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Everything posted by yamesu

  1. 15 Sept 2014. -5x 1min rounds skipping. -Stretching warmup. -90min Kyokushin class. Focused on bagwork for 30min, ended with drilling basics and kata. 16 Sept 2014. -20min bo staff drills. -30min kihon drills. -10min high intensity kicking drills. 17 Sept 2014. -10min bo staff drills. -20min partnered takedown and grappling (focus on gaining position) work. Drilled Yoko gatame and Sweeps from Clinch. -15min kihon, moving in stances. -45min partnered kickboxing sparring drills and heavy bag work. Conditioning to finish: -100 situps, -100 pushups, -plank to exhaustion, -30 leg raises, -20 squats with partner on shoulders (82.5kg in my case). -5 Dragon Flag.
  2. You could of course get a heavy canvas gi, they are far less prone to ripping and already have the kanji stitched in. I personally do not like them however, that is simply personal preference. I would ask your instructor what his/her take is on it.
  3. 4 Sept 2014. -45min Kyoushin class (afternoon). Did some sparring with the younger and lower grades. -120min Kyokushin class (evening). Fitness and conditioning, advanced techniques and a little bit of self defence.
  4. 1 Sept 2014. -Cardio warm up, 5x 1min rounds med intensity skipping. -90min Kyokushin class, focus on kumite and combinations, partnered kumite work, body conditioning. Weight superset: -Hammer curls: 20/15/12/10/5/8/16. -Tricept neutral grip pull downs: 20/15/12/10/5/8/16. 2 Sept 2014: -Cardio warm up, 5x 1min rounds med intensity skipping. -60min heavy bag work and partnered thai pad work. -30min partnered throws and takedown work, focus on koshiwaza techniques. -2x sets of squats holding 6foot heavy bag on shoulders to exhaustion. -10min warm down. 3 Sept 2014. -Plyo warm up, 5x rounds double unders for as long duration as possible before failing. 3x 8rep sets of 110cm box jumps to standing. -Static stretching for kicks, 10min. -30min Takedown and grappling work, focus on rolling into different positions for juji gatame and ude garami. Included wrist locks. -30min partnered thai pad work and kicking drills. -20min shadowboxing combinations. -10min high intensity duckwalk and jumping squat drills . -10 min single stick work with partner, disarming technique. -10min warm down.
  5. We do the exact same endurance kicking exercise! Drills the legs (and lungs) after a few good sets. 28 Aug 2014. -9 min of pain cardio HIIT circuit. -Kicking drills, 10min. -5min warm down.
  6. As a sword collector, I would (and do) look for one that resembles the balance and weight of my shinken which are used for tameshigiri. This allows me to practice as close to possible with a training weapon that aligns with my live blade.
  7. I am going to play devils advocate here and say - really? Romanticized and Grain-of-Salt? Is it not well documented that throughout Japanese culture and history codes like Honour and Loyalty have been strongly emphasized? I know it is the same for the Thai (and other Asian cultures), who for the most part will avoid confrontation to save face, even where they know they are right. In fact, is not the Japanese Tea Ceremony evidence of these types of codes being retained through history as practiced during these era? I do not doubt that the system was bureaucratic by the end of the era, however, that is not to say that the Bushido code never existed. Just posing a couple of questions...
  8. Wow, seems like this is much more of an issue in the USA and UK than it is here in Australia. My experiences have been that schools generally call it what it is here. It seems to work for them. TKD, Karate, BJJ, Judo, Wing Chun etc are all respected and well attended in their own right. Then again, perhaps I have just had "blinkers" on and am not paying enough attention
  9. 26 Aug 2014. -5min warm up including some dynamic stretching. -25min P90X Cardio Circuit. -Warm down, static stretching, 5min.
  10. Hi Mate, The Martial Artists Training Log thread in this section has a number of us keeping records like this if you wish to head there. There is also a number of people from different styles which gives a great indication as to how different styles employ different training methods. Osu.
  11. I love circuit training, and just about all of my truing outside the dojo involves training circuits of various types from weights supersets to kettlebells, cardio and bodyweight routines as well as kicking drills and shadowboxing. It really is a great way to maximise results in short timeframes. HIIT is a great example of that.
