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Everything posted by Rick

  1. """"It doesn't matter where you operate... in the world of martial arts, combat sports, hand-to-hand combat, mixed martial arts competitions, even "street fighting" as you know it -- whether in the martial arts media, dojos, MMA training centers or boxing gyms around the world... because your knowledge is incorrect... you are WEAK. Sorry... it's the truth. Doesn't matter if you can bench press 325 pounds or you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. That's STRENGTH not POWER. And strength is just a part of the power equation. You may be strong. You may be a highly conditioned combat athlete with many titles to your credit. You may have multiple Black Belts in several martial arts and ranked high in your competitions. You may even be a military or law enforcement special operations unit member highly trained and combat tested. No one may question your strength. Unfortunately that physical strength... is built on a weak foundation... and it's of little help to you in a true threat.""""" hahahahaha!!! this dude is a moron... i love it! i'm gonna read it again and again, then i'm gonna send it to all of my friends. This is comedy at its absolute best! Rick
  2. I like the JKD fighting stance in limitted sparring - but i find that for me, i don't know about anybody else, that it limits my ability to use elbows and knees, and to grapple and lock when nthey came in close... for instance. My mate Chris and i were sparring. He is a natural fighter and has very little martial arts skills... I started off in a jkd stance and kept him away with kicks and fast leading hand strikes - but i couldn't attack efficiently... So i went back to my A-game and into a semi-boxing stance, more open and manouverable... He ended up taking me to the ground, and after a minute of rolling around i put a crucifix armbar on him and that was all she wrote... I think i get the best balance out of the kickboxer/boxer stance... But in the street u sometimes don't have the time to put ur dukes up - unless u manage to get a bit of distance between the attacker and yourself. So i train a lot in just normal standing position, trying to throw punches and kicks with my hands at my side and as quickly as i can... It's a good way to train and u help yourself stop telegraphing strikes... At least that's what i've found. Rick
  3. I'm definately a Mixed Martial Artist simply because i get ants in my pants and can't stay in one style for more than 2 or so years... Although i started in Kyokushin and then floated into a ten year love affair with Freestyle Kickboxing. I've done everything i could find though... Except Tae Kwon Do... I never had much love for it, but now i'm wanting to try it because i like the thrill of jumping and twisting with a massive spinning kick. Rick
  4. I saw a young bloke one time trying to break bricks shortly after he'd started Martial Arts... I think he thought that he was Van Damme or something and well, hahaha, he minced all the bones in his hand and never came back to training... I've never seen anyone squeel like that before. I couldn't stop laughing at him... He was an oddball. Rick
  5. Nice threads there... I can see myself gleaning a lot of information from these forums. Rick
  6. I've got the Tao of Jeet Kune Do and some of the other books on Bruce Lee and all that - and that sounds pretty much like what he would do as a base routine... But as it says in the article, Linda said he was always doing stuff like that in his spare time - so yeah he would have just been doing it all the time.... I'm sure if i did situps every time i was bored i'd get rock hard abs like Bruce too... well, i'd have to shed the weight first with some cardio.... hehehehe. Rick
  7. Whoa! That is an awesome selection.... nice selection of stuff there. Rick
  8. Hahahaha, that's pretty cool! Rick
  9. Thanks peoples... Yeah people do move on a lot in these internet communities - i'm just interested in that sort of thing, whether or not people stay in one spot on the internet. I reckon it kinda reflects their lives - even though anyone can sit down in front of a computer and go to a site on the net. I've just found that a lot of people get restless and, as in life, want to meet new people. Rick
  10. Hahaha, that's a bit of a rubbishy story.... Oh yeah, i'm big and strong - ooooooh i'm so good. I don't think i'd even tell anyone if something like that happened - nobody likes a gloater. And i probably would have made a mess of my pants. Rick
  11. Dude, this aint gonna be what u wanna hear, but the best way to condition it is to get hit... I'm lucky because i grew up getting whacked around the head. U've just gotta suck it up and if u get hit u take it and get back out there. Trust me, you'll find that you're a better person because of it... Rick
  12. Hmm, I once had my elbow dislocated and the bone was popping thru the skin... Had plenty others but i don't wanna sound like Rambo... Rick
  13. Hey guys i'm new to the forums. Wow, there are a lot of members here, are there any of the original members still here? like the first 200? I'm a bit of an old hand at martial arts. I'm 21, Ausy, and i've been training since i was a little fella. It's good to be here. Rick
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