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Everything posted by Kickbutt

  1. Not an issue for me....and definately not one I want to get into here thx!!!! Lori :pony:
  2. Wow....start a girl thread and look what happens.... . I plan on learning Jiu-Jitsu next and am fully prepared to get tackled and taken down - as well as having to deal with a few 'slips' - it's all part it. While I do understand women having fears regarding feeling safe in a jiu-jitsu class, I have to say that they, by making those comments have actually already labelled themselves as victims just by saying they'd feel like they were being raped....I for one would rather overcome that fear and to feel confident of my ability to get myself out of that type of situation...it's all about what you choose to be - you can be strong and confident, or you can be a victim. Lori :pony:
  3. Hey Taezee...don't be afraid to say exactly what you mean...I mean....could you get to the point?? Hehe....Me - I guess I would be afraid of death - fear of the unknown...fear of leaving the people I love and cherish. Lori [ This Message was edited by: Kickbutt on 2002-01-15 12:20 ]
  4. Yeah, I hear what you're saying slider - there definately are potential legal issues - especially in the States where everyone seems to jump on the law-suit bandwagon at the drop of a hat. Schools and instructors definately need to protect themselves, unfortunately - however we as women also need to understand that these things will happen and to try not to over-react. You should of course expect an apology, however after that's done then simply move on. If you do feel that this was done with intent, well that's basically a judgement call and you should discuss this with your instructor - most of us should be aware and able to tell the difference I believe. I for one am sometimes grateful for the extra chest 'padding' , but seriously ladies...if you wanna be taken seriously, then you need to know that stuff like that is gonna happen and guys may tend to not want to spar with you if you can't over-look a simple mistake. See ya! Lori
  5. I've had that happen a few times and have of course made a joke about it....but it's really not a big deal - I'm mean come ooooooon you guys !! When practising our ipon kumite's or other self defence techniques it's pretty much bound to happen...someone grabbing at you from behind and then a little slip or miscalculation...oh well - have a good laugh and move on!! Lori :pony:
  6. Happy New Year!!!! Lori
  7. ....damn straight!!!!!!!
  8. I felt the same when I read that comment. Remember that we are all different and it's different opinions that make us all unique, wonderful people. If everyone agreed, there would never be any debate or discussion - and that's how we learn and evolve....QUESTION EVERYTHING....it's the only way to make your beliefs your own - peace and welcome to the forums!! Lori
  9. He who thinks by the inch and talks by the yard deserves to be kicked by the foot. - Anonymous
  10. Hi Shotochem and welcome! 32 yrs old here...started 2 1/2 yrs ago with my daughter who's 5...she's still going though!! Lori
  11. I bet that's not why you watch the Discovery Channel Jiggy.....hehe....
  12. Prodigy...no it's not the same as deja vu - having a dream and then having it come true is not the same...some would say that it's more of a premonition...
  13. The hook punch and reverse roundhouse are my favorites, so agree with ramcalgary...I like the power generated from both. Lori
  14. I'm goin' back tomorrow!! Can't wait!
  15. No don't change your name Deb...I think everyone will eventually get used to the similarities...besides, I'm too used to your name now! Anyways, yes your words are too true...just wait is right. Life does deal alot of blows however there are those times that make up for it all...life is a learning process and you can either go for it and live it to the fullest and experience the good and the bad, or stay inside yourself and choose not to go out and live. The experiences we go through are what shape us as unique individuals. One thing that has helped me is to come to terms with one thing: LIFE IS HARD - if you accept that and learn from it then you'll be surprised at how much easier the bad things are to accept, deal with and move on and learn from. Peace! Lori
  16. Wow Mastertae...keep 'em coming, they're great!
  17. Thanks guys!!! I'm touched! And a BIG thank-you Deb for the e-card hon, muchly appreciated! I just got back from my cardio-kickboxing class and was thinkin' I'd get away without anyone knowing until at the end of my class, Sensei Ingrid gets them all to sing Happy Birthday!!! I loved and hated it at the same time lol...cheers everyone... Lori :pony:
  18. Hey rush...I'll send ya a picture! Hehe!! Missed ya hon, how ya been?? And yessssss Bon it's my birthday today...woo hoo!! Thank-you sweetie, that was really nice of you to remember! Lori
  19. Unfortunately ad...it comes down to practice and some helpful tips...work on your spin first, and stay on the balls of your feet - that was always a big one for me and it helped alot. Practice makes perfect! Good luck! Lori
  20. One of my favorites Sai!! Love it!!!!!!
  21. Nice to meet you! Welcome to the boards... Lori
  22. Jiggy...I'll go out on a limb here and say that you're probably HOT!! LOL...seriously, I dunno...didn't you say you're of East Indian descent??? Sorry....we're drinking wine here in the office...gettin' in the Christmas spirit and all...Woo Hoo!!! Lori
  23. Umm...Jack...lmao...it's me....KickBUTT...Lori...this is too funny, me and KickChick are gonna have to do something about our names!!!! Anyways sweetheart, I'm glad to see you're on the boards and taking support from us here - and yes it will sink in eventually, but just make sure you're making use of your support system (ie. family and friends) and take care of yourself Jack...hugs...Lori
  24. Oh Jack...sweetie I'm so sorry Lori
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