  12. 20 Aug 2014. -5min warm up. -30min heavy bagwork, light-med intensity, focus on technique and speed. -20min kata (Pinans, Gekusai Dai/Sho, Tensho, Tsuki-no and Saiha). -5min warm down. Superset 1: -Bench press 20/15/12/10/5/8/16. -Lat pulldown with wide protonated grip 20/15/12/10/5/8/16. Superset 2: -Dumbbell incline press 10/10/10/10. -One arm dumbbell row 10/10/10/10. -5min leg stretching.
  13. (EDIT - I re-read and realised my wording implied other styles may bash Kyokushin, whereas I meant that some Kyokushin factions may bash other Kyokushin factions - sorry for any ambiguity) I would be wary of any advice from another kyokushin body here. It can be an unfortunate fact that some organisations will try to slander others. Does the current instructor have affiliations to any IKO organisation? This is the first question I would ask, as there are several now that are all legitimate (IKO1 Matsui, IKO5 Matsushima, etc). If the answer is yes, then he is likely to be a legitimate instructor, and your childs belt/grade will be valid within the wider kyokushin circles around the world. If the answer is no, then I would be probing deeper into his background in the martial arts. A Black belt in Kyokushin is not an easy task, and so it is normally fairly easy to tell if someone is legitimate. None-the-less, you said your boy did well in two tournaments, so the instruction can't be too bad as the level of competition in those tournaments can be quite fierce!
  14. 19 Aug 2014. -10min warm up and stretch. -Drilled kihon 30min. Basic strikes/blocks and kicks 10 for technique and 20 for speed/power of each. -All pinan kata. -30min of med-high intensity cardio. 1min on, 30sec off. Everything from star jumps to switch kicks and moving punching combinations. -20 burpees (with pushup and press) with 8kg medicine ball. -1min mountain climbers. -1min double unders. -Pushups to exhaustion. -10min warm down. EDIT: Got bored after dinner. Superset: -Upright dumbbell rows 15/12/10/10/10. -Dumbbell curls 15/12/10/10/10. -Incline bench dumbbell hammer curls 15/12/10/10/10.
  15. 17 Aug 2014. -7hr Kyokushin seminar. Drilled a lot of throws, locks and grappling/takedowns. -Finished with tameshiwari.
  16. 12 August 2014. -30 min Kyokushin kids class to warm up. -120min Kyokushin lesson, focus on kumite and body conditioning. 13 Aug 2014. -Knuckle conditioning, 20min. -2 sets pushups on knuckles until exhaustion.
  17. 9 Aug 2014. -Warm up, 5min. -Lunges, squats, skipping. -Pushups to exhaustion. Weights superset 1: -Dumbbell Flye 15/12/10/10/10 -Bent over row 15/12/10/10/10. Weights superset 2: -Close grip bench press 12/10/10/10 -Supinated lat pulldown 12/10/10/10. Weight superset 3: -Bar dips to exhaustion each set -Narrow supinated grip low row 12/12/12/12/12. -Drilled kicks 5min. -Shadow kickboxing, 5min. Stretch down, 5min.
  18. This sums it up I think. Add dodgeball to the equation. I bribe the kids with dodgeball. If you can get through this kicking exercise we will play dodgeball at the end of class" Seems to work well, plus I get an extra workout. EDIT: Oh, and Sensei8, my partner say's the same thing
  19. 8 Aug 2014. -Warm up, light stretch, squats, 2min jog. -Pushups to exhaustion. Weights superset1: -Seated dumbbell overhead press 20/15/12/10/5/8/16. -Seated dumbbell two arm curl 20/15/12/10/5/8/16. Weights superset 2: -Plate front raise 10/10/10/10. -Standing babel curl 10/10/10/10. Weights superset 3: -Dumbbell lateral raise 10/10/10/10. -Hammer curls 10/10/10/10. Cardio circuit med/high intensity 20min total (45 sec on, 15 sec off): -Starjumps.-Switch front kicks.-Switch knees to head.-Skipping.-Punching combinations.-Starjumps.-Alternating front kicks.-Punching combinations.-Sprint.-Alternating Back kicks.-Hold plank.-Starjumps.-Switch front kicks.-Punching cominations.-Hold plank.-Switch double front kicks.-Punching combinations.-Sprint.-Starjumps.-Hold horse stance, drop deeper every 15sec. -Dynamic and static stretch down, 10min.
