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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. I got my post from "King Makawari".....Im not sure if the guy's still in business though......I think he was in California.....hope that helps.
  2. Hey.....welcome .....Im a Goju guy, amongst other things....5th Dan in Okinawan Goju (2003), and 2nd Dan USA/Urban Goju (1996)
  3. Thats my stuff over there <------ Im VERY open to learn anything and everything I can......I love the study of traditional kata, and its hidden applications....I find that I slip into another world when practicing kata, and even during sparring/fighting, I tend to "dissapear" into a "zone". My favorite weapons are any edged weapons. Basically, I have been training for 31 years this month.....Martial arts has become to me, what I am, not just something I do. It is my passion, and I cant even begin to imagine what my life would be like without it. I love to learn, and teach, and I will train until I die (which I hope wont be for a long long time )
  4. Reverand Furyama (sp?) is an Aikido master in San Francisco, I believe......he is quite large, yet moves so fluidly its unreal....another "large" guy was Moses Powell of NY.....at 300 lbs+, he can still do single finger rolls, and moves so fast and smooth, it really is quite impressive.....being "big" doesnt necessarily mean being "out of shape"......besides....."round" is a shape....lol
  5. There are many similarities between Urban Goju and Okinawan Goju, but just as many differences....Okinawan Goju truly resembles many Kung fu systems, because of its white crane influence....The "in close" fighting of Goju is also very similar to Jujitsu, with all the locks and throws.
  6. The timing varies, so no "rythym" can be developed....it really is a cool "toy"
  7. There are some wall mounted makawari that are good......If it has "give" to it......the one I have for the wall has a thick pad, with a backing that has three parts to it, each separated by about 1/4 inch of space to "give"......typical wall mounted makawari pads that have no "give" to them ar very harmful to the wrist joint, and wind up causing much more harm to you then good. I also have a makawari post, from "King" makawari, I think in California.....it has a leather covering , and really is great.
  8. I may be guilty of relaying stories concerning fights Ive been in at bars.....BUT.......and this is a big but.......its my job, not my pleasure. As a bouncer, Im not what youd call a "big guy"....6'1" 205 lbs.....some of the guys I work with are as tall as 6'9", and some as big as 350 lbs.....THATS big......due to my size ( or relative lack thereof ), I am the guy who gets "tested" frequently.......I dont like to hurt people, even though Ive been training for 30+ years to do just that. Ive become more "fond" of using my grappling skills to choke someone out, rather than knock their teeth through their feet......either way......I never "enjoy" a fight, and I would prefer NOT to be in one. I generally never "start" a fight, but I will go on the offensive and attack, if it is for a "noble cause", as someone said earlier.
  9. I just went to the Adepta Technologies web site, and was upset to see that they made an executive decision to discontinue the manufacturing of their "power pad" line.......what I have is a large pad that can be hand held, or wall mounted. It has a sensor in it which has dual function. On one setting, it measures PSI of your strike, and the other function flashes a light, and measures your reaction time. It really is a great piece of equiptment, I cant imagine why they would chose to discontinue manufacturing it. Maybe if enough customers contact them they might reverse their decision, and continue to keep it available. Adepta Sport Technologies has decided to consider the sale, and licensing of the "power pad technology", and all interested parties may contact Martin Rubin mdrubin@comcast.net 732-822-9507 I will most definetely be contacting them today in regards to mine.....again.....awesome piece of equiptment.
  10. I had a punching pad with a sensor in it.....it was made by adepta technologies.....it measures the PSI of your strike.
  11. There sure are plenty of "belt factories" though......whats unfortunate really, is that the kids involved get so caught up in the "hoopla", that they dont even realize they are receiving a less than standard martial art education. And that can wind up costing them much more than a "trophy" on the streets.
