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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. I have added a small, but nice, new feature. In your profile editor, you can now list the Styles that you study and they will be displayed in your public profile. http://www.karateforums.com/forums/profile.php?mode=editprofile
  2. KickChick, Yes, some of your posts could be articles I imagine. Maybe you want to take them and adapt them to an article format and add a little to them. Kensai, Hmm... maybe. Who is your Sensei? Someone of prominence on an International basis? National basis? How many 2nd Generation Masters are there? You could PM me these details. --- Also, if anyone out there has an idea for an article based on what I have said, please get started. You will need time to write your article, reread it and make it perfect. Thanks for the positive responses thus far.
  3. Generally, there would be no "how often." They can be about anything in the Martial Arts. Some sort of major MA news, an Interview or an editorial of some kind. Generally, news articles would have to be at least 500 words and content articles would need to be more 750-1000 words plus. Words shoudln't be used as a guideline, like "when I get to 750, I am gonna stop." You should get to that minimum and continue in order to create a complete article. Is that specific enough? If anyone has any questions, I would be happy to answer them.
  4. Hey, I want to gauge interest on those that might be interested in producting original, quality content for KarateForums.com. This would be part of an "Articles" section. I want to find out how many people would be interested in doing this and feel able to (most people probably are). Thanks.
  5. In a decent amount of time we will be opening a School Directory, unfortunately, not yet. Sorry.
  6. I spend an average of 6 hours per day online. I visit many sites, a few to mention: http://www.sportsforums.net http://www.phpbbhacks.com/forums http://www.karateforums.com http://www.sitepointforums.com
  7. Most staff members will do more than the average 1,000 post count posters, so I wouldn't be too concerned with posts. When I reach 5k, that will be something, of course.
  8. I can remember very short, not exceptionally clear memories of (probably) 3-4 years old.
  9. It doesn't matter if anyone believes him. It just matters that I say he won.
  10. LeaF - Thought going into it. karatekid1975 - Will change. Thanks.
  11. I have started the page. http://www.karateforums.com/forums/books.php
  12. I didn't see that. This thread is indeed a little old. No need to drag up old dirt now.
  13. Quibbling over spelling and gramatical items (as well as telling people to take "reading lessons") is unneccessary. Keep it on topic and to say it plainly: be nice. Thanks.
  14. My brother (13) is starting to get his braces. He got the top brackets put on the other day. I have also had braces, which have been off for a few years.
  15. KickChick, I do not want paste threads of MA books. Because they are not of the same focus. Those threads were just regular threads where this one people are asked to recommend books that they absolutely stand behind as great books. So, those threads do not do me much good. Appreciate the idea though. Also, this thread isn't for discussing books etc. and etc. It is for simply listing books under the pretences given above. Thank you.
  16. Monkey is correct. White Belt 0 Yellow Belt 25 Orange Belt 100 Blue Belt 250 Green Belt 350 Purple Belt 500 Brown Belt 600 Red Belt 750 Pre-Black Belt 850 Black Belt 1000 Welcome to the site.
  17. Actually, the Survivor rank probably should have come off by now. It was only for a month. Back to the default belt.
  18. Now, which Martial Arts related books do you recommend? Please provide a book and author if you can. Don't worry if a book has already been mentioned. If you recommended it, mention it as well! Just post the books that you REALLY TRULY recommend. This will be for a new feature on the site, we will be listing all of the books as well as who recommends them, so you will be accountable.
  19. hobbitbob, All forums have threads such as this. It is the nature of discussion when two people have opinions that they are not willing to back down on. Doesn't make us any better or any worse. Otherwise, It is best to try to respond to all posts with respect, whether it is returned or not. Possibly respect isn't the right word - decency is another. Anyway, this thread has gone off the mark and now think it is time for a break. Thanks.
  20. It won't be a new forum, but it will be a new page/section none the less. Thanks.
  21. Well, that is part of it, yes. (If you mean the idea I spoke of on the recommended books thread... no, that isn't it. ) Thanks.
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