  20. 7 Aug 2014. -Dynamic warm up. -Pushups to exhaustion. Weights superset 1: -Back squat: 20/15/12/10/5/8/16. -V-bar tricep extension: 20-/15/12/10/5/8/16. Superset 2: -Leg curl 12/12/10/10. -One arm tricep extension 12/12/10/10. Superset 3: -Kettlebell goblet squat 10/10/10/10. -Sitting two arm tricep extension 10/10/10/10. -Kihon (Tsuki, Shuto, Uke, etc), 20min. -Warm down.
  21. I am only versed in the Kyokushin version, which while derived from Goju is not likely to be exactly the same. How often do you practice Tensho? About once a week, perhaps more if we are doing it in class. What is the intent behind this Kata? Rotating or turning hands. To me, and through the bunkai I have been taught, this is a practice of maximum result for minimum effort (soft) with and emphasis on utilisation of breaks from grabs and grabbing. Are there Bunkai associated to the moves? As with all other kata, there sure is. Of note, some of the moves focus on breaking out of a wrist grab, and/or grabbing the opponents wrist and executing a turning lock (which with some judo knowledge can be turned into a throw or takedown). Do you practice the Bunkai? As with all bunkai, I practice it in class with a partner. How does Tensho fit into the Goju Ryu curriculum? (What makes it similar to other Goju Kata, what makes it different?) Cant really comment on this exactly, but in Kyokushin it is generally a higher level kata, learnt after sanchin when kata with softer moves are introduced to students (such as Seipai and Yantsu). Osu.
  22. 6 Aug 2014. -Warm up: Stretching, lunges, squats, skipping and box jumps. -Pushups to exhaustion. Weights superset 1: -Benchpress: 20, 15, 12, 10, 5, 8, 16. -Lat pulldown: 20, 15, 12, 10, 5, 8, 16. Weights superset 2: -Dumbbell incline press 12, 12, 12, 12. -One arm row (each arm) 12, 12, 12, 12. Weights superset 3: -Pecdeck: 10, 10, 10, 10. -Seated row: 10, 10, 10, 10. -Pushups to exhaustion. Drilled sets of kicks, 20 each leg with 30sec high intensity skipping or star jumps in-between each set: -Chudan Mae Geri. -Chudan Yoko Geri. -Chudan Mawashi Geri. -Chudan Ushiro Geri. -Mae Chudan Ushiro Geri. -Kaiten Jodan Mae Geri.
  23. At first you probably don't need anything more than a pine fence paling and some soft nylon rope. Just drive the paling into the ground and wrap the striking surface with rope. A little more complex, but this tutorial explains a more detailed design:
  24. I try to teach the roots as clean as I was taught them. Preserving traditional basics is highly important in my opinion. However, I do also incorporate new techniques and ideals, as this is the essence of martial arts in todays society. It keeps it relevant and interesting as opposed to being simply a "preserving tradition" art form. In saying that, I also think that each individual student needs to be evaluated on their strengths and weaknesses and training tailored to them as much as possible (or as much as is doable in a class setting).
  25. Haha, thanks! I can't say I will be making that an everyday thing though! I think its quite funny that a lot of people will spend hours toning and building a small muscle such as the biceps, but neglect big muscles such as the triceps, glutes and quadriceps. 1 August 2014. -20min light sparring. -20min kata. 2 August 2014. -120min trampolining. Focus on getting my backflips back into good form, and was taught some great new tricks such as wall running and beginning of how to do a corkscrew (which I found very cool). Used foam pits to drill front flips. 3 August 2014. -Went to the Australian National Kyokushin Championships in Sydney. A great day! One of our fighters took first place in his division, which was a great accomplishment considering the caliber of fighters there. No actual training other than a quick warm up with the fighters. 5 August 2014. The pain of trampolining and flipping for so long hit me! My obliques are quite sore, therefore: -Light stretching including some raja yoga, 15min. -Kihon, very basic, 10min. -Kata 10min. -Stretch down, 5min. EDIT: Add 10min of slow solo single-knife work to that!
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