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Everything posted by ramcalgary

  1. I am 42 have been training since I was 8. It really does not seem that long but lord knows I have the scars and shin dents to show for it.
  2. gotta love what vitaly did to johnson.
  3. Has this guy disappeared off the planet. He missed his last fight and was accused of ducking Smandytch. What is up.........I have seen no comment from the supposed champion. Does anyone know!!!
  4. Japanese classic "the seven samurai" best sword fighting scenes ever
  5. The man is a legend..........his movie career not withstanding. he started from nothing and worked his butt off to become what he is and has today He is someone who should be looked up to for his attitude towards life and for what his kick drugs out of america has done for the kids who have entered that program. In the mid to late 60's he was unbeatable when point karate was more than glorified tag. Read his book it just might change the way you look at life !
  6. Tyson is a thug who should be in prison......... Lewis has been a top heavyweight for well over a decade. Jones Jr. is awesome but...... ya gotta love watching Gatti he is never in a bad fight. Fave kickboxer ...full contact rules Jean Yves Theriault ...Kickboxing rules Rob Kamen ...Thai rules Ronnie Green
  7. my fave boxer today is arturo gatti he is never in a bad fight. fave of all time would have to be Jeff Fenech he was untouchable until his hands gave out
  8. Favourites: Baseball The Natural Football North Dallas Forty The best martial arts movie Kill or Be Killed.....the cheesiest of cheesy but the fights scenes are great
  9. The UN is a paper tiger. Iraq had ten years to comply with UN resolutions. The UN only wastes time and money. When I was is Bosnia we were only allowed to fire a weapon after being fired upon. We were sitting ducks. The peace keepers in Somalia and Mogadishu could not stop the clan lords from using soldiers to steal the UN food supplies from the people because we were not being fired upon. The country of Libya's representitive is the person in charge of the human rights violation committe in the UN. Iraq's rep is in charge of the committee monitoring chemical weapons. If it comes down to taking out an evil person or waiting for the UN I will agree with eliminating the physco every time. The US waited during tyhe second world war until Pearl Harbour to get totally involved if the US had gotten involved earlier like 1938 perhaps Hilter could not have slaughtered as many people. Maybe the Us and the coaltion forces learned something from past behaviour and decided to intercede before more deaths occured
  10. you have got to be kidding blaming that wacko on lack of religion in schools? who knows for what reason this nut is killing I hope that the police find whoever is doing it and it ends quickly
  11. crap does happen..but when one nation is constantly responsible you would think that they would try to figure out why? check out the stats on soldiers who died in vietnam due to friendly fire..check out desert storm....and then check out afghan...the pilots who dropped the bomb on the canadian soldiers are being charged and hope it shows the american military that they need to be more careful it is tough being the worlds biggest dog but saying crap happens does not forgive the killing of friendlies
  12. The best ever? No What is the best? ....Philosopher no ....Fighter No ....Influence in martial arts maybe ....Influence as a human no way He was way to small to be the best fighter ever He was arrogant and a drug user He influenced they way in which martial arts are studied today In my opinion the most influencial martial artist in ALI. He is known world wide he stood up for his beliefs modern boxing changed totally because of him
  13. as a member of the canadian armed forces 911 affected me many ways the largest being the loss of four friends in afghan by friendly fire anyone who says that 911 did not affect them is crazy i understand getting tired of memorial services and such how can you say that the event never changed you or your life how can knowing a group of people gave their lives to save another crash not affect you how can knowing that those scum bags who plotted this are still alive not affect you its like saying the bombing of the building in okla city did not affect you how can you not be moved by such things if events like this do not make you hug your kids tighter or cause you to change your outlook on life shame on you I know after having spent time in afghan and recently coming home i sure am glad to be with my family again. kind of makes that 5 rounds on the heavy bag not seem so much like work all i can say is.........it is a great day to be alive....and to all those who suffered in 911 directly and indirectly i hope your lives have began to achieve balance.....and to all those who are involved in terrorism around the world LOOK OUT PAY BACKS COMING AND ITS A BITCH
  14. i think that one of the reasons is that america has better boxers than martial artists. an most americans prefer to only watch americans fighting for the championships. a prime example of this is lennox lewis. if he were american he would have a much greater profile than he does. although there are many great american mma fighters and kickboxers american ratings for martial arts dont support the need for more ma coverage even boxing ratings are down compared to the past. if kickboxing could promote one world champion in each division and one world champ in each mma division then maybe the sports could be marketed easier. with billions of sanctioning bodies recognizing their own world champions it is impossible even for a big ma fan to know the real champs in my home town of calgary Mike Miles kickboxing cards out draw the boxing cards 10-1 in attendance. it is the quality of his programs that have won over the general public
  15. did not say that i did not know how to grapple why does everyone think that because you do not like something that you do not understand it fyi i began martial arts when i was 8 and i still study today. so that makes 32 years of study. when i stated that i have a kickboxing background i meant that kickboxing is my preferred area of study i just do not find that style of fighting entertaining.....just the same as some boxing fans do not find kickboxing or tae kwon do entertaining
  16. I dont get it? I see the advantage of learning ground fighting for self defence I understand the athletics involved in competing What I do not understand is why would I want to watch it? Seeing two men ground fighting trying to get an arm bar tap out or watching a guy mount another and pummel him till the ref stops it hardly seems like sport to me....whats next two guys with weapons, chucks vs kali stick in the ring? please could some one explain to me why I should attend or view this rather than boxing or kickboxing maybe I am bias coming from a kickboxing background but I just can not imagine paying to see mma live
  17. anyone who would say that billy blanks is not a martial artist had better read his bio first the man is a legend in the point sparring world just because he came up with a way to get people into shape does not eliminate his past if bruce lee had come up with tae bo just before his death would hat make him less of a martial artist in my opinion you study the arts for two reasons 1 to learn to defend yourself in any situation 2 to gain self confidence and internal balance
  18. congrats remember winning is not everything but losing sucks those injuries heal quicker when you win.... hope you keep winning
  19. "I cut off your arm!" "No you didn't it's just a flesh wound!" Classic comedy
  20. the obvious answer is to go bakc in time to stop a tragedy or something like that. on a world scale i think preventing the assasination of jfk on a personal thing i think going back to the 1800s and exploring canada with david thompson would have been exciting going forward in time ....it would be great to see what my kids and grandkids do with their lives
  21. what is with people fighting over style vs style. it all depends on the fighters every style has its good points so why argue that my style is the best. like little kids saying my dad can beat up your dad
  22. how about bruce lee (chucks) vs jet li (kali sticks) fred flintstone vs homer simpson
  23. Every martial art has its advantages. What is the best thing that your art has to offer? My original background is shotokan karate but now my focus is on muay thai. I would say the best thing my art has to offer is the cut kicks to the legs. Devastating when done correctly!
  24. never saw any sparring in your workout you must spar before a ring fight without sparring you never get a feel for distance and distance is the most important thing when in a fight
  25. you burn more calories eating celery than are in the celery itself
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