of our family had the same thing happen to their son. You're in my prayers.
  21. Just a note about chubby Asian sensei. Every function of the body circulates around the center. So, being a little bigger around the waist, is a good thing. It shows health. They don't traditionally prescribe to the chiseled ab look that has become so popular in America.
  22. The best part of that scene might be the shirt the guy is wearing. "Guns don't kill people, I Kill People
  23. Clueless There was a stupid funny movie I couldn't stand. Dude Where's My Car
  24. Last year sometime
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