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Everything posted by tufrthanu

  1. This is a time when cloth grabs can come in useful. May I ask if you were sparring with a gi or not? If not about the only thing I can suggest is before trying to get any sort of submissions or locks on that you make sure his body is immobilized so that he is unable to slip out. For instance perhaps you could get to a position where you were laying on top of him on his back so that your weight would keep him from squirming out while you put him into a rear interlocking choke?
  2. Well to be honest with you niel I am suspicious of all Christian or other religious versions of martial arts. God loves everyone!...now to learn this leg break! At some point I would have to think places like that would be like a cult. You may go there and start out taking the martial arts class but eventually they will try and get you to beleive what they beleive...which I'm not into. Also I see they have posted a link to Mac Hammond Ministries...which puts them even further down in my estimation due to the fact that I think Mac is a shyster. No offense to those that worship at his church/tv whatever.
  3. Depends on which belt you are going for and which org. Some smaller places don't charge much at all. My tkd school used to charge about 25 bucks for the lower belts at black belt it was 165. But some places charge 500 dollars for 1st dan. If this is like 60USD for yellow belt I would say that's a little steep and if you decided to do it you should find out what the testing fees are up til black belt.
  4. Ramon is correct...both Aikido and Hapkido come from Aiki Jujutsu..and so share similarities. I personally have always thought that hapkido struck a better balance between offense and defense. Ramon is also correct about the circles. Aikido tends to use large circles whereas hapkido tends to make them as small as possible. Hapkido also uses alot of kicks and hand strikes that Aikido doesn't. As to the kicks it depends on what style of hapkido it is...some of the traditional styles never kick above the waist...my current style uses some but not alot of TKD kicks...and the Sin Moo HKD that I took used some flying kicks that were pretty far out even for TKD. All in all I would say Hapkido is a very brutal art. Kyokushin Kai and Muay Thai can be brutal in practice I suppose but it's the training people are thinking of when they say brutal. Hapkido training is not usually brutal...however the application of the techniques can have devestating consequences.
  5. Because Song Moo Kwan was one of the 5 original Taekwondo schools in korea and I just wondered since you gave that as the name. I currently do Song Moo Kwan TKD...the traditional stuff...its nice.
  6. Ramon do you do Song Moo Kwan hapkido or Song Moo Kwan Taekwondo?
  7. Viskuous are you still posting about this I thought you solved this issue like a month ago.
  8. Hee Il Cho is like 68 kickbox...what I meant was he'd been doing tae kwon do for 45 years.
  9. I get it I will add a few more names though...lets see Gichin Funakoshi...created one of the most popular karate styles. Dan Inosanto...helped bring indonesian arts to light in the west? Actually there were so many influential martial artists its hard to pick just a few.
  10. Congratulations Apprentice! Its Mawashi Geri btw. Did your instructor tell you to train to skip if so you must be doing very well.
  11. Niel if you are referring to Won Ki Kwon that was in New Hope I beleive. I looked at his site once and I also think he might have had his own deal going. He had hapkido forms and everything which are virtually unknown in other forms.
  12. Journal of Asian Martial Arts is supposedly the best...they are a quarterly. You can sometimes find them at Barnes and Noble or Schinder's, however, you may need to go to their website to order. Black Belt Magazine is probably the most widely read. The quality of the magazine itself is good however some of their content can be questionable. For instance articles about people done by their students or from someone selling a new video course. Inside Kung Fu is probably the best Chinese MA magazine out there. It's published by the same people that do Black Belt I beleive. They don't have alot other than that though. Tae Kwon Do Times is probably the sole magazine dedicated to Korean MA. Unfortunately both quality and content are questionable. However they do have good articles from time to time and Jhoon Rhee is a columnist. All of the above magazines are usually available at most book stores.
  13. Most of the websites I've seen list him as being a tkd practitioner for 45 years and an instructor for 40 of those. They are vague as to who promoted him but that is a long time in martial arts. 45 years is the exact time by my calculation it would take to go from first to 9th dan.
  14. My suggestion then is given that you seem to have NO other option. You should teach them Judo which you are very familiar with and mix in several of the BJJ techniques with which you are most familiar. You said you had been doing the white belt stuff for 3 years? I would think you would be fairly competent in most of the techniques by that time. I would just try to avoid the pitfall of teaching stuff you've only seen. Or being drawn into teaching something you dont understand by a wayward question from a student. For instance if they say what do we do if they start to apply a choke. If you don't know or know but only so so its probably better to tell them I'm sorry I hadn't learned how to get out of them when I stopped training. Rather than teaching them something that you only know slightly. But I think if you just stick to the basic white belt stuff which you did for 3 years you should be ok.
  15. That first statement about the spelling is entirely untrue. I have seen japanese ju jitsu spelled: Ju Jitsu, Jujutsu, Jiujitsu and Jiujutsu. Personally I dont think it means anything. The second statement is pretty accurate. Although I would say that Danzan Ryu Jujitsu is a style of Jujitsu...where as Aikijujitsu is a completely different art. Different in that its founder was a different person. Im sure alot of the techniques are similar.
  16. Hmm...well thats a pickle. Forgetting belt color for a second how competent are you at the techniques you know?
  17. Actually that last comment was directed at Karate25 viskuous. If his federation says hes certified to promote for his org then thats all on the up and up. But like you said viskuous it might be a good idea to take your dad with you when you go.
  18. Ronin perhaps your new instructor and your old instructor could work out a deal? One sends over a black belt to teach a groundfighting class once a week and yours sends over a black belt to teach wushu or boxing?
  19. How did he even promote people to 1st dan? Have someone else come in and do it?
  20. Well thats fine if all he wants to teach them is Judo techniques. Otherwise I don't think he should be teaching stuff that he's not supposed to be teaching. For instance I have a bb in TKD and would feel perfectly comfortable teaching newbies that as part of a larger class curriculum. However I wouldn't teach the hapkido yet as I just dont have a large enough grasp of the system to make sure that everything is done properly.
  21. Well I think somewhere in there there is a medium. This guy traditionally wouldn't even be considered qualified to teach hapkido on his own at 1st gup. I'm not much for low dans opening their schools anyway as it shows lack of respect for their art and their instructor and makes it appear as though they just want the money. I have taken hapkido where the main instructors were first dans however they were both still learning from their head instructor who taught classes occassionally...so it wasn't like they were totally doing it on their own. But like I said originally thats why you should bring someone that knows whats going on with you.
  22. Yes sam thats what I mean.
  23. Yeah 2 of those you can discount. Kong being the only one that counts. This guy that posted the first testimonial only trained him for 7 months. I would like to see a testimonial from one of his actual instructors...the one that taught him to 2nd dan for instance. This testimonial also says that Kong was invited to teach at this guys school which could be why hes writing the testimonial. I am being negative here but for a purpose. Testimonials are usually a dime a dozen. If you know anyone that has experience in TKD and preferably HKD also I would take them down to view a class with you. Also see if you can find out who his instructor to 2nd dan was. Hopefully someone else's answers will be more illuminating than mine have been thus far.
  24. Well it could be that he just never got around to testing. I don't know what to say about the association. Alot of associations you can join and they've never even laid eyes on you. I can't find on his site where he has the testimonials listed...perhaps you could give me a link to that. I haven't heard of Ko but perhaps one of the other KF members has.
  25. Hmm...I know i'm not considered a BJJ fan around here BUT...Is the instructor of this new school paying you for your instruction in BJJ? I somehow doubt your old instructor would approve of you teaching the art as a white belt. However, if you asked your old instructor he might be willing to send one of his black belts over to help your new instructor get a class going. Especially if there is chance for financial recompense.
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