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Everything posted by Kickbutt

  1. F.Y.I. - check it out! Go to http://www.kickboxing.com "He is a legend to millions. His name and face are synonymous with Tae Kwon Do in America. He is a 10th degree Black Belt known as the father of American Tae Kwon Do" Lori _________________ If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room. -Unknown- [ This Message was edited by: Kickbutt on 2002-02-04 11:38 ]
  2. I just bought boots....to shake in.....
  3. And some of us apparently get out a bit TOO much Taezee...I thought I told you to stop posting after having a few drinks....you're already enough of a smarta$$ without it!!!! (Oh, I think I'm gonna pay for this! Lori
  4. Lori
  5. Great topic guys... Yes...at work for the work I do, then yes of course. Strangers...don't care what they think. Family...well I used to when I was younger, but I don't anymore. Friends, well yes, but in the end it's all about what I think or choose.
  6. That sucks Joanne, sorry to hear that. Don't think of it as a waste...I was with mine for 10 years, but I got a beautiful daughter out of it and alot of experience...keep your chin up girl...there's lot's more fish in the sea, so go find one that'll be good to you and make you happy!! As for your friend - I'm sure you'll be there to help her out of this...nobody is worth committing suicide over and with the support of her family and friends like you she'll come through - all my best to her. Lori _________________ If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room. -Unknown- [ This Message was edited by: Kickbutt on 2002-01-31 09:43 ]
  7. Kewl...I actually haven't seen him fight yet myself...his fights have always landed on a day where I already had plans, so am really looking forward to seeing him - I've seen his fights on video, but not the same. He's my instructor and a good guy too, very humble..but from what I hear he kicks a$$. You should try to come check it out...hey....you guys in the same weight category???? Could this be a future match up maybe???? And yes....John LIVES!!! Lori :pony:
  8. Hey Iron...you coming? Do I get to see you fight finally??? Disco dancing after??? Lori
  9. Yup!! I hear that....got the six-pack going ooooonnnnnn!!! Just keep at it and I promise you that you will reap the benefits - discipline is also what you're learning, so just keep your focus and you'll continue to see the results of your hard work!
  10. If you're lookin' for sympathy, you've come to the wrong thread hon'!!!!
  11. There was a thread awhile back about earning respect and I had said something to the effect of humility being one of the biggest traits someone had to posses in order to be a good and true martial artist and for someone to be able to earn my respect...a trait which you seem to have AnonymousOne. You encompass everything in your post that I love about my instructors at my school and why it is that I love martial arts. I like your honesty and no B.S. attitude....very cool for an old b@stard!! I'm Lori btw, 32 yrs. old and have been kickboxing for almost 3 years and I train at Champions Martial Arts Academy in North Vancouver, Canada. A pleasure to meet you! Lori :pony:
  12. Hi and welcome! TKD_McGee is absolutely right....I went through the same thing in my training. You're at a point in your training where you're starting to get into the 'guts' of it and your body is feeling the results. You would not have started at this level when you first began and it's all new for you and your body needs time dto adjust. When I hit high-green belt, every class was like that...I thought I was gonna upchuck every class! I sweated profusely (supposedly the more you sweat, the better shape you're in) and got dizzy as hell, so don't worry so much about it and just make sure you're eating well enough to keep your body going....lots of protein after your workouts! You're probably doing far more kicks now than you've done before and these will tire you out far quicker than doing upper body work. Sounds like you do cardio work anyways, which of course helps with you endurance...if your dojo offers cardio kickboxing, try that....it's lots of fun! Cheers and good luck! Lori :pony:
  13. WOW!!! Hey there handsome!! Hey KickChick!!!! Get yer arse over here hon!!! You don't look nothin' like a Yoda to me - and who's the hottie next to you in the first picture??? Damn!!!! But seriously....very nice too meet you Yoda!!!! Lori
  14. Thanks very much JakMak!!
  15. Oh sweetheart!!!! She's adorable Sai!!! Lori :pony:
  16. Like I didn't see that one coming Patrick!
  17. :lol: OMG I'm laughing my a$$ off over here Angus!!!! You're killing me....stop!!!! Hahahahaha!! I haven't seen that happen yet in class with any of the guys, but I'll start looking for it now that you've drawn my attention to it!!!! Still laughing over here!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!!! Lori
  18. I pretty much eat what I want...love chocolate!!! Yummmmmyyy...and will never give it up!! I think that if you eat sweets in moderation then there should be no problem, however I've been known to make my way through an entire box of Oreo cookies before..heh..but all in all I generally eat well, my mama raised me right! Lori
  19. OK...I always have issues with these links... :kaioken:...I can't get the page to display...help!!! and let's have more pics from others too!!! :grin:
  20. Ha!!! Made ya look!!! ), so come on guys...step up to the plate here and post some of your pics - we wanna see who we're talking to ok?!! Woo hoo!!!! Don't be shy now!! Lori
  21. So...uh...does this mean you're not gonna answer the question then?? I believe it's all in the interpretation Prodigy...depending on your answer of course, but there are alot of positive responses here as well. Lori
  22. Jiggy!! United Arab Emirates??? Wow, we really are global here! Come on everyone, let's hear where you're ALL from! Lori
  23. I love that quote Jack...it's so true, but VERY difficult to live by all of the time isn't it? Well...I'll try I guess, but life has a way of smacking you upside the head doesn't it??? I do however sing like nobody's listening (Oh GAWD do I hope they aren't listening lol!!). Rush....so true - and Taezee....you are definately NOT innocent....I know it and so does everyone else, so don't even GO there baby !!! Lori
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