Master Jules
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I have never been, but would love to go....its one of those "dream" trips......one of my teachers studied on Okinawa with Toguchi, Matayoshi, and Shinjo as early as 1960. ~Master Jules
Devil Aside......I was just asking out of curiousity....Thank you for your answer.......I have T-shirts older than you.....lol ~Master Jules
White Crane
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
MM......not OLD men.....just oldER.....and.....I like to think.....like a fine wine.....we have gotten BETTER. ~Jules -
No, 47MM.....I was asking the guy who goes by the name "The Devil Aside"..... ~Jules
White Crane
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Yes sir, I was.....Oct 12, 1966..... ~Jules -
Devil Aside......just curious......how old are you ? ~Master Jules
White Crane
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
47MM......page one of this thread has a brief bit of my history......I was responding to your post when you stated that you were born in the late '50's...... ~Jules -
Online Crane Forms
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Not from online, but Sensei John Sells has a video out through "The Martial Source", called "Secrets of the White Crane, volume 1 ". He does Hakutsuru Sho, Hakutsuru Dai, and Hakutsuru, kata and application. The martial source phone number on the video box is 1-800-566-8711. Hope that helps you. ~Master Jules -
White Crane
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
47MM......CQB Tactics stands for "close quarter battle".....I am also a hand to hand tactics instructor for a lot of law enforcement guys in my area. I used to own a dojo, but lost it in a nasty divorce about 5 years ago......I still teach privately nowadays. ~Jules -
White Crane
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
You are correct....some people can remain uneffected by these strikes.....I will not dispute that, and neither will Dillman.....Ive heard him publicly announce that he felt that there were certain people that were "wired" (Im quoting him) differently, and many of these strikes wouldnt work on them..... As far as my knockout....In was moving quickly in an attempt to punch him in the head when he hit me, and it really was only a tap, but he did (LOL) knock me out.... I am by no means a Kyusho master, but in the 20 years that Ive worked as a bouncer, I can tell you that in many of my fights which resulted in groundgrappling, my use of pressure points has been very effective many times......the defense against this that Goju teaches is the muscle locking technique of Sanchin. You are also right, again as my years as a bouncer have shown me in terms of "reality fighting" that people have different pain threshold levels, whether they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs or not. I had to literally break someones ankle whom I had in a leg lock to get him to stop fighting long enough for the other two bouncers and a cop to handcuff him. This guy was only about 5'7'...maybe 175....the two guys struggling to hold him down weighed 305 and 285 respectively....and one of them was a world champion super heavy weight arm wrestler whos strength is insane......but.....this guy was on angel dust (PCP) at the time.....the sick part is......we all knew without a doubt that I broke his ankle.....and after we got him cuffed and stood him up.....he WALKED to the police car....granted....his foot was sort of dangling....but he still walked on it......so yeah......there most definetely are differing pain threshold levels from person to person. ~Master Jules -
White Crane
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
I trained with them when I brought some of my students to their seminars every year they were in my area.....I didnt mean to imply that I was a direct student of theirs....sorry if my post was misleading in that sense....Goju was my main style and I was a direct student of those masters who had trained under Toguchi and Shinjo since 1960 in Okinawa. George Dillman did knock me out though, with a strike to my triple warmer 17 point.....and yes, most definetely, his method of RyuKyu Kempo works..... Wally Jay took a liking to me since he knew one of my teachers, and since I had rank over many of the people attending, I was fortunate enough to work directly with him at all his seminars. Grandmaster Jay introduced me to Grandmaster Presas at one of those seminars, and that is how I came to work with him at all the seminars over the years as well. I must say though.....its an incredible honor that I always treasure, year after year, because they truly are legends, and their abilities are phenomenal....... As far as Goju goes.....I believe it to be (in its most traditional form) one of the most "complete" arts I have ever seen......considering that is not only "stand up punch and kick", but in close grappling from shaolin chin na, pressure points, and the internal art of chi gung. I studied both Okinawan Goju under the Shoreikan (Toguchi) lineage with two of his direct students, one of which was also a direct student, and very close friend of Shinjo, of the Shobukan. I studied USA/Urban Goju ryu under two direct students of Peter Urban, and did have the pleasure of meeting him and training with him once. ~Jules -
White Crane
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
You got me by a few years...'66.....I started as a kid in kyokushin back in 73....reached brown and my folks pulled me out.....to much trouble as a kid with my temper, and I was getting in trouble at school....I dabbled on my own in secret so my folks wouldnt know.....did a lot of grappling for a while....then I found Goju ryu about 14 years ago and loved the grappling aspect of the "in close" fighting style.....I also started with JuJitsu about 12 years ago, and trained some judo and aikido on the side......but I fell in love with edged weapons, aside from the empty hand. Along the way, Ive met and trained with Peter Urban, Wally Jay, George Dillman, Remy Presas, students of Toguchi and Shinjo of Goju Ryu......Its simply amazing how much there is to learn.....I only wish I had endless lifetimes. ~Jules -
White Crane
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Looks like you have quite an interesting background, MM47......Ive studied many different things over the years as well.....It really is quite fascinating to see the differences and similarities between various arts isnt it ?...... ~Master Jules -
