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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Deby, Sai and Jack have been working over the past few days to go through all of our existing forums and move topics to more appropriate forums as well as the new forums. This moving is now complete or nearing completion. So, we are proud to launch a few new forums, with some of these being suggested by KarateForums.com users. Art vs. Art Getting Started in the Martial Arts Instructor Central Strategies/Tactics We have also broken these forums up into two specific categories. Enjoy.
  2. Dan Marino hurt his in the mid 90s and he was a different QB after that. Still great, just different.
  3. Ok, I spent the last two housr fixing these graphics, looks very good now.
  4. A lot of the graphics and icons on the site are a little messed up right now, we're working on all of this. So, please don't mind it and we'll have some cool graphics in place within the next week. Thanks.
  5. If it appears a post of two has "disappeared" in the past two days or next two days, don't freak out. We are working on something behind the scenes that should be up by Wednesday. Thanks.
  6. Leaf, Glad you like it. It is possible that the day had elapsed and that it had refreshed and started counting visitors again. (It deletes all recorded visitors every 24 hours).
  7. Hey, Over the last couple of days, I have installed some cool little add ons. Here are some of them: Users Online Today - At the bottom of the main page, you will find an area that will list the users that have visited in that day. Also, this ties in with each user profile, because in each profile it will display the date that the user last visited the site. Better Time Format - In your profile, you can choose the time format that you wish to use by selecting it in a drop down. Search in Forum - In each forum, you will find a search box that will enable you to do a keyword search in that forum. Send Topic to a Friend - At the bottom right of each thread, right below the content, you will see "Email this topic to a friend" by clicking this, you can send a link to that topic to a friend of yours. Quick Reply - Add the botton of each thread, you will see a text box titled "Quick Reply." You can use this to reply to that thread instead of pressing "Post Reply." If you want to format your messages in a fancy way, you will still want to press the Post Reply button, but if you are just typing a quick message, this will make it easier for you. We have also added some small things here and there that are too small to mention, but I am sure you will notice them. Thanks.
  8. Guys, if you can't post the images, just type what it said you were!
  9. My results: http://quiz.sereine.net/img/icq.gif http://quiz.sereine.net/img/aero.gif http://www.thevishal.com/quiz/coke.gif
  10. http://quiz.sereine.net/im/ http://www.sereine.net/quiz/candy/ http://www.thevishal.com/quiz Lets hear the results.
  11. People have left because they have gotten busier or their life has gotten busier. People have left because they say they are "past" the stage of visiting forums. Honestly, some people do get bored with forums. People have left because they had problems. Mental problems. From staff because they couldn't follow guidelines, because they were just plain jerks/idiots. People have left because they broke guidelines or did not respect the staff. And yes, many of these have been banned. That just about says it all.
  12. Yeah, not a bad place. Max poll options is currently 10. You may want to change your sig color. It is a little bright.
  13. http://www.karateforums.com/forums/statistics.php I think the smilie thing is off, but none the less, it works.
  14. I thought a demostration of the BBCode buttons (the buttons above the typing area when you reply and post ) do would be useful to some of you. The "B" button is for bold, it produces: KarateForums.com The "i" button is for italic, it produces: I love KarateForums.com! The "u" button is for underlined text, it produces: Don't we all? The "Quote" button allows you to play text between two tags to be quoted, it produces: The "Code" tag is relatively unused in this forum, but it produces to tags to put code (HTML, PHP, etc.) into. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html dir="ltr"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 eval(targ+".location='"+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+"'"); if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0; } //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript" src="http://www.karateforums.com/images/header/swap_handler.js"></script> <meta name="keywords" content="karate, martial arts, tkd, tae, kwon, do, jiu, jitsu, sport, grappling, techniques, discussion, active, moderated, iFroggy, kickboxing, boxing, sports, jeet, kune, do, jkd, ju, korean, muay, thai, health, fitness, serious, entertainment, training, weapons, chinese"> <meta name="description" content="KarateForums.com is an active and moderated Martial Arts discussion community with many other unique features."></head><body bgcolor="#6e7580" text="#000000" link="#6e7580" vlink="#5493B4"> <link rel="top" href="index.php" title="" /> <link rel="search" href="search.php" title="" /> <link rel="help" href="faq.php" title="" /> <link rel="author" href="memberlist.php" title="" /> <title>KarateForums.com :: Post a new topic</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.karateforums.com/forums/templates/subSilver/subSilver.css" type="text/css"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body {margin: 0} --> </style> The "list" button allows you to create a bulleted list. For more info, visit http://www.karateforums.com/forums/faq.php?mode=bbcode#7 - it produces: Post Reply Repeat The "img" tag allows you to hotlink to remotely hosted images. Example: http://www.ifroggy.com/yankees.gif The "URL" button allows you to create a link. Example: http://www.karateforums.com (However, you can just type a URL in and it will convert itself after posting. ) We also have font colors: [color=darkred]Dark Red[/color] [color=olive]Olive[/color] [color=white]White[/color] Just to name a few. And font sizes. [size=3]Tiny[/size] [size=6]Large[/size] And you can customize the font size by changing the number after the =. Smilies are also considered BBCode, click on one and it will go into your message. Finally, these codes can be used together to create more dynamic text formations, styles, etc. Hope this helped one or two of you.
  15. You'll have to excuse a potentially dumb question, but... How does international shipping work? Lets say I wanted to send a large envelop to Jack over in England. From the USA to England? Do I just slap his address on it and put it out like any other piece of mail? Postage rates? Any info would be great.
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