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Everything posted by yamesu

  1. I agree with the above posters. They have benefits, but as with all weights, can be detrimental to joints (ligaments/tendons and cartilage) if not practiced with proper form. I would be careful not to lock out any joints with weight on while practising techniques at full speed. I used to use the 1.5kg ankle weights, but have now found resistance bands and just belting the heavy bag to be as effective.
  2. 29 Oct 2014 -Light cardio session, -20min Arnis solo training. 30 Oct 2014. -2hr kyokushin class. 2 Nov 2014 -Stretching session, 20min. -Kicking drills 20min. 4 Nov 2014 -Arnis training, double stick, stick/knife, 20min. -Kobudo training, 20min. -Kicking drills for flexibility, 15min. 5 Nov 2014. -60min Kyokushin class. -10min stretching session with partner. -20min drilled combinations with partner using focus mitts and Thai Pads.
  3. 28 Oct 2014. -5min warmup. -25min heavy bag work, focus on combinations with heavy mid/high round kick finisher. -Kicking circuit, 25min, 30 each kick, rest every 90kicks for 45sec. -5rounds: 10 knuckle pushups, 20 (10 each side) oblique leg raises. No rest between rounds. -20min basics/quadrants/returns practice with single chuck. -5min walk to warm down.
  4. 27 Oct 2014. -10min warm up, stretching. -Pull ups to exhaustion. -30min kicking drills. -10min HIIT cardio: 30sec on 30sec off. -Pushups to exhaustion. -30min weapons training.
  5. SOLID! Edit: to re-enforce your points, I have been practicing tameshigiri for over 10 years now, but still use a red-oak bokken more than I use my shinken.
  6. I've been in love with swords and staves since I was a child (thanks TMNT and Money Magic!) Ive quite the collection now, ranging from talwar, katana, sabres, machete (bolo etc), as well as long and short knives. Training in Arnis has given me a strong appreciation for single handed blades as well as short and long stick training. My limited training in kobudo also opened me up to sai, kama and nunchaku. I really enjoy the san-setsu-kon, or 3 section staff. Its just a really fun tool to train with.
  7. A Damascus steel tanto is a nice choice personally, but I go with the other posters said in that you know him/her better than any of us, so can make a better informed decision.
  8. 21 Oct 2014. -90min kyokushin class. -15min bostaff training.
  9. Ah, but it can also mean against, thick, form, ill will, opposition, receive, or substance dependant upon the context in which it is used. Anyway, glad you got it sorted.
  10. I've never heard of hojo undo tai. "The tai is likely to mean "form" in this case I would think... My best guess would be that it has something to do with preset weight forms, or forms with supplementary tools? I realise that this was of absolutely no assistance, but I am now keen to know too!
  11. A return trip to Okinawa. Thats a winner right there
  12. 20 Oct 2014. -5min stretching warm up. -5x 5min rounds on heavy bag, med-high intensity focus on technique and power for kicks (mainly Chudan/Jodan Mawashi Geri). -10x pushups on knuckles between each round as "rest" period. -20min kata practice: Pinans, Yantsu, GekuSai Dai/Sho, Saiha. -10min drills moving in kiba dachi: Jun Tsuki, Jodan Yoko Geri. -10min drills moving in zenkutsu dachi: Double Mae Geri, Hiza Geri. -Sets pull ups 10/8/5. -5min stretching warm down.
  13. 18 Oct 2014. -4hour Kyokushin seminar. Focus on self defence, bunkai, locks/takedowns/throws and bridging the gap. -30min med intensity cardio in the evening. 19 Oct 2014. -Quick kicking circuit (15min).
  14. 15 Oct 2014. -60min kyokushin class. -Kettlebell circuits = reps each side, 45sec rest between sets, 120sec rest between exercises (25kg for first two sets of each exercises, 12kg every set after): ---Racked squat 10reps x4 sets. ---Single arm floor press 10reps each arm x4 sets. ---One arm swing 10reps each arm x4 sets. ---Batwing row 10reps each arm x4 sets. ---Single arm kneel and stand 5reps each arm x4 sets. -Pushups to exhaustion. -Pullups to exhaustion. -Quick abs.
  15. 11 Oct 2014. -Hard kyokushin sparring, 10 min. -Extended liver workout (evening). 13 Oct 2014. -45min partnered judo practice. Throws and takedowns. -10min tameshigiri practicing drawing and double hand double-cuts. 14 Oct 2014. -25min high intensity cardio and bodweight circuits. -pushups on knuckles to exhaustion. -25min cardio/weight sandbag circuit. -15min kicking drills. -5min stretch to warm down.