White Crane
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
I have an old black and white video of the Hakutsuru kata being performed by one of Toguchi's students in 1973....Toguchi was a top student of Miyagi....... for those who dont know the names....Miyagi was the founder of GoJu Ryu. In any case....the form is very long, but flawlessly performed and amazing to watch. ~Master Jules -
White Crane
Master Jules replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Goju Ryu has its lineage in the White Crane system......If you watch the Hakutsuru (White Crane) form.....it looks like several of the Goju katas put together, and is very long. ~Master Jules -
Please dont misquote me.....I didnt say a martial artist in general is considered a weapon by the court system......I specifically indicated a martial artist who possesses a DAN rank can be, and usually is considered to be a weapon by the court system......and the higher the DAN rank.....the more accountable they are for their actions, and the stiffer the charges they may face are.......Im in New York.....maybe its different where you are..... ~Master Jules
Fight Club
Master Jules replied to TylerDurden's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Dont...... ~Master Jules -
If she is a black belt, she can be considered a weapon by the court system. If the other girl is the one who starts the fight with her, she can certainly claim self defense, provided she responds to the attack from the other girl with a "reasonable" amount of force. If she attacks first, if she has a Dan rank, it can be considered assault with a deadly weapon, which is a felony, and she could possibly face serious legal consequences. In any case....if the fight is inevitable or unavoidable.....let the other girl swing first......at least shell be covered legally, and if she wins....people cant say that she sucker punched the other girl.......just have her remember.....this is a STREET fight....NOT.....I repeat....NOT the dojo......meaning....it is gonna be FULL CONTACT, with no pads, no headgear, etc....there are NO rules, and no "time outs".......and EVERYTHING goes.......so.......just be prepared. Whatever the problem is.....hopefully it can be worked out without a fight, but........sometimes we dont get that lucky. I have been working bar and niteclub security for 20 years, so I have had more than my share of street fights.....hence.....the nickname "The Sandman" had been "bestowed" on me by my fellow bouncers. ~Master Jules
True.....the arts didnt originate in China....when Bohdidarma traveled from India to China, he stayed at the Shaolin temple.....Im sure we all know the story.......martial arts technically originated whenever and wherever the very first physical altercation between two human beings occured.....probably eons ago, and probably wherever the earliest remains of man have been found to date......just a thought.. ~Master Jules
Guns are "western" ?????? Didnt the Chinese invent gunpowder ??? Master Jules
Hammer.....if youve ever met Kayo.....you know what I mean.....his depth of knowledge is simply extraordinary.....and his ability to actually "do" is beyond belief...... ~Master Jules
Sanchin can be practiced either with turns or without....as far as the Chi-I-Do organization.....it was founded by Kow Loon (Kayo) Ong, a Chinese master who was head of the Shorei-Kan under Toguchi back in 1973.....I have trained with him and his students for a short while several years ago, and must say....he is one on the most knowledgeable and capable GoJu masters in the entire world, sought after for his depth of knowledge and ability to "do" more than any other GoJu teacher in or out of the states.....he truly is ..."The real deal" ~Master Jules
Chi is your "life force"......it is centered three fingers below your belly button.....called your "tanden".......think of that as your chi "gas tank"......chi runs through your body on what are known as meridian lines...your body is split like a mirror image from side to side......you have twelve meridian lines which are each active for a two hour period during the course of the day.....each of these meridian lines corrosponds to an internal organ......along these meridian lines are points which can be equated to a gate, or doorway.......striking these points in a specific order at certain times of the day can either start, stop, or reverse the flow of energy, causing various effects. In acupuncture, or accupressure, the goal is to restore health to certain areas of the body that need to be rehabilitated.....conversely, a chi master can also cause harm or injury to these areas as well......for example.....lets say you have a problem with your kidneys......with proper manipulation of these points along the kidney meridian line, health can be restored to the kidney......conversely again, if struck in the proper manner, a chi master can cause your kidneys to stop functioning......the effect of this is that over time, the body begins to poison itself and without proper attention, you will die.....same principle that requires people to need dialysis..........drawing chi to certain areas of the body is an amazing skill, and takes a very long time to be able to do.......the results of such training are amazing ......the ability to place a sprear for example in the throat, and push against it until the spear bends and breaks......or taking the point of a sword to the belly and doing the same........there have been documented demonstrations on film of these abilities, including a master who caused a piece of paper to smolder without even touching it......many years ago during kumite, I dislocated one of my thumbs....after popping it back in place, a tai chi master began pulling my chi to the area without even touching my arm.....my injury took about a day to recover from and have full mobility again.....obviously, that kind of injury requires much more healing time than a day, so I have no doubt that his "treatment" of my injury was more than effective.......chi DOES exist........thats all for now...... ~Master Jules
Just a fun hypothetical question
Master Jules replied to Shorin Ryuu's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
If you were stranded on an island with no one but your teacher......and spent every day training.....and he had no belt to give you.......wouldnt your goal just be to learn more than the day before ? ~Master Jules