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dear john

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Everything posted by dear john

  1. it seems rather wierd that we dont do more stand up Jujitsu becuase we are stand up fighters. strikes from the ground are not reallt focused on, but strikes from standing up are, so it would make more since to me to include more stand p jujitsu, but then again i enjoy mixing my MA's, so maybe when im done i should develop my own system
  2. you know ] STOP SAYING THAT! you should really know that EVERYONE KNOWS THAT, but some styles i do think are better than others given the right person and the right skill, smarts, mind set whatever. HEY WHAT ABOUT BOXING, its a martial art, you put any world class boxer in a ring with a world class full contact NHB competitor and who do you think will win. im gonna add my two cents in and say that some and a limited few i might add are not very good MA's
  3. YOU GUYS ARE TOO DAMN POLITICALLY CORRECT. fine, ill rewaord my question. IS THE SYSTEM COMPLETE? as in throws grappling kicks punchs the works are does it focus on kicking or something. ask a simple question and get weak answers, wont anyone stand up for there MA?
  4. you should really have an instructor near your area show you how it is done. i use to read books on throws and thought i could do it until i tried and failled horrible. the concepts behind it are complicated if you read it in a book, plus you really dont know how much of the move you are muscling and how much is technique unless you have an expert on the matter tell you whether or not it is good.
  5. there are alot of legends about him and a few lies. i have read in a few books that claim he never lost a fight, but one of my instructors told me that he heard that Miyamoto lost one recorded duel against a guy who used a Bo. anybody know some info they could bring my way.
  6. well is it? i have never meet anyone in it. what does it focus on?
  7. i hear the word kung fu alot, is it a real martial art or when people say they know Kung Fu are they talking about wing chun or some sort of chinese style. please help me out.
  8. it is a little dissapointing to hear that they have Jujitsu, becuase i take Dan Zan Ryu, it makes i wonder why west caost dont do more of the same.
  9. i have recently heard of a group of TKD masters, 7th dans up to 10th dans, who believe the pure traditional TKD has no effectiveness at all in combat. they are currently developing a system that has many circular moves and has cut out about 80% of TKD moves. anyone hear of this group? i have heard that it is growing popularity in russia even though it is considered by the founders by far incomplete.
  10. please explain the whole shoalin and buda thing
  11. im gonna side with 47mm on this. i know i kid in my class who is 13, he has been studying since he was 4 and he is current;y a 2th dan, i sparred him and he was pretty easy to beat. its not like i was going hard on him either, just light speedshots. im 19 and have been taking TKD for 10 months. whats the point for this kid to have the belt if it really doesnt mean anything.
  12. i must do some research, i hate it when someone tells me lies about TKD. my instructors are dumb
  13. i go to one instructional class and one sparring class a week. sometime a morning instructional class it looks like i might make 3 years, where it usually takes 3.5 but then again i spend alot of time out of class training. i would go alot more but the belt system is really time orientated, so things get a bit frustrating. i once had a belt that was only for 3 months and i learned the curriculum in a month, they wouldnt let me test so i took 2 months off and still got my next belt at test. i think 3.5 years is standard in the U.S.
  14. i thought TKD was original designed to fight someone who was on a horse and you are on the ground. like on the battle field. at least this is what i was told?
  15. so does this mean i have to wear a blind fold ?
  16. it is curious to know where i could find such an instructor. what TKD has taught me is very nice, but for a striking art we dont seem to be taught about a lot of places to strike. i think TKD went down hill when people stopped emphasizing kicks to the knees, ankles and the groin. if you think about it, TKD is perfect for these things. if people would start teaching TKD as a combative art, things would change for the good. after all TKD was designed for battle field action.
  17. given the right mind set most women would do good. the only problem i have with people who say that women make better martial artists is that most (90%) i have met are not good fighters. most of them seem to stray away from getting hurt and seem to get stressed in just sparring. women may have a better tolerance for pain, but men are hands down more likely to accept pain. and i have never had a female opponent of my rank and until BB above my rankl beat me at grappling or sparring. but then again i have more dedication than anyone in my class, so i dont know how impartial i can be. you people can argue all day long between the good and bad of women MA's and men MA's, but in the end it all comes down to who knows more, who has more training and who wants it more. wanting it more than the other is enough to win alone.
  18. In my Tae Kwon Do class, we are currently going over some changes and in the past couple of years we have added some grppling and wrist releases wrist locks to make are MA more complete. my jujitsu class teaches the same moves just more in depth. i recently learned a wrist release that seems a bit muscle bound TKD. this moves jujitsu equal part seems so a lot more efficeint. i tried doing the jujitsu way in class but they seem intent on wanting me to do it their way. in suggestions
  19. when i do this for a long time i start to feel this weird sinking feeling, i never get it when lying down. please give some examples of these lying positions for meditation.
  20. WOW this is such an old post. i had doubt i little while back about staying, but i decided to stay. i now alot of stories about politics and instructors wanting to be more combtive and belt rank testing. a whole bunch more too. from my understanding, we really are not Tae Kwon Do any more. we have cut down on forms, added basic boxing, more grappling, and alot of instructors have stopped infasizing high kicks. some still do, but most do not.
  21. getting down to the basics is simple technique. if yopu have good technique then belt grading shouldnt be a problem. with jujitsu we are doing flow drills which help you to change from one move to the next. that is the closest we really get to sparring untill we reach higher levels. what type of jujitsu is it.
  22. i have never heard the term lotus before. i assume it means that you are indian style w but only you have you feet on top of you thighs. if this is the case then no. you are sitting in a reclined chair, with your legs extended. i feel that i should explain the eye thing furthor.. when you sleep, your eyes focus out and the little things inside your eyes that pick up images no longer work. if your eyes stay still not focused on anything, then they will eventually think that you are asleep and if dopne right everything you see basically goes black as night. if they move then they wake up. i dont really know if the eyes fall asleep or not it just seems that everything goes black if they stay motionless for long enough.
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