  16. 9 Oct 2014. -1hr Kyokushin class. -15min kicking drills. -Circuits repeat for five sets, 1min rest between sets: ---Burpees with pushup and jump (x10). ---Pike walkout (x10). ---Divebomber pushups (x10). ---Pike squats (x10). -Drilled punching combinations, 5min. -Shadow boxing, light intensity to cool down, 5min.
  17. I dont, but it has recently sparked interest with me. I have practiced traditional Indian, Philippine and Japanese weapons for some time now, and have collected swords since i was young (talwar, machete, kris, bolo, katana as well as western hunting knives). I recently found a medieval sword I have fallen in love with and am seriously thinking of purchasing it. I find the point raised by Zaine interesting (regarding weapon to non-weapon overlap due to kinaesthetic restrictions), as this is largely a point raised in Arnis bridging the gap between empty hands, sticks and knives/swords. Keen to hear more!
  18. Great post!
  19. I started this a while back when getting back into trampolining and flipping (also wanted to start performing muscle-ups). All I can say is focus on the basics and perfect them. Basically handstands (free), squats, pull-ups, chin-ups, pushups and dips. Once you can perform a good number of reps on each of these, then start to work the bars more and more. As far as handstand pushups, I started against a wall, and then migrated to resting my feet on a hanging heavy bag (gives a little support but makes you focus on holding your own balance a bit more). Best of luck and keep us informed!
  20. Missed a few days recently due to being away for work, really just hit the hotel gym and a bit of kihon/shadowboxing in the room. 6 Oct 2014. -10min stretch and light warmup. -Sandbag workout, don't have a sandbag so used an 8kg medicine ball in a pillowcase - really worked out my grip!!!! Each set for 10 reps, 90sec rest between circuits for a total of 10 circuits: ---Pirate swings (10 each side); ---Squat press/thrust; ---Curl/press combo; ---Weighted supine jackknives. -20 rounds of med intensity cardio/bodyweight circuits. 1min on, 30sec off. Starjumps, skipping, squat front kicks, with knees etc etc etc. -10min kicking drills for technique.
  21. I have done. Travelled to Thailand years ago for the first time and have been back numerous times since. Really opened up my eyes to the differences in Muay Thai training here in Australia and over in Thailand. I say go for it! However, in my experience, the location and particular gym you do go to will dictate your direct experience. Also, don't expect to be thrown into the ring with a Thai on your first fight (or your first trip anyway)! It is likely (unless it is a friendly matchup or a fixed fight, which does happen...) you will be put into the ring with other foreigners at first. Best of luck!!!
  22. 25 Sept 2014. -10min tameshigiri on light targets (I've now started buying pool noodles and bamboo to put as a core which works out at about 50cents per cut - much cheaper than tatami, and way less hassle than wet newspaper!!!) -5min stretch. -15min kicking drills moving in stances, Jodan Mawashi (right), Ushiro Mawashi (left), Jodan Mae Geri (right), Jodan Mawashi (left), Ushiro Mawashi (right). -5min shadowboxing. -10min precision kicking drills, set up a piece of cut pool noodle on my cutting stand ( to about shoulder height) and drilled Jodan mawashi followed by Jodan Ushiro Mawashi Geri for precision and speed. -100kicks for speed (Kin Geri, Gedan Mawashi, Chudan Mae Geri, Jodan Mae Geri). -5min high speed/power kicking reps on heavy bag. -30min Focus mitt drills with partner. Built up combinations such as: Jab, Cross, Front hook, Cross, Roundhouse kick. -10min abs drills and conditioning with 8kg medicine ball. -Pushups to exhaustion. -20min light kyokushin sparring. -5min stretch/warm down.
  23. 22 Sept 2014. -Light cardio warmup. -Stretching, 5min. -Partnered drills, 10min. -Kicking drills, 10min. -Heavy bagwork, 20min. -Partnered conditioning, 10min. -Kickboxing sparring, 7rounds at 5min per round, 1min rest in-between rounds. First 2 rounds light-med contact. 3 rounds full contact. last 2 rounds med contact. 23 Sept 2014. -120min Kyokushin class.
  24. I personally think that if you are at a level where one style is ingrained, cross training will not be detrimental. I have taken on other styles throughout my martial arts career, and they have made me an all-in-all stronger and more proficient martial artist. Started Kyokushin at age 7, started Judo at age 16, started Presas Arnis at age 18 and then Muay Thai at age 21. Is my style completely kyokushin now? No. Can I still train Kyokushin at the level I am at? My word I can. If you are confident you can maintain your Shorin Ryu with additional training in Taijutsu then i say go for it. However - if you are not at a level where you are proficient at one art, then multiple arts can make a mess of things. I think of it like anything else. Take painting. If you practice acrylic style painting but don't become great at it, then also take up watercolour, there is more of a chance of becoming average at both and a master of none.
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