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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. WW......Its really annoying when you ramble on and on like that....cant you make youe posts a lil shorter ?.....lol
  2. WW.....youre correct in your assessment of the physiology, but the idea behind these products is that the user has such low fluid levels in the arthritic areas that these products will help to restore those levels back to the "normal" level.
  3. The general rule of striking of any kind is to envision your target being about 6 inches past where it really is. IE: When I punch you in the stomach...Im thinking of breaking your spine.
  4. Full contact can have a few different meanings......In some cases, it can simply mean that contact is allowed to ALL parts of the body, IE: you can punch to the face, kick to the groin, and so on....most tournaments dont allow punching to the face, or kicking below waist level (usually for insurance purposes). Full contact can also mean that whatever areas are "legal" to hit, you can hit with "full power".....In tournaments, the sanctioning body (rules committee) decides what format the sparring takes, whether it is simply "point sparring", which is light contact, or anything else up to "all out, anything goes".
  5. To quote Metallica....."Sad, but true"
  6. No no.....I encourage all loons to apply
  7. Gotcha DD.....Ill IM with you lata.
  8. Sounds like youre doing fine already......
  9. Jerry Love......as usual....great post
  10. I detest guys like that....using what theyve learned for bad purposes.....I came up against one of them at work one night.....after being kicked out of the bar by one of the other bouncers, he started spouting all kinds of crap about how he was a 3rd dan in TKD, and that he was gonna kick the other bouncers * now that they were outside.....I simply informed him that I have students who have earned their sandan, and if he wanted to "dance"....put the music on and lets go.....he came at me with a double jump kick, I blocked both of them and hit him with a roundhouse kick to the stomach that buckled and dropped him on the sidewalk.....he learned his lesson the hard way......dont be a bully.....you may come up against someone who aint gonna take it.....and give it back twice as hard.....lol.
  11. Just remember.....words, although they can be hurtful.....simply dissapear once they are uttered.....anyone within earshot probably thinks less of the person who's doing the name calling then the person receiving the verbal excuse.....however.....once the instigator choses the more physical approach, and enters into your "circle".....thats a different story.......never swing first......if you notice....all of the katas start with a defensive movment.....you are being trained to "react", not "act".......Once your opponent chooses to go physical.......do what youre trained to do.....defend yourself, and respond with just enough force to ensure that the opponent will have serious second thoughts about "pestering" you again. Im not telling you to beat him into a senseless bloody pile, but give him a bit of a spanking so to speak. Violence is never the real answer, but sometimes its the only language that bullies speak......
  12. No problem IG.......and just for the record.....thats goes for anyone and everyone......some of you know me already......whatever I can do to help......just ask.
  13. Hey all.....just to let anyone know.....I have MSN messenger (amongst others).......Anyone who wishes to can feel free to add me to their "buddy list" so we can chat more easily and frequently. My email addy is sensei_jules@hotmail.com There is an underscore between sensei_jules I welcome anyone and everyone who wants to chat to add me to your buddy list......lets get it on !
  14. Hey Karate gurl......Im a Goju guy......but like Italian guy said.....he just started the same question thread....no biggy......welcome to the forum......lets talk Goju......what lineage do you study ? How long have you been training ?......lets chat......
  15. Cool.....thanks for the language lesson 7 months is a great start......let me know if I can help you in any way......questions, thoughts....whatever......Im here to help
  16. Hey Goombah......how long have you been training in Goju ? PS....hope you dont mind me callin' you Goombah.....thats a good thing over here. Kinda like "Pisan"
  17. Bene bene.....molto bene.....lol......
  18. Youre quite welcome Italian guy I follow the Shoreikan and Shobukan lineages myself.
  19. Chin Na is "seizing and grabbing" techniques. It is Chinese in origin.
  20. Well said Ramymensa......just relax and do your thing Dijita........youll be just fine
  21. Shoreikan is one of the "kans" of Okinawan Goju Ryu, under Sekichi Toguchi. Goju Ryu Has several Okinawan "kans". They are : Shoreikan--Sekichi Toguchi Shobukan--Masanobu Shinjo Meibukan--Meitoku Yagi Shodokan--Seiko Higa Jundokan--Eiichi Miyazato Seibukan--Seiko Fukuchi Kenshi-Kai--Tetsuhiro Hokama
  22. "Deep"...... Yep.......Goju (real Okinawan Goju) has so much depth to it......so many subtle nuances.....so much "going on".....it truly is an extremely "complete" art.....very effective, whether youre talking about "stand up punch and kick", standing grappling, ground grappling.......simply put.......Okinawan Goju Ryu has it all.
  23. Hey June.....welcome I started in 1973 with Kyokushin, and have been lucky enough to experience several arts along the way......youve just entered into the start of a fascinating journey......enjoy it !
  24. Agreed......back in 1996, I took a dual sensei test in both Traditional Okinawan Goju Ryu, and a combined version of Japanese/USA Urban Goju Ryu. After passing the test, I had some very lengthly conversations with some seriously high ranking people on both sides of the fence. My general questions regarded the (what I considered to be) DRASTIC changes and differences between the two systems. I decided from that day on to dedicate my study of Goju Ryu strictly to the Traditional Okinawan (original) version, I have had no regrets, and I havent looked back, simply because, if you want the "best".....stay with the original.
  25. My youngest student was a brand new 4, and my oldest was 76.....just do it.
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