""""It doesn't matter where you operate... in the world of martial arts, combat sports, hand-to-hand combat, mixed martial arts competitions, even "street fighting" as you know it -- whether in the martial arts media, dojos, MMA training centers or boxing gyms around the world... because your knowledge is incorrect... you are WEAK. Sorry... it's the truth. Doesn't matter if you can bench press 325 pounds or you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. That's STRENGTH not POWER. And strength is just a part of the power equation. You may be strong. You may be a highly conditioned combat athlete with many titles to your credit. You may have multiple Black Belts in several martial arts and ranked high in your competitions. You may even be a military or law enforcement special operations unit member highly trained and combat tested. No one may question your strength. Unfortunately that physical strength... is built on a weak foundation... and it's of little help to you in a true threat.""""" hahahahaha!!! this dude is a moron... i love it! i'm gonna read it again and again, then i'm gonna send it to all of my friends. This is comedy at its absolute best! Rick