  12. I was gonna take my first BB test in 1976, when I was 10 yrs old....my folks eventually pulled me out prior to that because I was being picked on in school and chose to fight back, so I used to get into trouble.....It was in Kyokushin....and we trained hard...that much I can remember....but the things I see today in dojos bothers me too......Ive seen those Paul Mitchell tournaments on tv as well......how does a 10 year old kid have a Sandan these days.....I just dont get it......I agree with Logan and Dijita......Im against it, unless its a VERY rare occasion where you have a prodigy on your hands.
  13. Let them try to develop their own system.....Like Forever Young said..."More power to them"....Nothing wrong with that at all.....but there shouldnt be any dispariging remarks about any other groups. "Cant we all just get along"....lol
  14. Wanna fight Chuck and see for yourself ????? LOL An art......ANY art.......is only "information".....The question "Is it good ?" shouldnt apply to the art, but the practicioner . First, it is up to the practicioner to be able to UNDERSTAND what the art teaches you to do. Second, it is then also up to the practicioner to be able or not to actually DO what the art teaches you to do. Third, it is still also up to the practicioner as to whether or not he/she TRAINS to the point where they can use the art EFFECTIVELY in combat. A "style" is just that.....a "style"......ultimately.....regardless of whatever the "style" is....it comes down to a personal choice as to whether or not the student is dedicated and has an ability to "do"
  15. The story as far as I know is true.....Musashi had recorded a total of 62 recorded wins, using both swords and bokken against his opponents. The story goes that it was a challenge of skill, not a fight to the death, and that Musashi used his wooden swords for the duel. As SasoriTe stated in his post, the duel was against Gonnosuke Muso, who was in fact the founder of Shindo Muso Ryu JoJitsu (JoJutsu, depending on how you like to spell it).....Again though, not being a fight to the death, and only for the sake of a challenge of skill, there are conflicting stories as to the outcome. The Muso Ryu account obviously favors his side of things, while others believe that Musashi would have killed Muso, had he been using his live swords..... Again though......this is another version of the story that IVE heard.......im sure there are more versions out there....ya know ????? One thing is absolutely certain......the level of skill that these two masters possessed was truly phenomenal....legendary, in fact. I can only begin to imagine what an awesome display of artistry was witnessed that day by those who were fortunate enough to be spectators......regardless of who won or lost, and even moreso if it was a draw.
  16. A question has always been the mark of an intelligent person. It shows that you dont know something, recognize that, and humbly ask for answers so that you might learn and better your self, and others down the line......Questions should always be rewarded with answers....not insults....."The fool sits in silence, and the wise man asks...teach me so I can be wiser"......
  17. Armyboy......Ive trained several styles over 31 years....for the last 20 years, I have been doing bar/niteclub security, and for the last 10 years, bodyguard work. I wanted to state that part of my background, so you would know that my upcoming statement is based on what I consider to be a "level of effectiveness" in my many "real life" encounters. Okinawan Goju Ryu is by far and away, the most effective, most "complete" system I have ever seen. It offers all of the stand up punch and kick aspects of many martial art systems, while at the same time, it contains stand up as well as ground grappling techniques, including locks, and throws. It features both "hard" and "soft", the "soft" allowing you to work "blending and trapping" techniques, which leads into another grappling aspect called Shaolin Chin Na, a system that teaches joint dislocations, bone from muscle separating techniques, etc.... There is also a very extensive amount of internal training that goes along with TRUE Okinawan Goju Ryu. Ive seen and trained in several arts over the years, and Ive had to fight almost every weekend at work. Ive gone up against everything from blind drunken idiots who cant see straight ( which is more like a comedy show than a fight...lol).....up to other seasoned martial artists, as well as just plain old hardcore street fighters, and earned the nickname "The Sandman"..... I would chose Okinawan Goju every time.......just my 2 cents.
  18. "Afterwards I felt like a dishrag that had been run over by a garbage truck"....... LOL...... Man....you aint kiddin' !!!
  19. Awwwww........c'mon
  20. Wow !!!......that can bring a tear to the eye of the most hardened person.......
  21. Cant we all just get along ????? LOL
  22. Im not christian, but I do believe in the higher power......I would be honored to pray for him and his family......my best thoughts and wishes for his recovery.
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